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File metadata and controls

2558 lines (1761 loc) · 86.3 KB

Quark Script

Ecosystem for Mobile Security Tools

Innovative & Interactive

The goal of Quark Script aims to provide an innovative way for mobile security researchers to analyze or pentest the targets.

Based on Quark, we integrate decent tools as Quark Script APIs and make them exchange valuable intelligence to each other. This enables security researchers to interact with staged results and perform creative analysis with Quark Script.

Dynamic & Static Analysis

In Quark script, we integrate not only static analysis tools (e.g. Quark itself) but also dynamic analysis tools (e.g. objection).

Re-Usable & Sharable

Once the user creates a Quark script for specific analysis scenario. The script can be used in another targets. Also, the script can be shared to other security researchers. This enables the exchange of knowledges.

More APIs to come

Quark Script is now in a beta version. We'll keep releasing practical APIs and analysis scenarios.


In this tutorial, we will learn how to install and run Quark Script with a very easy example.
We show how to detect CWE-798 in ovaa.apk.

Step 1: Environments Requirements

  • Quark Script requires Python 3.8 or above.

Step 2: Install Quark Engine

You can install Quark Engine by running:

$ pip3 install quark-engine

Step 3: Prepare Quark Script, Detection Rule and the Sample File

  1. Get the CWE-798 Quark Script and the detection rule here.
  2. Get the sampe file (ovaa.apk) here.
  3. Put the script, detection rule, and sample file in the same directory.
  4. Edit accordingly to the file names:
SAMPLE_PATH = "ovaa.apk"
RULE_PATH = "findSecretKeySpec.json"

Now you are ready to run the script!

Step 4: Run the script

$ python3

You should now see the detection result in the terminal.

Found hard-coded AES key 49u5gh249gh24985ghf429gh4ch8f23f

Introduce of Quark Script APIs

findMethodInAPK(samplePath, targetMethod)

  • Description: Find the target method in APK
  • params:
    1. samplePath: Target file
    2. targetMethod: A python list contains class name, method name, and descriptor of target method
  • return: Python list contains caller method instance of target method

checkMethodCalls(samplePath, targetMethod, checkMethods)

  • Description: Check any of the specific methods shown in the target method.
  • params:
    1. samplePath: target file
    2. targetMethod: python list contains the class name, method name, and descriptor of the target method or a Method Object
    3. checkMethods: python list contains the class name, method name, and descriptor of the target method
  • return: bool that indicates if the specific methods are called or defined within a target method or not


  • Description: Making detection rule a rule instance
  • params: Path of a single Quark rule
  • return: Quark rule instance

runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

  • Description: Given detection rule and target sample, this instance runs the basic Quark analysis.
  • params:
    1. SAMPLE_PATH: Target file
    2. ruleInstance: Quark rule object
  • return: quarkResult instance


  • Description: List that stores instances of detected behavior in different part of the target file.
  • params: none
  • return: detected behavior instance


  • Description: Get all strings inside the target APK file.
  • params: none
  • return: python list containing all strings inside the target APK file.


  • Description: Check if the argument is hardcoded into the APK.
  • params:
    1. argument: string value that is passed in when a method is invoked
  • return: True/False

quarkResultInstance.findMethodInCaller(callerMethod, targetMethod)

  • Description: Find target method in caller method.
  • params:
    1. callerMethod: python list contains class name, method name and descriptor of caller method.
    2. targetMethod: python list contains class name, method name and descriptor of target method.
  • return: python list contains target method instances.


  • Description: Show the name of the first key API called in this behavior.
  • params: none
  • return: API name


  • Description: Show the name of the second key API called in this behavior.
  • params: none
  • return: API name

behaviorInstance.hasString(pattern, isRegex)

  • Description: Check if the arguments of the two APIs contain the string.
  • params:
    1. pattern: string that may appear in the arguments
    2. isRegex: consider the string as a regular expression if True, defaults to False
  • return: the matched string


  • Description: Check if the behavior contains urls.
  • params: none
  • return: python list containing all detected urls.


  • Description: Find method who calls this behavior (API1 & API2).
  • params: none
  • return: method instance


  • Description: Get parameter values that API1 sends to API2 in the behavior.
  • params: none
  • return: python list containing parameter values.


  • Description: Check if there are any arguments from the target method.
  • params:
    1. targetMethod: python list contains class name, method name, and descriptor of target method
  • return: True/False


  • Description: Get the methods which the arguments in API2 has passed through.
  • params: none
  • return: python list containing method instances


  • Description: Find out who call this method.
  • params: none
  • return: python list containing caller methods.


  • Description: Find out who this method called.
  • params: none
  • return: python list containing tuples (callee methods, index).


  • Description: Get arguments from method.
  • params: none
  • return: python list containing arguments.


  • Description: Find all superclasses of this method object.
  • params: none
  • return: Python list contains all superclass names of this method.


  • Description: Create an instance for Objection (dynamic analysis tool).
  • params: Monitoring IP:port
  • return: objection instance

objInstance.hookMethod(method, watchArgs, watchBacktrace, watchRet)

  • Description: Hook the target method with Objection.
  • params:
    1. method: the tagrget API. (type: str or method instance)
    2. watchArgs: Return Args information if True. (type: boolean)
    3. watchBacktrace: Return backtrace information if True. (type: boolean)
    4. watchRet: Return the return information of the target API if True. (type: boolean)
  • return: none

runFridaHook(apkPackageName, targetMethod, methodParamTypes, secondToWait)

  • Description: Track calls to the specified method for given seconds.
  • params:
    1. apkPackageName: the package name of the target APP
    2. targetMethod: the target API
    3. methodParamTypes: string that holds the parameters used by the target API
    4. secondToWait: seconds to wait for method calls, defaults to 10
  • return: FridaResult instance


  • Description: Check the decrypted value of the input string.
  • params:
    1. inputString: string to be checked
  • return: the decrypted value


  • Description: Get activities from the manifest of target sample.
  • params:
    1. samplePath: the file path of target sample
  • return: python list containing activities


  • Description: Check if the activity has an intent-filter.
  • params: none
  • return: True/False


  • Description: Check if the activity set android:exported=true.
  • params: none
  • return: True/False


  • Description: Get receivers from a target sample.
  • params:
    1. samplePath: target sample
  • return: python list containing receivers


  • Description: Check if the receiver has an intent-filter.
  • params: none
  • return: True/False


  • Description: Check if the receiver is exported.
  • params: none
  • return: True/False


  • Description: Get the application element from the manifest file of the target sample.
  • params:
    1. samplePath: the file path of the target sample
  • return: the application element of the target sample


  • Description: Check if the application element sets android:debuggable=true.
  • params: none
  • return: True/False

Analyzing real case (InstaStealer) using Quark Script

Quark Script that dynamic hooks the method containing urls

The scenario is simple! We'd like to dynamic hooking the methods in the malware that contains urls. We can use APIs above to write Quark Script.

