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Quarkus - OpenAPI Generator

All Contributors

Quarkus' extension for generation of Rest Clients based on OpenAPI specification files.

This extension is based on the OpenAPI Generator Tool. Please consider donation to help them maintain the project:

Getting Started

Add the following dependency to your project's pom.xml file:


You will also need to add or update the quarkus-maven-plugin configuration with the following:

⚠️ You probably already have this configuration if you created your application with the Quarkus Starter. That said, double-check your configuration not to add another plugin entry.


Now, create the directory openapi under your src/main/ path and add the OpenAPI spec files there. We support JSON, YAML and YML extensions.

To fine tune the configuration for each spec file, add the following entry to your properties file. In this example, our spec file is in src/main/openapi/petstore.json:


If a base package name is not provided, it will be used the default org.openapi.quarkus.<filename>. For example, org.openapi.quarkus.petstore_json.

Note that the file name is used to configure the specific information for each spec. We follow the Environment Variables Mapping Rules from Microprofile Configuration to sanitize the OpenAPI spec filename. Any non-alphabetic characters are replaced by an underscore _.

Run mvn compile to generate your classes in target/generated-sources/open-api-json path:

- org.acme.openapi
  - api
  - model

You can reference the generated code in your project, for example:

import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.acme.openapi.api.PetApi;
import org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.jaxrs.PathParam;

public class PetResource {

    PetApi petApi;

See the integration-tests module for more information of how to use this extension. Please be advised that the extension is on experimental, early development stage.


Since the most part of this extension work is in the generate-code execution phase of the Quarkus Maven's plugin, the log configuration must be set in the Maven context. When building your project, add to the mvn command to reduce the internal generator noise. For example:

 mvn clean install

For more information, see the Maven Logging Configuration guide.

Authentication Support

If your OpenAPI specification file has securitySchemes definitions, the inner generator will register ClientRequestFilters providers for you to implement the given authentication mechanism.

To provide the credentials for your application, you can use the Quarkus configuration support. The configuration key is composed using this pattern: [base_package].security.auth.[security_scheme_name]/[auth_property_name]. Where:

  • base_package is the package name you gave when configuring the code generation using quarkus.openapi-generator.codegen.spec.[open_api_file].base-package property.
  • security_scheme_name is the name of the security scheme object definition in the OpenAPI file. Given the following excerpt, we have api_key and basic_auth security schemes:
  "securitySchemes": {
    "api_key": {
      "type": "apiKey",
      "name": "api_key",
      "in": "header"
    "basic_auth": {
      "type": "http",
      "scheme": "basic"
  • auth_property_name varies depending on the authentication provider. For example, for Basic Authentication we have username and password. See the following sections for more details.

Tip: on production environments you will likely to use HashiCorp Vault or Kubernetes Secrets to provide this information for your application.

Basic HTTP Authentication

For Basic HTTP Authentication, these are the supported configurations:

Description Property Key Example
Username credentials [base_package].security.auth.[security_scheme_name]/username
Password credentials [base_package].security.auth.[security_scheme_name]/password

Bearer Token Authentication

For Bearer Token Authentication, these are the supported configurations:

Description Property Key Example
Bearer Token [base_package].security.auth.[security_scheme_name]/bearer-token

API Key Authentication

Similarly to bearer token, the API Key Authentication also has the token entry key property:

Description Property Key Example
API Key [base_package].security.auth.[security_scheme_name]/api-key

The API Key scheme has an additional property that requires where to add the API key in the request token: header, cookie or query. The inner provider takes care of that for you.

OAuth2 Authentication

The extension will generate a ClientRequestFilter capable to add OAuth2 authentication capabilities to the OpenAPI operations that require it. This means that you can use the Quarkus OIDC Extension configuration to define your authentication flow.

The generated code creates a named OidcClient for each Security Scheme listed in the OpenAPI specification files. For example, given the following excerpt:

  "securitySchemes": {
    "petstore_auth": {
      "type": "oauth2",
      "flows": {
        "implicit": {
          "authorizationUrl": "",
          "scopes": {
            "write:pets": "modify pets in your account",
            "read:pets": "read your pets"

You can configure this OidcClient as:


The configuration suffix quarkus.oidc-client.petstore_auth is exclusive for the schema defined in the specification file.

