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File metadata and controls

157 lines (119 loc) · 4.57 KB


Configure your cronjobs in your config/config.exs like this:

config :your_app, YourApp.Scheduler,
  jobs: [
    # Every minute
    {"* * * * *",              {Heartbeat, :send, []}},
    {{:cron, "* * * * *"},     {Heartbeat, :send, []}},
    # Every second
    {{:extended, "* * * * *"}, {Heartbeat, :send, []}},
    # Every 15 minutes
    {"*/15 * * * *",           fn -> System.cmd("rm", ["/tmp/tmp_"]) end},
    # Runs on 18, 20, 22, 0, 2, 4, 6:
    {"0 18-6/2 * * *",         fn -> :mnesia.backup('/var/backup/mnesia') end},
    # Runs every midnight:
    {"@daily",                 {Backup, :backup, []}, state: :inactive}

Persistent Storage

Persistent storage can be used to track jobs and last execution times over restarts.

Note: If a storage is present, the jobs from the configuration will not be loaded to prevent conflicts.

config :your_app, YourApp.Scheduler,
  storage: Quantum.Storage.Implementation

Storage Adapters

Storage implementations must implement the Quantum.Storage behaviour.

The following adapters are supported:

Release managers

( conform / distillery / exrm / edeliver )

Please note that the following config notation is not supported by release managers.

{"* * * * *", fn -> :anonymous_function end}

Named Jobs

You can define named jobs in your config like this:

config :your_app, YourApp.Scheduler,
  jobs: [
    news_letter: [
      schedule: "@weekly",
      task: {Heartbeat, :send, [:arg1]},

Possible options:

  • schedule cron schedule, ex: "@weekly" / "1 * * * *" / {:cron, "1 * * * *"} or {:extended, "1 * * * *"}
  • task function to be performed, ex: {Heartbeat, :send, []} or fn -> :something end
  • run_strategy strategy on how to run tasks inside of cluster, default: %Quantum.RunStrategy.Random{nodes: :cluster}
  • overlap set to false to prevent next job from being executed if previous job is still running, default: true
  • state set to :inactive to deactivate a job or :active to activate it

It is possible to control the behavior of jobs at runtime.

Override default settings

The default job settings can be configured as shown in the example below. So if you have a lot of jobs and do not want to override the default setting in every job, you can set them globally.

config :your_app, YourApp.Scheduler,
  schedule: "* * * * *",
  overlap: false,
  timezone: :utc,
  jobs: [
    # Your cronjobs

Jobs with Second granularity

It is possible to specify jobs with second granularity. To do this the schedule parameter has to be provided with a {:extended, "1 * * * *"} expression.

config :your_app, YourApp.Scheduler,
  jobs: [
    news_letter: [
      schedule: {:extended, "*/2"}, # Runs every two seconds
      task: {Heartbeat, :send, [:arg1]}

GenServer timeout

Sometimes, you may come across GenServer timeout errors esp. when you have too many jobs or high load. The default timeout is 5000. You can override this default by specifying timeout setting in configuration.

config :your_app, YourApp.Scheduler,
  timeout: 30_000

Or if you wish to wait indefinitely:

config :your_app, YourApp.Scheduler,
  timeout: :infinity

Timezone Support

Please note that Quantum uses UTC timezone and not local timezone.

Before changing the timezone you need to install Tzdata and add the following line in your config file.

config :elixir, :time_zone_database, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase

Now you can specify another default timezone, add the following timezone option to your configuration:

config :your_app, YourApp.Scheduler,
  timezone: "America/Chicago",
  jobs: [
    # Your cronjobs

Valid options are :utc or a timezone name such as "America/Chicago". A full list of timezone names can be downloaded from, or at

Timezones can also be configured on a per-job basis. This overrides the default Quantum timezone for a particular job. To set the timezone on a job, use the timezone key when creating the Quantum.Job structure.

  # ...
  timezone: "America/New_York"