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule
from quark.script.objection import Objection

SAMPLE_PATH = "6f032.apk"
RULE_PATH = "00211.json"

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for behaviorInstance in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:
    detectedUrl = behaviorInstance.hasUrl()

    if detectedUrl:
        print(f"\nDetected Behavior -> {ruleInstance.crime}")
        print(f"\nDetected Url -> {detectedUrl}")

        method = behaviorInstance.methodCaller
        print(f"\nThe detected behavior was called by -> {method.fullName}")

        print("\nAttempt to hook the method:")
        obj = Objection("")

        print(f"\tHook -> {method.fullName}")

        for methodCaller in method.getXrefFrom():
            print(f"\tHook -> {methodCaller.fullName}")

        for methodCallee, _ in method.getXrefTo():
            print(f"\tHook -> {methodCallee.fullName}")

print("\nSee the hook results in Objection's terminal.")


Please make sure you have the dynamic analysis environment ready before executing the script.

  1. Objection installed and running. Check the guideline here.
  2. Android Virtual Machine with frida installed. Check the guideline here.
  3. Or a rooted Android Device (Google Pixel 6) with frida installed. Check the root guideline here, frida install guideline is the same with Android Virtual Machine.

Quark Script Result

Logs on the Objection terminal (hooking)

Method (callComponentMethod) with urls is detected triggered!

Detect CWE-798 in Android Application

This scenario seeks to find hard-coded credentials in the APK file.

CWE-798 Use of Hard-coded Credentials

We analyze the definition of CWE-798 and identify its characteristics.

See CWE-798 for more details.

Code of CWE-798 in ovaa.apk

We use the ovaa.apk sample to explain the vulnerability code of CWE-798.

Quark Scipt:

Let's use the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we design a detection rule findSecretKeySpec.json to spot on behavior using the method SecretKeySpec. Then, we get all the parameter values that are input to this method. From the returned parameter values, we identify it as an AES key and parse the key out of the values. Finally, we dump all strings in the APK file and check if the AES key is in the strings. If the answer is YES, BINGO!!! We find hard-coded credentials in the APK file.

import re
from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule

SAMPLE_PATH = "ovaa.apk"
RULE_PATH = "findSecretKeySpec.json"

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for secretKeySpec in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:

    allStrings = quarkResult.getAllStrings()

    firstParam = secretKeySpec.getParamValues()[1]
    secondParam = secretKeySpec.getParamValues()[2]

    if secondParam == "AES":
        AESKey = re.findall(r'\((.*?)\)', firstParam)[1]

    if AESKey in allStrings:
        print(f"Found hard-coded {secondParam} key {AESKey}")

Quark Rule: findSecretKeySpec.json

    "crime": "Detect APK using SecretKeySpec.",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "descriptor": "()[B",
            "class": "Ljava/lang/String;",
            "method": "getBytes"
            "descriptor": "([BLjava/lang/String;)V",
            "class": "Ljavax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec;",
            "method": "<init>"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

$ python3

Found hard-coded AES key 49u5gh249gh24985ghf429gh4ch8f23f

Detect CWE-94 in Android Application

This scenario seeks to find code injection in the APK file.

CWE-94 Improper Control of Generation of Code

We analyze the definition of CWE-94 and identify its characteristics.

See CWE-94 for more details.

Code of CWE-94 in ovaa.apk

We use the ovaa.apk sample to explain the vulnerability code of CWE-94.

Quark Scipt:

Let's use the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we design a detection rule loadExternalCode.json to spot on behavior using the method createPackageContext. Then, we find the caller method that calls the createPackageContext. Finally, we check if the method checkSignatures is called in the caller method for verification.

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule

SAMPLE_PATH = "ovaa.apk"
RULE_PATH = "loadExternalCode.json"

targetMethod = [

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for ldExternalCode in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:

    callerMethod = [

    if not quarkResult.findMethodInCaller(callerMethod, targetMethod):
        print(f"Method: {targetMethod[1]} not found!")
        print(f"CWE-94 is detected in {SAMPLE_PATH}")

Quark Rule: loadExternalCode.json

    "crime": "Load external code from other APK.",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String;I)Landroid/content/Context;",
            "class": "",
            "method": "createPackageContext"
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;",
            "class": "Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;",
            "method": "loadClass"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

$ python3
Method: checkSignatures not found!
CWE-94 is detected in ovaa.apk

Detect CWE-921 in Android Application

This scenario seeks to find the unsecured storage mechanism of sensitive data in the APK file.

CWE-921 Storage of Sensitive Data in a Mechanism without Access Control

We analyze the definition of CWE-921 and identify its characteristics.

See CWE-921 for more details.

Code of CWE-921 in ovaa.apk

We use the ovaa.apk sample to explain the vulnerability code of CWE-921.

Quark Scipt:

Let’s use the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we design a detection rule checkFileExistence.json to spot on behavior that checks if a file exists on a given storage mechanism. Then, we use API behaviorInstance.getParamValues() to get the file path. Finally, CWE-921 is found if the file path contains the keyword sdcard.

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule

SAMPLE_PATH = "ovaa.apk"
RULE_PATH = "checkFileExistence.json"

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for existingFile in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:
    filePath = existingFile.getParamValues()[0]
    if "sdcard" in filePath:
        print(f"This file is stored inside the SDcard\n")
        print(f"CWE-921 is detected in {SAMPLE_PATH}.")

Quark Rule: checkFileExistence.json

    "crime": "Check file existence",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String;)V",
            "class": "Ljava/io/File;",
            "method": "<init>"
            "descriptor": "()Z",
            "class": "Ljava/io/File;",
            "method": "exists"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

$ python3
This file is stored inside the SDcard

CWE-921 is detected in ovaa.apk.

Detect CWE-312 in Android Application

This scenario seeks to find cleartext storage of sensitive data in the APK file.

CWE-312 Cleartext Storage of Sensitive Information

We analyze the definition of CWE-312 and identify its characteristics.

See CWE-312 for more details.

Code of CWE-312 in ovaa.apk

We use the ovaa.apk sample to explain the vulnerability code of CWE-312.

Quark Script

Let's use the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we designed a Frida script agent.js to hook the target method and get the arguments when the target method is called. Then we hook the method putString to catch its arguments. Finally, we use Ciphey to check if the arguments are encrypted.

from quark.script.frida import runFridaHook
from quark.script.ciphey import checkClearText

APP_PACKAGE_NAME = "oversecured.ovaa"

                "SharedPreferencesImpl$EditorImpl." \

METHOD_PARAM_TYPE = "java.lang.String," \

fridaResult = runFridaHook(APP_PACKAGE_NAME,
                           secondToWait = 10)

for putString in fridaResult.behaviorOccurList:

    firstParam, secondParam = putString.getParamValues()

    if firstParam in ["email", "password"] and \
        secondParam == checkClearText(secondParam):

        print(f'The CWE-312 vulnerability is found. The cleartext is "{secondParam}"')

Frida Script: agent.js

// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
// This file is part of Quark-Engine -
// See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission.

