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TrustChain common module

This module contains functionality and resources that are used by multiple other submodules of the TrustChain Super App.


Under src/main/java/nl/tudelft/trustchain/common multiple folders and files can be found that contain functionalities or constants.


This file contains the functions that form the Voting API, which is used in the TrustChain Voter submodule. These functions can be accessed by first instantiating the VotingHelper with a community e.g. val vh: = VotingHelper(community). It is recommended to instantiate the VotingHelper as a global variable in your class so that its functions can be accessed throughout the class. An example of its use can be found in the VotingActivity.kt file within the TrustChain Voter submodule.

Below, short descriptions of the available functions in VotingHelper are given.

Creating a proposal

createProposal(voteSubject: String, peers: List<PublicKey>, mode: VotingMode)

A proposal is created using thecreateProposal method. This method requires a name for the proposal and a list of peers that are allowed to vote on the proposal. Usually, all the peers which are currently in the community should be in this list. Finally, a VotingMode can be specified, indicating a threshold vote (VotingMode.THRESHOLD) or a yes/no vote (VotingMode.YESNO). A threshold vote is a vote where voters can only vote 'yes'; the vote is passed when enough people have voted. Note that in this case, not voting is different from voting 'NO'. More on the technical and security implications of voting can be found in this section.

Casting a vote

respondToProposal(vote: Boolean, proposalBlock: TrustChainBlock)

A vote is cast using the respondToProposal method. This method requires the vote as a Boolean (True = Yes, False = No) and the TrustChainBlock which contains the initial proposal block.

Counting votes

countVotes(voters: List<PublicKey>, voteSubject: String, proposerKey: ByteArray): Pair<Int, Int>

The current tally of a proposal can be retrieved using the countVotes method. It requires a list of peers that partake in the vote, the name of the proposal and the key of the proposer. The current tally of the proposal is returned as a pair: (#Yes, #No).

Checking vote completeness

votingIsComplete(block: TrustChainBlock, threshold: Int = -1): Boolean

To check whether a vote is complete you can call the votingIsComplete function. It takes as argument the proposal block of the vote and a threshold and the function returns a boolean.

Checking vote progress

getVotingProgressStatus(block: TrustChainBlock, threshold: Int = -1): Int

To check the progress of a vote you can call the getVotingProgressStatus function. It takes as argument the proposalblock of the vote and a threshold and the function returns an integer. This integer is a percentage of the required votes or -1 in the case of a thresholdvote that received votes from all participants but of which the threshold was not met.

Check whether peer has voted

fun castedByPeer(block: TrustChainBlock, publicKey: PublicKey): Pair<Int, Int>

To check whether a certain peer has already voted YES or NO for a certain vote, call castedByPeer with the proposalblock of the vote and the peer's public key. The function returns a Pair<int,int> representing the numbers of yes-votes and no-votes.

Some notes on security

The voting API currently allows for two modes of voting; Yes/No and threshold. We will describe some technical details and points to take into consideration when using the different modes.


The process of creating a vote on the TrustChain is rather primitive. One proposer creates a multi-signature block with a subject, a voting mode, and a list of eligible voters.

When starting a vote, a list of public keys is used to determine what peers are entitled to participate in the vote. This list is used to determine the outcome of the vote, so when a peer that was not included in the vote still votes for some reason, its vote is not accounted for in the result. This mechanism ensures for example that peers that join the dao after a vote was proposed, are not able to vote.

The multi-signature block is sent to all participants in a community. Voters can vote by responding to the proposer's half-block with another half-block containing a YES or a NO. There are a couple of problems with this implementation.

First of all, the proposer would be able to hide the entire vote if the outcome is not in its favour. This block-hiding could be detected by crawling the chains of the eligible voters, but the current implementation does not do so. Secondly, voters' voters are only stored on the proposer's and the voter's chain. This means that if both were to remove their chains, the outcome of the vote cannot be retrieved. Finally, it is assumed that the proposer stays available during the voting process.

In short, yes/no voting should really only be used, if ever, in case of a trusted proposer.


When working with thresholds, a proposer no longer has an incentive to hide his voting blocks. A proposer starts a vote to pass his proposal and if its proposal doesn't get enough yes votes, hiding his blocks will not help him to pass his proposal.

Stalling is also not relevant anymore, because the vote is finished after a certain threshold is passed, and if enough people simply do not vote, this threshold will not be met.


The src/main/res folder contains resources which are used for the front-end of the different submodules.


The src/test folder currently only contains tests for the VotingHelper.