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Quickfeed Deployments

Technology Stack

QuickFeed depends on these technologies.

Recommended VSCode Plugins

  • Go
  • vscode-proto3
  • Code Spell Checker
  • ESLint
  • markdownlint
  • Better Comments
  • GitLens
  • Git History Diff
  • SQLite


Install Tools for Deployment

This assumes you have homebrew installed. For systems without homebrew, the make target should list well-known packages available on most Unix distributions.

% make brew

Install Tools for Development

The development tools are only needed for development, and can be skipped for deployment only. To install:

% make devtools

The devtools make target will download and install various Protobuf compiler plugins and the grpcweb Protobuf compiler.

Preparing the Environment for Production

QuickFeed expects the .env file to contain certain environment variables. For a first-time installation, the .env file is not present. However, the .env-template file contains a template that can be copied and modified. The following is an example production deployment on the domain.

# GitHub App IDs and secrets for deployment

# QuickFeed server domain or ip

# Comma-separated list of domains to allow certificates for.
# IP addresses and "localhost" are *not* valid.
# The whitelist must also include the domain defined above.

You only need to edit the $DOMAIN environment variable to point to your public landing page for QuickFeed. The QuickFeed App installation process will guide you through the rest of the setup, setting the environment variables in your .env file and saving the quickfeed.pem file.

Preparing the Environment for Testing

For a localhost test deployment, you additionally need to specify the file names for the self-signed certificates. And the QUICKFEED_WHITELIST must be removed from your .env file.

# Certificate chain and private key file

# QuickFeed server domain or ip

The QuickFeed App installation process will guide you through the rest of the setup, setting the environment variables in your .env file and saving the self-signed certificate files.

First-time Installation

To start the server for first-time installation, use the -new flag.

% make install
% quickfeed -new
2022/09/11 16:45:22 running: go list -m -f {{.Dir}}
2022/09/11 16:45:22 Loading environment variables from /Users/meling/work/quickfeed/.env
2022/09/11 16:45:22 Important: The GitHub user that installs the QuickFeed App will become the server's admin user.
2022/09/11 16:45:22 Go to to install the QuickFeed GitHub App.
2022/09/11 16:46:00 Successfully installed the QuickFeed GitHub App.
2022/09/11 16:46:00 Loading environment variables from /Users/meling/work/quickfeed/.env
2022/09/11 16:46:00 Starting QuickFeed in production mode on

After starting the server you should see various configuration files saved to internal/config:

% tree internal/config/
├── certs
│   ├── acme_account+key
│   └──
└── github
    └── quickfeed.pem

In addition, your .env file should be populated with important secrets that should be kept away from prying eyes.

% cat .env
# GitHub App IDs and secrets for deployment
QUICKFEED_CLIENT_ID=Iv1.<16 chars of identifying data>
QUICKFEED_CLIENT_SECRET=<40 chars of secret data>
QUICKFEED_WEBHOOK_SECRET=<40 chars of secret data>

Configuring Docker

To ensure that Docker containers has access to networking, you may need to set up IPv4 port forwarding on your server machine:

sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
sudo sysctl -p
sudo service docker restart

Configuring Fixed IP and Router

In your domain name provider, configure your IP and domain name; for instance:

Type         Host          Value                TTL
A Record     cyclone       5 min

Set up port forwarding on your router. External ports 80/443 maps to internal ports 80/443 for TCP.

Building QuickFeed Server

After editing files in the public folder, run the following command. This should also work while the application is running.

% make ui

Build the quickfeed server.

% make install

After editing any of the .proto files you will need to recompile the protobuf files, run the following command.

% make proto

This may require you to run both make install and make ui.

Running QuickFeed Server

To run in production mode on $DOMAIN using default values:

% quickfeed &> quickfeed.log &

To run in development mode on localhost:

% quickfeed -dev &> quickfeed.log &

To view the full usage details:

% quickfeed -help


Flag Description Example
database.file Path to QuickFeed database qf.db
http.addr Listener address for HTTP service :8081
dev Run development server with self-signed certificates
new Create a new QuickFeed App

Running Server on a Privileged Port

It is possible to run server in development mode on different ports by setting the http.addr flag. However, by default the server will run on port :443. If the quickfeed binary cannot access port :443 on your Linux system, you can enable it by running:

sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip /path/to/binary/quickfeed

Note that you will need to repeat this step each time you recompile the server.

Using GitHub Webhooks When Running Server On Localhost

GitHub webhooks cannot send events directly to your server if it runs on localhost. However, it is possible to setup a tunneling service that will be listening to the events coming from webhooks and redirecting them to the locally deployed server.

One of the many options is ngrok. To use ngrok you have to create a free account and download ngrok. After that it will be possible to receive webhook events on QuickFeed server running on localhost by performing a few steps.

  1. Start ngrok: ngrok http 443 - assuming the server runs on port :443.
  2. ngrok will generate a new endpoint URL. Copy the urls an update webhook callback information in your GitHub app to point to this URL. E.g.,

After that any webhook events your GitHub app is subscribed to will send payload to this URL, and ngrok will redirect them to the /hooks endpoint of the QuickFeed server running on the given port number.

Note that ngrok generates a new URL every time it is restarted and you will need to update webhook callback details unless you want to subscribe to the paid version of ngrok that supports static callback URLs.


If go install fails with the following (on Ubuntu):

cgo: exec gcc-5: exec: "gcc-5": executable file not found in $PATH

Then run and retry go install:

% brew install gcc@5
% go install