/*global Java, send, rpc*/
function replaceMethodImplementation(targetMethod, classAndMethodName, methodParamTypes, returnType) {
    targetMethod.implementation = function () {
        let callEvent = {
            "type": "CallCaptured",
            "identifier": [classAndMethodName, methodParamTypes, returnType],
            "paramValues": []

        for (const arg of arguments) {
            callEvent["paramValues"].push((arg || "(none)").toString());

        return targetMethod.apply(this, arguments);

function watchMethodCall(classAndMethodName, methodParamTypes) {
    if (classAndMethodName == null || methodParamTypes == null) {

    const indexOfLastSeparator = classAndMethodName.lastIndexOf(".");
    const classNamePattern = classAndMethodName.substring(0, indexOfLastSeparator);
    const methodNamePattern = classAndMethodName.substring(indexOfLastSeparator + 1);

    Java.perform(() => {
        const classOfTargetMethod = Java.use(classNamePattern);
        const possibleMethods = classOfTargetMethod[`${methodNamePattern}`];

        if (typeof possibleMethods === "undefined") {
            const failedToWatchEvent = {
                "type": "FailedToWatch",
                "identifier": [classAndMethodName, methodParamTypes]


        possibleMethods.overloads.filter((possibleMethod) => {
            const paramTypesOfPossibleMethod = => argument.className);
            return paramTypesOfPossibleMethod.join(",") === methodParamTypes;
        }).forEach((matchedMethod) => {
            const retType =;
            replaceMethodImplementation(matchedMethod, classAndMethodName, methodParamTypes, retType);


rpc.exports["watchMethodCall"] = (classAndMethodName, methodParamTypes) => watchMethodCall(classAndMethodName, methodParamTypes);

Quark Script Result

$ python3
The CWE-312 vulnerability is found. The cleartext is ""
The CWE-312 vulnerability is found. The cleartext is "password"

Detect CWE-89 in Android Application

This scenario seeks to find SQL injection in the APK file.

CWE-89 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command

We analyze the definition of CWE-89 and identify its characteristics.

See CWE-89 for more details.

Code of CWE-89 in androgoat.apk

We use the androgoat.apk sample to explain the vulnerability code of CWE-89.

Quark Scipt:

Let's use the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we design a detection rule executeSQLCommand.json to spot on behavior using SQL command Execution. Then, we use API behaviorInstance.isArgFromMethod(targetMethod) to check if append uses the value of getText as the argument. If yes, we confirmed that the SQL command string is built from user input, which will cause CWE-89 vulnerability.

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule

SAMPLE_PATH = "AndroGoat.apk"
RULE_PATH = "executeSQLCommand.json"

targetMethod = [
    "Landroid/widget/EditText;", # class name
    "getText",                   # method name
    "()Landroid/text/Editable;", # descriptor

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for sqlCommandExecution in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:
    if sqlCommandExecution.isArgFromMethod(
        print(f"CWE-89 is detected in {SAMPLE_PATH}")

Quark Rule: executeSQLCommand.json

    "crime": "Execute SQL Command",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "class": "Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;",
            "method": "append",
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;"
            "class": "Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;",
            "method": "rawQuery",
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String; [Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/database/Cursor;"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

$ python3

CWE-89 is detected in AndroGoat.apk

Detect CWE-926 in Android Application

This scenario seeks to find Improper Export of Android Application Components in the APK file.

CWE-926 Improper Export of Android Application Components

We analyze the definition of CWE-926 and identify its characteristics.

See CWE-926 for more details.

Code of CWE-926 in dvba.apk

We use the dvba.apk sample to explain the vulnerability code of CWE-926.

Quark Scipt:

Let's use the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we use Quark API getActivities(samplePath) to get all activity data in the manifest. Then, we use activityInstance.hasIntentFilter() to check if the activities have intent-filter. Also, we use activityInstance.isExported() to check if the activities set the attribute android:exported=true. If both are true, then the APK exports the component for use by other applications. That may cause CWE-926 vulnerabilities.

from quark.script import *

SAMPLE_PATH = "dvba.apk"

for activityInstance in getActivities(SAMPLE_PATH):

    if activityInstance.hasIntentFilter() and activityInstance.isExported():
        print(f"CWE-926 is detected in the activity, {activityInstance}")

Quark Script Result

$ python3
CWE-926 is detected in the activity,
CWE-926 is detected in the activity,

Detect CWE-749 in Android Application

This scenario seeks to find exposed methods or functions in the APK file.

CWE-749 Exposed Dangerous Method or Function

We analyze the definition of CWE-749 and identify its characteristics.

See CWE-749 for more details.

Code of CWE-749 in MSTG-Android-Java.apk

We use the MSTG-Android-Java.apk sample to explain the vulnerability code of CWE-749.

Quark Script

Let’s use the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we design a detection rule configureJsExecution.json to spot on behavior using the method setJavascriptEnabled. Then, we use the API methodInstance.getArguments() to check if it enables JavaScript execution on websites. Finally, we look for calls to the method addJavaScriptInterface in the caller method. If yes, the APK exposes dangerous methods or functions to websites. That causes CWE-749 vulnerability.

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule

SAMPLE_PATH = "MSTG-Android-Java.apk"
RULE_PATH = "configureJsExecution.json"

targetMethod = [
    "(Ljava/lang/Object; Ljava/lang/String;)V"

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for configureJsExecution in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:

    caller = configureJsExecution.methodCaller
    secondAPI = configureJsExecution.secondAPI

    enableJS = secondAPI.getArguments()[1]
    exposeAPI = quarkResult.findMethodInCaller(caller, targetMethod)

    if enableJS and exposeAPI:
        print(f"CWE-749 is detected in method, {caller.fullName}")

Quark Rule: configureJsExecution.json

    "crime": "Configure JavaScript execution on websites",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "class": "Landroid/webkit/WebView;",
            "method": "getSettings",
            "descriptor": "()Landroid/webkit/WebSettings;"
            "class": "Landroid/webkit/WebSettings;",
            "method": "setJavaScriptEnabled",
            "descriptor": "(Z)V"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

$ python3

CWE-749 is detected in method, Lsg/vp/owasp_mobile/OMTG_Android/OMTG_ENV_005_WebView_Remote; onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
CWE-749 is detected in method, Lsg/vp/owasp_mobile/OMTG_Android/OMTG_ENV_005_WebView_Local; onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V

Detect CWE-532 in Android Application (dvba.apk)

This scenario seeks to find insertion of sensitive information into Log file. See CWE-532 for more details.

Let’s use this APK and the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we use API findMethodInAPK(samplePath, targetMethod) to locate log.d method. Then we use API methodInstance.getArguments() to get the argument that input to log.d. Finally, we use some keywords such as "token", "password", and "decrypt" to check if arguments include sensitive data. If the answer is YES, that may cause sensitive data leakage into log file.

You can use your own keywords in the keywords list to detect sensitive data.

