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File metadata and controls

198 lines (166 loc) · 8.87 KB


A React, Typescript library for quickly intergrate autocomplete search queries with dynamic suggestions.

👉 Demo:

Table of Contents


  • 🔥 Performance optimized
  • 🔥 Typescript supported
  • 🔥 Dynamic typeahead suggestion with passed in callbacks
  • 🔥 Easy to customize


npm install react-structured-search


yarn add react-structured-search


Simple use like this:

import { StructuredSearch } from "@data-platform/structured-search";


  dropdownStyle={{ maxWidth: 400 }}
  onSubmit={(rs) => console.log("Search result:", rs)}

The example mockFilter() function:

// START mock
export const mockAsyncFunction = (
  obj: Option[],
  delay = 500,
): Promise<Option[]> =>
  new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, delay);

export const getRandomNumberBetween = (min: number, max: number) =>
  Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);

export const getRandomItemNameOptions = (name: string) => {
  const result: string[] = [];
  const numItems = getRandomNumberBetween(3, 10); // Generate a random number of items between 0 and 9

  // eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus
  for (let i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
    const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); // Generate a random number between 0 and 999
    result.push(`${name} ${randomNumber}`);

  return => ({ value: x, name: x }) as Option);

const OPERATORS = {
  Equal: {
    value: "=",
    name: "=",
    subText: "is",
  NotEqual: {
    value: "!=",
    name: "!=",
    subText: "is not",

const authorFilter = {
  value: "author",
  name: "Author",
  icon: <UserOutlined />,
  subText: "By an author account or email",
  tagColor: "cyan",
  operators: [OPERATORS.Equal],

export const MOCK_FILTERS: Filter[] = [
    value: "atrributes",
    name: "Attributes",
    icon: <CodeSandboxOutlined />,
    subText: "Search for attributes",
    tagColor: "#F09801",
    disableTooltip: { title: "Disabled because..." },
    children: [
        value: "domain",
        name: "Domain",
        icon: <GlobalOutlined />,
        subText: "In a domain",
        tagColor: "green",
        disableTooltip: { title: "Disabled because Namespace existed" },
        operators: [OPERATORS.Equal, OPERATORS.NotEqual],
        options: async (searchText) =>
    value: "segments",
    name: "Segments",
    icon: <ExperimentOutlined />,
    subText: "Search for segments",
    tagColor: "#F09801",
    disableTooltip: { title: "Disabled because..." },
    children: [
        value: "namespace",
        name: "Namespace",
        icon: <SafetyOutlined />,
        subText: "In a namespace",
        tagColor: "green",
        disableTooltip: { title: "Disabled because Domain existed" },
        operators: [OPERATORS.Equal, OPERATORS.NotEqual],
        options: async (searchText) =>
// END mock


StructuredSearchProps Type Description
filters Filter[] Filters configuration
value StructuredSearchValue[] Current value
defaultValue StructuredSearchValue[] Default value when init
onSubmit (result: StructuredSearchValue[]) => void Handle pressing Enter or submit
onChange (values: string[]) => void Handle changing box values
onBlur FocusEventHandler Handle box lossing focus
onInputKeyDown KeyboardEventHandler Handle box's input keying down
clearAfterSearch boolean Clear the input after pressing Enter or submit
width number or string Width of the search box
height number or string Height of the search box
prefixIcon ReactNode Custom prefix icon
defaultFilterKey string Default added filter after user enters text only ( Filter's values ) AntDesignSelectProps All props of Ant Design's Select component

Filter Type Description
operators Option[] Operators configuration
typeaheadCallback (searchText: string) => Promise<Option[]> API callback when user finish typing search text ( debounced )
tagColor AntDesignTagColorProp Colors supported by Ant Design's Tag component
hasMultiOptions boolean Enable selecting multiple options Option All props of Option type

StructuredSearchValue Type Description
filterKey string Filter key value of a filter tag
operatorKey string Operator value of a filter tag
value string Search value of a filter tag

Option Type Description
value string Value of the option
name string Label of the option
icon ReactNode Icon of the option
subText string Description of the option
optionRender (option: Option) => ReactNode Custom content of the option
hidden (selectedValues: string[]) => boolean; Hide the option, selectedValues is the box's current values
disabled (selectedValues: string[]) => boolean; Disable the option, selectedValues is the box's current values
disableTooltip AntDesignTooltipProps Tooltip of the option when disabled