For this to work you must add Quarkus OIDC Client Filter Extension to your project:


Circuit Breaker

You can define the CircuitBreaker annotation from MicroProfile Fault Tolerance in your generated classes by setting the desired configuration in

Let's say you have the following OpenAPI definition:

  "openapi": "3.0.3",
  "info": {
    "title": "Simple API",
    "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
  "paths": {
    "/hello": {
      "get": {
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "description": "OK",
            "content": {
              "text/plain": {
                "schema": {
                  "type": "string"
    "/bye": {
      "get": {
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "description": "OK",
            "content": {
              "text/plain": {
                "schema": {
                  "type": "string"

And you want to configure Circuit Breaker for the /bye endpoint, you can do it in the following way:

Add the SmallRye Fault Tolerance extension to your project's pom.xml file:


Assuming your Open API spec file is in src/main/openapi/simple-openapi.json, add the following configuration to your file:

# Note that the file name must have only alphabetic characters or underscores (_).
# Enables the CircuitBreaker extension for the byeGet method from the DefaultApi class

With the above configuration, your Rest Clients will be created with a code similar to the following:

package org.acme.openapi.simple.api;


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;


@RegisterRestClient(baseUri="http://localhost/", configKey="simple-openapi_json")
public interface DefaultApi {

    @Produces({ "text/plain" })
    public String byeGet();

    @Produces({ "text/plain" })
    public String helloGet();


You can also override the default Circuit Breaker configuration by setting the properties in just as you would for a traditional MicroProfile application:


Sending multipart/form-data

The rest client also supports request with mime-type multipart/form-data and, if the schema of the request body is known in advance, we can also automatically generate the models of the request bodies.

You need to add the following additional dependency to your pom.xml:


For any multipart/form-data operation a model for the request body will be generated. Each part of the multipart is a field in this model that is annotated with the following annotations:

  •, where the value parameter denotes the part name,
  • org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.providers.multipart.PartType, where the parameter is the jax-rs MediaType of the part (see below for details),
  • and, if the part contains a file, org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.providers.multipart.PartFilename, with a generated default parameter that will be passed as the fileName sub-header in the Content-Disposition header of the part.

For example, the model for a request that requires a file, a string and some complex object will look like this:

public class MultipartBody {

    public File file;

    public String fileName;

    public MyComplexObject someObject;

Then in the client the org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.providers.multipart.MultipartForm annotation is added in front of the multipart parameter:

@RegisterRestClient(baseUri="", configKey="multipart-requests_yml")
public interface MultipartService {

    String sendMultipartData(@MultipartForm MultipartBody data);


See Quarkus - Using the REST Client with Multipart and the RESTEasy JAX-RS specifications for more details.

Importantly, if some multipart request bodies contain complex objects (i.e. non-primitives) you need to explicitly tell the Open API generator to create models for these objects by setting the skip-form-model property corresponding to your spec in the to false, e.g.:


Default content-types according to OpenAPI Specification and limitations

The OAS 3.0 specifies the following default content-types for a multipart:

  • If the property is a primitive, or an array of primitive values, the default Content-Type is text/plain
  • If the property is complex, or an array of complex values, the default Content-Type is application/json
  • If the property is a type: string with format: binary or format: base64 (aka a file object), the default Content-Type is application/octet-stream

A different content-type may be defined in your api spec, but this is not yet supported in the code generation. Also, this "annotation-oriented" approach of RestEasy (i.e. using @MultipartForm to denote the multipart body parameter) does not seem to properly support the unmarshalling of arrays of the same type (e.g. array of files), in these cases it uses Content-Type equal to application/json.

Generating files via InputStream

Having the files in the src/main/openapi directory will generate the REST stubs by default. Alternatively, you can implement the io.quarkiverse.openapi.generator.deployment.codegen.OpenApiSpecInputProvider interface to provide a list of InputStreams of OpenAPI specification files. This is useful in scenarios where you want to dynamically generate the client code without having the target spec file saved locally in your project.

See the example implementation here

Skip Deprecated Attributes in Model classes

The domain objects are classes generated in the model package. These classes might have deprecated attributes in the Open API specification file. By default, these attributes are generated. You can fine tune this behavior if the deprecated attributes should not be generated.

Use the property key <base_package>.model.MyClass.generateDeprecated=false to disable the deprecated attributes in the given model. For example

Known Limitations

These are the known limitations of this pre-release version:

  • No reactive support
  • Only Jackson support

We will work in the next few releases to address these use cases, until there please provide feedback for the current state of this extension. We also love contributions ❤️

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Ricardo Zanini

💻 🚧

Helber Belmiro

📖 💻

George Gastaldi

💻 🚇

Rishi Kumar Ray


Francisco Javier Tirado Sarti




This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!