Quark Script

from quark.script import findMethodInAPK

SAMPLE_PATH = "dvba.apk"
    "Landroid/util/Log;",                       # class name
    "d",                                        # method name
    "(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String;)I"  # descriptor

methodsFound = findMethodInAPK(SAMPLE_PATH, TARGET_METHOD)

for debugLogger in methodsFound:
    arguments = debugLogger.getArguments()

    for keyword in CREDENTIAL_KEYWORDS:
        if keyword in arguments[1]:
            print(f"CWE-532 is detected in method, {debugLogger.fullName}")

Quark Script Result

$ python
CWE-532 is detected in method, Lcom/google/firebase/auth/FirebaseAuth; d (Lc/c/b/h/o;)V

Detect CWE-780 in Android Application

This scenario seeks to find the use of the RSA algorithm without Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) in the APK file.

CWE-780 Use of RSA Algorithm without OAEP

We analyze the definition of CWE-780 and identify its characteristics.

See CWE-780 for more details.

Code of CWE-780 in dvba.apk

We use the MSTG-Android-Java.apk sample to explain the vulnerability code of CWE-780.

Quark Scipt:

Let’s use the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

We first design a detection rule useOfCryptographicAlgo.json to spot on behavior using the cryptographic algorithm. Then, we use API behaviorInstance.hasString(pattern, isRegex) to filter behaviors using the RSA algorithm. Finally, we use the same API to check if the algorithm runs without the OAEP scheme. If the answer is YES, the plaintext is predictable.

from quark.script import Rule, runQuarkAnalysis

SAMPLE_PATH = "MSTG-Android-Java.apk"
RULE_PATH = "useOfCryptographicAlgo.json"

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for useCryptographicAlgo in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:
    methodCaller = useCryptographicAlgo.methodCaller

    if useCryptographicAlgo.hasString(
    ) and not useCryptographicAlgo.hasString("OAEP"):
        print(f"CWE-780 is detected in method, {methodCaller.fullName}")

Quark Rule: useOfCryptographicAlgo.json

    "crime": "Use of cryptographic algorithm",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "class": "Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;",
            "method": "getInstance",
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher"
            "class": "Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;",
            "method": "init",
            "descriptor": "(I Ljava/security/Key;)V"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

$ python3
CWE-780 is detected in method, Lsg/vp/owasp_mobile/OMTG_Android/OMTG_DATAST_001_KeyStore; encryptString (Ljava/lang/String;)V

Detect CWE-319 in Android Application (ovaa.apk)

This scenario seeks to find the Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information. See CWE-319 for more details.

Let's use this APK and the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability. This sample uses the package Retrofit to request Web APIs, but the APIs use cleartext protocols.

We first design a detection rule setRetrofitBaseUrl.json to spot on behavior that sets the base URL of the Retrofit instance. Then, we loop through a custom list of cleartext protocol schemes and use API behaviorInstance.hasString(pattern, isRegex) to filter arguments that are URL strings with cleartext protocol.

Quark Script

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule

SAMPLE_PATH = "./ovaa.apk"
RULE_PATH = "setRetrofitBaseUrl.json"


ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for setRetrofitBaseUrl in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:
    for protocol in PROTOCOL_KEYWORDS:

        regexRule = f"{protocol}://[0-9A-Za-z./-]+"
        cleartextProtocolUrl = setRetrofitBaseUrl.hasString(regexRule, True)

        if cleartextProtocolUrl:
            print(f"CWE-319 detected!")
            print(f"Here are the found URLs with cleartext protocol:")

Quark Rule: setRetrofitBaseUrl.json

    "crime": "Set Retrofit Base Url",
    "permission": [],
            "descriptor": "()V",
            "class": "Lretrofit2/Retrofit$Builder;",
            "method": "<init>"
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String;)Lretrofit2/Retrofit$Builder;",
            "class": "Lretrofit2/Retrofit$Builder;",
            "method": "baseUrl"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

$ python3
CWE-319 detected!
Here are the found URLs with cleartext protocol:

Detect CWE-327 in Android Application

This scenario seeks to find Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm in the APK file.

CWE-327 Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm

We analyze the definition of CWE-327 and identify its characteristics.

See CWE-327 for more details.

Code of CWE-327 in InjuredAndroid.apk

We use the InjuredAndroid.apk sample to explain the vulnerability code of CWE-327.

Quark Script

Let’s use the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

We first design a detection rule useOfCryptographicAlgo.json to spot on behavior using cryptographic algorithms. Then, we use API behaviorInstance.hasString(pattern, isRegex) with a list to check if the algorithm is risky. If YES, that may cause the exposure of sensitive data.

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule

SAMPLE_PATH = "InjuredAndroid.apk"
RULE_PATH = "useOfCryptographicAlgo.json"


ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for useCryptoAlgo in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:

    caller = useCryptoAlgo.methodCaller

    for algo in WEAK_ALGORITHMS:
        if useCryptoAlgo.hasString(algo):
            print(f"CWE-327 is detected in method, {caller.fullName}")

Quark Rule: useOfCryptographicAlgo.json

    "crime": "Use of cryptographic algorithm",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "class": "Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;",
            "method": "getInstance",
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher"
            "class": "Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;",
            "method": "init",
            "descriptor": "(I Ljava/security/Key;)V"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

$ python3
CWE-327 is detected in method, Lb3nac/injuredandroid/k; b (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
CWE-327 is detected in method, Lb3nac/injuredandroid/k; a (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;

Detect CWE-20 in Android Application (diva.apk)

This scenario seeks to find Improper Input Validation. See CWE-20 for more details.

Let’s use this APK and the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we design a detection rule openUrlThatUserInput.json to spot the behavior of opening the URL that the user input. Then we use API behaviorInstance.getMethodsInArgs() to get a list of methods which the URL in loadUrl has passed through. Finally, we check if any validation method is in the list. If No, the APK does not validate user input. That causes CWE-20 vulnerability.

Quark Script

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule

SAMPLE_PATH = "diva.apk"
RULE_PATH = "openUrlThatUserInput.json"

rule = Rule(RULE_PATH)
result = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, rule)

VALIDATE_METHODS = ["contains", "indexOf", "matches", "replaceAll"]

for openUrl in result.behaviorOccurList:
    calledMethods = openUrl.getMethodsInArgs()

    if not any(method.methodName in VALIDATE_METHODS
            for method in calledMethods):
        print("CWE-20 is detected in method,"

Quark Rule: inputWebUrl.json

    "crime": "Open the Url that user input",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "class": "Landroid/widget/EditText;",
            "method": "getText",
            "descriptor": "()Landroid/text/Editable;"
            "class": "Landroid/webkit/WebView;",
            "method": "loadUrl",
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

$ python
CWE-20 is detected in method, Ljakhar/aseem/diva/InputValidation2URISchemeActivity; get (Landroid/view/View;)V

Detect CWE-79 in Android Application (Vuldroid.apk)

This scenario seeks to find Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting'). See CWE-79 for more details.

Let’s use this APK and the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we design a detection rule loadUrlFromIntent.json to spot on behavior loading URL from intent data to the WebView instance.

Next, we use API quarkResultInstance.findMethodInCaller(callerMethod, targetMethod) and methodInstance.getArguments() to check if the Javascript execution is enabled in the WebView. Finally, we check if there are any famous XSS filters. If NO, that may cause CWE-79 vulnerability.

