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File metadata and controls

151 lines (114 loc) · 8.63 KB


Quetzal: an API to manage data files and their associated metadata.

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 0.5.0
  • Package version: 0.5.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

You can install directly with pip:

pip install quetzal-openapi-client

Then import the package:

import quetzal.openapi_client 

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import quetzal.openapi_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

configuration = quetzal.openapi_client.Configuration()
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
configuration.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
configuration.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = quetzal.openapi_client.AuthenticationApi(quetzal.openapi_client.ApiClient(configuration))

    # Login.
    api_response = api_instance.auth_get_token()
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AuthenticationApi->auth_get_token: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AuthenticationApi auth_get_token POST /auth/token Login.
AuthenticationApi auth_logout POST /auth/logout Logout.
DataApi public_file_details GET /data/files/{uuid} Fetch public file.
DataApi public_file_fetch GET /data/files/ List public files.
DataApi public_query_create POST /data/queries/ Prepare a query.
DataApi public_query_details GET /data/queries/{qid} Query details.
DataApi public_query_fetch GET /data/queries/ List public queries.
DataApi workspace_commit PUT /data/workspaces/{wid}/commit Commit workspace.
DataApi workspace_create POST /data/workspaces/ Create workspace.
DataApi workspace_delete DELETE /data/workspaces/{wid} Delete workspace.
DataApi workspace_details GET /data/workspaces/{wid} Workspace details.
DataApi workspace_fetch GET /data/workspaces/ List workspaces.
DataApi workspace_file_create POST /data/workspaces/{wid}/files/ Upload file.
DataApi workspace_file_delete DELETE /data/workspaces/{wid}/files/{uuid} Delete a file.
DataApi workspace_file_details GET /data/workspaces/{wid}/files/{uuid} Fetch file.
DataApi workspace_file_fetch GET /data/workspaces/{wid}/files/ List files.
DataApi workspace_file_set_metadata PUT /data/workspaces/{wid}/files/{uuid} Rewrite metadata.
DataApi workspace_file_update_metadata PATCH /data/workspaces/{wid}/files/{uuid} Modify metadata.
DataApi workspace_query_create POST /data/workspaces/{wid}/queries/ Prepare a query.
DataApi workspace_query_details GET /data/workspaces/{wid}/queries/{qid} Query details.
DataApi workspace_query_fetch GET /data/workspaces/{wid}/queries/ List queries.
DataApi workspace_scan PUT /data/workspaces/{wid}/scan Update views.
PublicApi public_file_details GET /data/files/{uuid} Fetch public file.
PublicApi public_file_fetch GET /data/files/ List public files.
PublicApi public_query_create POST /data/queries/ Prepare a query.
PublicApi public_query_fetch GET /data/queries/ List public queries.
PublicApi workspace_create POST /data/workspaces/ Create workspace.
PublicApi workspace_fetch GET /data/workspaces/ List workspaces.
QueryApi public_query_create POST /data/queries/ Prepare a query.
QueryApi public_query_details GET /data/queries/{qid} Query details.
QueryApi public_query_fetch GET /data/queries/ List public queries.
QueryApi workspace_query_create POST /data/workspaces/{wid}/queries/ Prepare a query.
QueryApi workspace_query_details GET /data/workspaces/{wid}/queries/{qid} Query details.
QueryApi workspace_query_fetch GET /data/workspaces/{wid}/queries/ List queries.
WorkspaceApi public_query_details GET /data/queries/{qid} Query details.
WorkspaceApi workspace_commit PUT /data/workspaces/{wid}/commit Commit workspace.
WorkspaceApi workspace_details GET /data/workspaces/{wid} Workspace details.
WorkspaceApi workspace_fetch GET /data/workspaces/ List workspaces.
WorkspaceApi workspace_file_create POST /data/workspaces/{wid}/files/ Upload file.
WorkspaceApi workspace_file_delete DELETE /data/workspaces/{wid}/files/{uuid} Delete a file.
WorkspaceApi workspace_file_details GET /data/workspaces/{wid}/files/{uuid} Fetch file.
WorkspaceApi workspace_file_fetch GET /data/workspaces/{wid}/files/ List files.
WorkspaceApi workspace_file_set_metadata PUT /data/workspaces/{wid}/files/{uuid} Rewrite metadata.
WorkspaceApi workspace_file_update_metadata PATCH /data/workspaces/{wid}/files/{uuid} Modify metadata.
WorkspaceApi workspace_query_create POST /data/workspaces/{wid}/queries/ Prepare a query.
WorkspaceApi workspace_query_details GET /data/workspaces/{wid}/queries/{qid} Query details.
WorkspaceApi workspace_query_fetch GET /data/workspaces/{wid}/queries/ List queries.
WorkspaceApi workspace_scan PUT /data/workspaces/{wid}/scan Update views.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: X-API-KEY
  • Location: HTTP header


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


  • Type: Bearer authentication