Quark Script

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule

SAMPLE_PATH = "Vuldroid.apk"
RULE_PATH = "loadUrlFromIntent.json"

        "Lorg/owasp/esapi/Validator;", "getValidSafeHTML",
        "(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; I Z)Ljava/lang/String;",
        "Lorg/owasp/esapi/Encoder;", "encodeForHTML",
        "Lorg/owasp/esapi/Encoder;", "encodeForJavaScript",
        "Lorg/owasp/html/PolicyFactory;", "sanitize",

targetMethod = [
    "Landroid/webkit/WebSettings;", "setJavaScriptEnabled",

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for loadUrl in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:
    caller = loadUrl.methodCaller
    setJS = quarkResult.findMethodInCaller(caller, targetMethod)
    enableJS = []

    if setJS:
        enableJS = setJS[0].getArguments()[1]

    if enableJS:
        XSSFiltersInCaller = [
            filterAPI for filterAPI in XSS_FILTERS if quarkResult.findMethodInCaller(caller, filterAPI)

        if not XSSFiltersInCaller:
            print(f"CWE-79 is detected in method, {caller.fullName}")

Quark Rule: loadUrlFromIntent.json

    "crime": "Load URL from intent to WebView",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "descriptor": "()Landroid/net/Uri;",
            "class": "Landroid/content/Intent;",
            "method": "getData"
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String;)V",
            "class": "Landroid/webkit/WebView;",
            "method": "loadUrl"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

$ python
CWE-79 is detected in method, Lcom/vuldroid/application/ForgetPassword; onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V

Detect CWE-328 in Android Application (allsafe.apk)

This scenario seeks to find the use of weak Hash. See CWE-328 for more details.

Let’s use allsafe.apk, ovaa.apk, AndroGoat.apk, MSTG-Android-Java.apk, and the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we use API findMethodInAPK(samplePath, targetMethod) to find the method MessageDigest.getInstance() or SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(). Next, we use API methodInstance.getArguments() with a list to check if the method uses weak hashing algorithms. If YES, that causes CWE-328 vulnerability.

Quark Script

from quark.script import findMethodInAPK

        "./allsafe.apk",   "./ovaa.apk",
        "./AndroGoat.apk", "./MSTG-Android-Java.apk"

        "Ljava/security/MessageDigest;", "getInstance",
        "Ljavax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory;", "getInstance",

    "MD2",  "MD4",  "MD5",      "PANAMA",
    "SHA0", "SHA1", "HAVAL128", "RIPEMD128"

for samplePath in SAMPLE_PATHS:

    methodsFound = []
    for target in TARGET_METHODS:
        methodsFound += findMethodInAPK(samplePath, target)

    for setHashAlgo in methodsFound:
        algoName = setHashAlgo.getArguments()[0].replace("-", "")

        if any(keyword in algoName for keyword in HASH_KEYWORDS):
            print(f"CWE-328 is detected in {samplePath},\n\t"
                  f"and it occurs in method, {setHashAlgo.fullName}")

Quark Script Result

$ python
CWE-328 is detected in ./allsafe.apk,
        and it occurs in method, Linfosecadventures/allsafe/challenges/SQLInjection; md5 (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
CWE-328 is detected in ./allsafe.apk,
        and it occurs in method, Lcom/google/firebase/database/core/utilities/Utilities; sha1HexDigest (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
CWE-328 is detected in ./allsafe.apk,
        and it occurs in method, Linfosecadventures/allsafe/challenges/WeakCryptography; md5Hash (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
CWE-328 is detected in ./ovaa.apk,
        and it occurs in method, Lorg/apache/commons/io/input/MessageDigestCalculatingInputStream; <init> (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V
CWE-328 is detected in ./AndroGoat.apk,
        and it occurs in method, Lowasp/sat/agoat/AccessControlIssue1Activity; hashPIN (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
CWE-328 is detected in ./MSTG-Android-Java.apk,
    and it occurs in method, Lcom/tozny/crypto/android/AesCbcWithIntegrity; generateKeyFromPassword (Ljava/lang/String; [B)Lcom/tozny/crypto/android/AesCbcWithIntegrity$SecretKeys;

Detect CWE-295 in Android Application (InsecureShop.apk)

This scenario seeks to find Improper Certificate Validation. See CWE-295 for more details.

Let’s use this APK and the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

We use the API findMethodInAPK(samplePath, targetMethod) to locate all SslErrorHandler.proceed methods. Then we need to identify whether if the method WebViewClient.onReceivedSslError is overrode by its subclass.

First, we check and make sure that the is onReceivedSslError, and the methodInstance.descriptor is (Landroid/webkit/WebView; Landroid/webkit/SslErrorHandler; Landroid/net/http/SslError;)V.

Then we use the API methodInstance.findSuperclassHierarchy() to get the superclass list of the method’s caller class.

Finally, we check the Landroid/webkit/WebViewClient; is on the superclass list. If YES, that may cause CWE-295 vulnerability.

Quark Script

from quark.script import findMethodInAPK

SAMPLE_PATH = "insecureShop.apk"
    "Landroid/webkit/SslErrorHandler;",  # class name
    "proceed",                           # method name
    "()V"                                # descriptor
    "Landroid/webkit/WebViewClient;",    # class name
    "onReceivedSslError",                # method name
    "(Landroid/webkit/WebView;"+" Landroid/webkit/SslErrorHandler;" + \
    " Landroid/net/http/SslError;)V"     # descriptor

for sslProceedCaller in findMethodInAPK(SAMPLE_PATH, TARGET_METHOD):
    if ( == OVERRIDE_METHOD[1] and
    sslProceedCaller.descriptor == OVERRIDE_METHOD[2] and
    OVERRIDE_METHOD[0] in sslProceedCaller.findSuperclassHierarchy()):
        print(f"CWE-295 is detected in method, {sslProceedCaller.fullName}")

Quark Script Result

$ python3
Requested API level 29 is larger than maximum we have, returning API level 28 instead.
CWE-295 is detected in method, Lcom/insecureshop/util/CustomWebViewClient; onReceivedSslError (Landroid/webkit/WebView; Landroid/webkit/SslErrorHandler; Landroid/net/http/SslError;)V

Detect CWE-489 in Android Application (allsafe.apk, AndroGoat.apk, pivaa.apk)

This scenario seeks to find active debug code in the APK file. See CWE-489 for more details.

Let's use allsafe.apk, AndroGoat.apk, pivaa.apk, and the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we use Quark API getApplication(samplePath) to get the application element in the manifest file. Then we use applicationInstance.isDebuggable() to check if the application element sets the attribute android:debuggable to true. If Yes, that causes CWE-489 vulnerabilities.

Quark Script

The Quark Script below uses allsafe.apk to demonstrate. You can change the SAMPLE_PATH to the sample you want to detect. For example, SAMPLE_PATH = AndroGoat.apk or SAMPLE_PATH = pivaa.apk.

from quark.script import getApplication

SAMPLE_PATH = "allsafe.apk"

if getApplication(SAMPLE_PATH).isDebuggable():
    print(f"CWE-489 is detected in {SAMPLE_PATH}.")

Quark Script Result

  • allsafe.apk
$ python3
CWE-489 is detected in allsafe.apk
  • AndroGoat.apk
$ python3
CWE-489 is detected in AndroGoat.apk
  • pivaa.apk
$ python3
CWE-489 is detected in pivaa.apk

Detect CWE-22 in Android Application

This scenario seeks to find the improper limitation of a pathname to a restricted directory (‘Path Traversal’).

CWE-22: Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')

We analyze the definition of CWE-22 and identify its characteristics.

See CWE-22 for more details.

Code of CWE-22 in ovaa.apk

We use the ovaa.apk sample to explain the vulnerability code of CWE-22.

Quark Scipt:

Let’s use the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we design a detection rule accessFileInExternalDir.json to spot behavior accessing a file in an external directory.

Next, we use API methodInstance.getArguments() to get the argument for the file path and use quarkResultInstance.isHardcoded(argument) to check if the argument is hardcoded into the APK. If No, the argument is from external input.

Finally, we use Quark API quarkResultInstance.findMethodInCaller(callerMethod, targetMethod) to check if there are any APIs in the caller method for string matching. If NO, the APK does not neutralize special elements within the argument, which may cause CWE-22 vulnerability.

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule

SAMPLE_PATH = "ovaa.apk"
RULE_PATH = "accessFileInExternalDir.json"

    ["Ljava/lang/String;", "contains", "(Ljava/lang/CharSequence)Z"],
    ["Ljava/lang/String;", "indexOf", "(I)I"],
    ["Ljava/lang/String;", "indexOf", "(Ljava/lang/String;)I"],
    ["Ljava/lang/String;", "matches", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z"],

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for accessExternalDir in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:
    filePath = accessExternalDir.secondAPI.getArguments()[2]

    if quarkResult.isHardcoded(filePath):

    caller = accessExternalDir.methodCaller
    strMatchingAPIs = [
        for api in STRING_MATCHING_API
        if quarkResult.findMethodInCaller(caller, api)

    if not strMatchingAPIs:
        print(f"CWE-22 is detected in method, {caller.fullName}")

Quark Rule: accessFileInExternalDir.json

    "crime": "Access a file in an external directory",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "class": "Landroid/os/Environment;",
            "method": "getExternalStorageDirectory",
            "descriptor": "()Ljava/io/File;"
            "class": "Ljava/io/File;",
            "method": "<init>",
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/lang/String;)V"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

$ python3
CWE-22 is detected in method, Loversecured/ovaa/providers/TheftOverwriteProvider; openFile (Landroid/net/Uri; Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;

Detect CWE-23 in Android Application

This scenario aims to demonstrate the detection of the Relative Path Traversal vulnerability.

CWE-23: Relative Path Traversal

We analyze the definition of CWE-23 and identify its characteristics.

See CWE-23 for more details.

Code of CWE-23 in ovaa.apk

We use the ovaa.apk sample to explain the vulnerability code of CWE-23.

Quark Scipt:

Let’s use the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

To begin with, we will create a detection rule named accessFileInExternalDir.json to identify behavior that accesses a file in an external directory.

Next, we will use methodInstance.getArguments() to retrieve the file path argument and check whether it belongs to the APK or not. If it does not belong to the APK, the argument is likely from external input.

Finally, we will use the Quark API quarkResultInstance.findMethodInCaller(callerMethod, targetMethod) to search for any APIs in the caller method that match the string. If no matching API is found, the APK does not neutralize special elements within the argument, which may result in the CWE-23 vulnerability. If a matching API is found, we will verify whether it neutralizes the Relative Path string or not. If it does not neutralize it, the APK may still be vulnerable to CWE-23.

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule

SAMPLE_PATH = "ovaa.apk"
RULE_PATH = "accessFileInExternalDir.json"

    ["Ljava/lang/String;", "contains", "(Ljava/lang/CharSequence)Z"],
    ["Ljava/lang/String;", "indexOf", "(I)I"],
    ["Ljava/lang/String;", "indexOf", "(Ljava/lang/String;)I"],
    ["Ljava/lang/String;", "matches", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z"],
        "(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;",

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for accessExternalDir in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:

    filePath = accessExternalDir.secondAPI.getArguments()[2]

    if quarkResult.isHardcoded(filePath):

    caller = accessExternalDir.methodCaller
    strMatchingAPIs = [
        for api in STRING_MATCHING_API
        if quarkResult.findMethodInCaller(caller, api)

    if not strMatchingAPIs:
        print(f"CWE-23 is detected in method, {caller.fullName}")
    elif strMatchingAPIs.find("..") == -1:
        print(f"CWE-23 is detected in method, {caller.fullName}")

Quark Rule: accessFileInExternalDir.json

    "crime": "Access a file in an external directory",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "class": "Landroid/os/Environment;",
            "method": "getExternalStorageDirectory",
            "descriptor": "()Ljava/io/File;"
            "class": "Ljava/io/File;",
            "method": "<init>",
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/lang/String;)V"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

$ python3
CWE-23 is detected in method, Loversecured/ovaa/providers/TheftOverwriteProvider; openFile (Landroid/net/Uri; Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;

Detect CWE-338 in Android Application (pivva.apk)

This scenario aims to detect the Use of Cryptographically Weak Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG). See CWE-338 for more details.

To demonstrate how the Quark script finds this vulnerability, we will use the pivaa APK file and the above APIs.

First, we design a detection rule useMethodOfPRNG.json to spot on behavior that uses Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG). Then, we use API methodInstance.getXrefFrom() to get the caller method of PRNG. Finally, we use some keywords such as “token”, “password”, and “encrypt” to check if the PRNG is for credential usage.

Quark Script

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule

SAMPLE_PATH = "pivaa.apk"
RULE_PATH = "useMethodOfPRNG.json"

    "token", "password", "account", "encrypt",
    "authentication", "authorization", "id", "key"

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for usePRNGMethod in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:
    for prngCaller in usePRNGMethod.methodCaller.getXrefFrom():
        if any(keyword in prngCaller.fullName
            for keyword in CREDENTIAL_KEYWORDS):
            print("CWE-338 is detected in %s" % prngCaller.fullName)


    "crime": "Use method of PRNG",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "class": "Ljava/util/Random;",
            "method": "<init>",
            "descriptor": "()V"
            "class": "Ljava/util/Random;",
            "method": "nextInt",
            "descriptor": "(I)I"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

$ python
CWE-338 is detected in Lcom/htbridge/pivaa/EncryptionActivity$2; onClick (Landroid/view/View;)V

Detect CWE-88 in Android Application (Vuldroid.apk)

This scenario seeks to find Improper Neutralization of Argument Delimiters in a Command. See CWE-88 for more details.

Let‘s use this APK and the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we design a detection rule ExternalStringsCommands.json to spot on behavior using external strings as commands.

Next, we use Quark API behaviorInstance.getMethodsInArgs() to get the methods that passed the external command.

Then we check if the method neutralizes any special elements found in the argument.

If the neutralization is not complete, then it may cause CWE-88 vulnerability.

Quark Script

The Quark Script below uses Vuldroid.apk to demonstrate.

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule, findMethodInAPK

SAMPLE_PATH = "Vuldroid.apk"
RULE_PATH = "ExternalStringCommand.json"

    ("Ljava/lang/String;", "contains", "(Ljava/lang/CharSequence)Z"),
    ("Ljava/lang/String;", "indexOf", "(I)I"),
    ("Ljava/lang/String;", "indexOf", "(Ljava/lang/String;)I"),
    ("Ljava/lang/String;", "matches", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z"),
    ("Ljava/lang/String;", "replaceAll", "(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;")

delimeter = "-"

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for ExternalStringCommand in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:

    methodCalled = set()
    caller = ExternalStringCommand.methodCaller

    for method in ExternalStringCommand.getMethodsInArgs():

    if methodCalled.intersection(STRING_MATCHING_API) and not ExternalStringCommand.hasString(delimeter):
        print(f"CWE-88 is detected in method, {caller.fullName}")

Quark Rule: ExternalStringCommand.json

    "crime": "Using external strings as commands",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "class": "Landroid/content/Intent;",
            "method": "getStringExtra",
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String"
            "class": "Ljava/lang/Runtime;",
            "method": "exec",
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Process"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

  • Vuldroid.apk
$ python3
CWE-88 is detected in method, Lcom/vuldroid/application/RootDetection; onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V

Detect CWE-925 in Android Application (InsecureBankv2, AndroGoat)

This scenario seeks to find Improper Verification of Intent by Broadcast Receiver. See CWE-925 for more details.

Let’s use both two of apks (InsecureBankv2 and AndroGoat) to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

In the first step, we use the getReceivers(samplePath) API to find all Receiver components defined in the Android application. Then, we exclude any receivers that are not exported.

In the second step, our goal is to verify the intent action is properly validated in each receiver which is identified in the previous step. To do this, we use the checkMethodCalls(samplePath, targetMethod, checkMethods) function.

Finally, if any receiver’s onReceive method exhibits improper verification on the intent action, it could indicate a potential CWE-925 vulnerability.

Quark Script

from quark.script import checkMethodCalls, getReceivers

SAMPLE_PATHS = ["AndroGoat.apk", "InsecureBankv2.apk"]

    '(Landroid/content/Context; Landroid/content/Intent;)V'

    ['Landroid/content/Intent;', 'getAction', '()Ljava/lang/String;']

for filepath in SAMPLE_PATHS:
    receivers = getReceivers(filepath)
    for receiver in receivers:
        if receiver.isExported():
            className = "L"+str(receiver).replace('.', '/')+';'
            TARGET_METHOD[0] = className
            if not checkMethodCalls(filepath, TARGET_METHOD, CHECK_METHODS):
                print(f"CWE-925 is detected in method, {className}")

Quark Script Result

$ python
CWE-925 is detected in method, Lowasp/sat/agoat/ShowDataReceiver;
CWE-925 is detected in method, Lcom/android/insecurebankv2/MyBroadCastReceiver;

Detect CWE-73 in Android Application (ovaa.apk)

This scenario seeks to find External Control of File Name or Path. See CWE-73 for more details.

First, we design a detection rule accessFileInExternalDir.json to spot behavior accessing a file in an external directory.

Second, we use API methodInstance.getArguments() to get the argument for the file path and use quarkResultInstance.isHardcoded(argument) to check if the argument is hardcoded into the APK. If No, the argument is from external input.

Finally, we use Quark API quarkResultInstance.findMethodInCaller(callerMethod, targetMethod) to check if any APIs in the caller method for opening files. If YES, the APK performs file operations using external input as a path, which may cause CWE-73 vulnerability.

Quark Script

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule

SAMPLE_PATH = "ovaa.apk"
RULE_PATH = "accessFileInExternalDir.json"

    "Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;",                   # Class name
    "open",                                                # Method name
    "(Ljava/io/File; I)Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;"  # Descriptor

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for accessExternalDir in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:
    filePath = accessExternalDir.secondAPI.getArguments()[2]

    if quarkResult.isHardcoded(filePath):

    caller = accessExternalDir.methodCaller
    result = quarkResult.findMethodInCaller(caller, OPEN_FILE_API)

    if result:
        print("CWE-73 is detected in method, ", caller.fullName)

Quark Rule: accessFileInExternalDir.json

    "crime": "Access a file in an external directory",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "class": "Landroid/os/Environment;",
            "method": "getExternalStorageDirectory",
            "descriptor": "()Ljava/io/File;"
            "class": "Ljava/io/File;",
            "method": "<init>",
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/lang/String;)V"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

$ python
CWE-73 is detected in method, Loversecured/ovaa/providers/TheftOverwriteProvider; openFile (Landroid/net/Uri; Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;

Detect CWE-78 in Android Application (Vuldroid.apk)

This scenario seeks to find Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command. See CWE-78 for more details.

Let‘s use this APK and the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we design a detection rule ExternalStringsCommands.json to spot on behavior using external strings as commands.

Next, we use Quark API behaviorInstance.getMethodsInArgs() to get the methods that passed the external command.

Then we check if the method neutralizes any special elements found in the argument.

If the neutralization is not complete, then it may cause CWE-78 vulnerability.

Quark Script

The Quark Script below uses Vuldroid.apk to demonstrate.

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule, findMethodInAPK

SAMPLE_PATH = "Vuldroid.apk"
RULE_PATH = "ExternalStringCommand.json"

    ("Ljava/lang/String;", "contains", "(Ljava/lang/CharSequence)Z"),
    ("Ljava/lang/String;", "indexOf", "(I)I"),
    ("Ljava/lang/String;", "indexOf", "(Ljava/lang/String;)I"),
    ("Ljava/lang/String;", "matches", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z"),
    ("Ljava/lang/String;", "replaceAll", "(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;")

specialElementsPattern = r"[ ;|,>`]+"

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for ExternalStringCommand in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:

    methodCalled = set()
    caller = ExternalStringCommand.methodCaller

    for method in ExternalStringCommand.getMethodsInArgs():

    if methodCalled.intersection(STRING_MATCHING_API) and not ExternalStringCommand.hasString(specialElementsPattern):
        print(f"CWE-78 is detected in method, {caller.fullName}")

Quark Rule: ExternalStringCommand.json

    "crime": "Using external strings as commands",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "class": "Landroid/content/Intent;",
            "method": "getStringExtra",
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String"
            "class": "Ljava/lang/Runtime;",
            "method": "exec",
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Process"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

  • Vuldroid.apk
$ python3
CWE-78 is detected in method, Lcom/vuldroid/application/RootDetection; onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V

Detect CWE-117 in Android Application (allsafe.apk)

This scenario seeks to find Improper Output Neutralization for Logs. See CWE-117 for more details.

Let’s use this APK and the above APIs to show how the Quark script finds this vulnerability.

First, we design a detection rule writeContentToLog.json to spot on behavior using the method that writes contents to the log file.

Then, we use behaviorInstance.getParamValues() to get all parameter values of this method. And we check if these parameters contain keywords of APIs for neutralization, such as escape, replace, format, and setFilter.

If the answer is YES, that may result in secret context leakage into the log file, or the attacker may perform log forging attacks.

Quark Script

from quark.script import Rule, runQuarkAnalysis

SAMPLE_PATH = "allsafe.apk"
RULE_PATH = "writeContentToLog.json"
KEYWORDS_FOR_NEUTRALIZATION = ["escape", "replace", "format", "setFilter"]

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)
quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for logOutputBehavior in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:

    secondAPIParam = logOutputBehavior.getParamValues()[1]

    isKeywordFound = False
        if keyword in secondAPIParam:
            isKeywordFound = True

    if not isKeywordFound:
        print(f"CWE-117 is detected in method,{secondAPIParam}")

Quark Rule: writeContentToLog.json

    "crime": "Write contents to the log.",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "descriptor": "()Landroid/text/Editable;",
            "class": "Lcom/google/android/material/textfield/TextInputEditText;",
            "method": "getText"
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I",
            "class": "Landroid/util/Log;",
            "method": "d"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

  • allsafe.apk
$ python
CWE-117 is detected in method,Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;(Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;(Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;(Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;-><init>()V(Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;),User entered secret: ),Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;(Lcom/google/android/material/textfield/TextInputEditText;->getText()Landroid/text/Editable;())))

Detect CWE-940 in Android Application (ovaa,Vuldroid)

This scenario aims to demonstrate the detection of the Improper Verification of Source of a Communication Channel vulnerability using ovaa.apk and Vuldroid.apk. See CWE-940 for more details.

To begin with, we create a detection rule named LoadUrlFromIntent.json to identify behavior that loads url from intent data to the WebView.

Next, we retrieve the methods that pass the url. Following this, we check if these methods are only for setting intent, such as findViewById, getStringExtra, or getIntent.

If NO, it could imply that the APK uses communication channels without proper verification, which may cause CWE-940 vulnerability.

Quark Script

The Quark Script below uses ovaa.apk to demonstrate. You can change the SAMPLE_PATH to the sample you want to detect. For example, SAMPLE_PATH = "Vuldroid.apk".

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule

SAMPLE_PATH = "ovaa.apk"
RULE_PATH = "LoadUrlFromIntent.json"


ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)

quarkResult = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

for behaviorInstance in quarkResult.behaviorOccurList:
    methodsInArgs = behaviorInstance.getMethodsInArgs()

    verifiedMethodCandidates = []

    for method in methodsInArgs:
        if method.methodName not in INTENT_SETTING_METHODS:

    if verifiedMethodCandidates == []:
        caller = behaviorInstance.methodCaller.fullName
        print(f"cwe-940 is detected in method, {caller}")

Quark Rule: LoadUrlFromIntent.json

    "crime": "Load Url from Intent and open WebView",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [
            "class": "Landroid/content/Intent;",
            "method": "getStringExtra",
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String"
            "class": "Landroid/webkit/WebView;",
            "method": "loadUrl",
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"
    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

  • ovaa.apk
$ python
CWE-940 is detected in method, Loversecured/ovaa/activities/WebViewActivity; onCreate (Landroid/os/Bundle;)V

Detect CWE-502 in Android Application (pivaa)

This scenario aims to demonstrate the detection of the Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability using pivaa.apk. See CWE-502 for more details.

To begin with, we create a detection rule named deserializeData.json to identify behaviors that deserialize data.

Next, we retrieve the methods that interact with the deserialization API. Following this, we check if there are any of the APIs in verificationApis are found.

If NO, it could imply that the APK deserializes the untrusted data, potentially leading to a CWE-502 vulnerability.

Quark Script

The Quark Script below uses pivaa.apk to demonstrate.

from quark.script import runQuarkAnalysis, Rule

SAMPLE_PATH = "pivaa.apk"
RULE_PATH = "deserializeData.json"

ruleInstance = Rule(RULE_PATH)

result = runQuarkAnalysis(SAMPLE_PATH, ruleInstance)

verificationApis = [
    ["Ljava/io/File;", "exists", "()Z"],
    ["Landroid/content/Context;", "getFilesDir", "()Ljava/io/File;"],
    ["Landroid/content/Context;", "getExternalFilesDir", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/io/File;"],
    ["Landroid/os/Environment;", "getExternalStorageDirectory", "()Ljava/io/File;"],

for dataDeserialization in result.behaviorOccurList:
    apis = dataDeserialization.getMethodsInArgs()
    caller = dataDeserialization.methodCaller
    if not any(api in apis for api in verificationApis):
        print(f"CWE-502 is detected in method, {caller.fullName}")

Quark Rule: deserializeData.json

    "crime": "Deserialize Data",
    "permission": [],
    "api": [

            "class": "Ljava/io/ObjectInputStream;",
            "method": "<init>",
            "descriptor": "(Ljava/io/InputStream;)V"
            "class": "Ljava/io/ObjectInputStream;",
            "method": "readObject",
            "descriptor": "()Ljava/lang/Object;"

    "score": 1,
    "label": []

Quark Script Result

  • pivaa.apk
$ python
CWE-502 is detected in method, Lcom/htbridge/pivaa/handlers/ObjectSerialization; loadObject ()V

Detect CWE-601 in Android Application (ovaa)

This scenario aims to demonstrate the detection of the URL Redirection to Untrusted Site vulnerability using ovaa.apk. See CWE-601 for more details.

To detect the vulnerability, we need to find all the caller methods of startActivity API that might receive external input without input validation. The findMethodInAPK function finds all the methods in the APK file that call the startActivity API. Next, we examine the arguments of each method to discover the methods receiving external input. If a method receives external input but lacks of proper input validation, the CWE-601 vulnerability is identified.

Quark Script

The Quark Script below uses ovaa.apk to demonstrate.

from quark.script import findMethodInAPK

SAMPLE_PATH = 'ovaa.apk'

# This is the input for findMethodInAPK, formatted as class name, method name, descriptor
TARGET_METHOD = ["", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V"]

Due to varying descriptors and classes in smali code from different APIs,
our search relies solely on the consistent method names.



redirectMethods = findMethodInAPK(SAMPLE_PATH, TARGET_METHOD)

for redirectMethod in redirectMethods:
arguments = redirectMethod.getArguments()
for argument in arguments:
    if any(externalInput in argument for
        externalInput in EXTERNAL_INPUT_METHODS):
        if not any(filterMethod in argument for
            filterMethod in INPUT_FILTER_METHODS):
            print(f"CWE-601 is detected in {redirectMethod.fullName}")

Quark Script Result

  • ovaa.apk
$ python
CWE-601 is detected in Loversecured/ovaa/activities/DeeplinkActivity; processDeeplink (Landroid/net/Uri;)V
CWE-601 is detected in Loversecured/ovaa/activities/LoginActivity; onLoginFinished ()V