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1 - [ ABANDON ]/əˈbændən/ - verb

definition : to leave someone or something that you are responsible for
  • present
    • I abandon this place
    • you abandon our child
    • he/she/it abandons her own child
    • we abandon our own city
    • they abandon me.
  • present continouos
    • I am abandoning this place
    • you are abandoning
  • present perfect
    • we had to abandon the car and walk the rest of the way
  • preterite
    • I was abandoned in this place, you was abandoned in april ,he/she/it was abandoned by its mother,
definition : to go away from a place, vehicle etc. permanently, especially because the situation makes it impossible for you to stay
  • infinitive
    • I had to abandon she, you had to abandon the car,he/she/it had to abandon the city, we had to abandon the car and walk the rest of the way.

2 - [ ABBREVIATION ] /əˌbriːviˈeɪʃən/ - noun

definition [countable]: a short way or form to write or say a word expression or name Mr. is the abbreviation for Mister.
  • present
    • the BBC is an abbreviation for British Broadcasting Corporation.
definition [uncountable]: the act of abbreviating something

3 - [ ABC's ] /eibi'siz/ - noun

definition : the letters of the English alphabet
  • present continouos
    • she learning her ABC's

4 - [ ABDOMEN ]/aebdaman/ - noun

definition : the front part of you body between your chest and your legs
definition : the part of the body of a vertebrate containig the digestive organs; the belly, in humans and other mammals, it is bounded by the diaphagm and the pelvis
  • present
    • his lower abdomen was expanding and contracting in a deep regular pattern

5 - [ ABILITY ] /əˈbɪləti/ - noun

definition : the state of being able to do something
  • present
    • the ability to walk
    • the health center server all patients, regardless of their ability to pay
definition : when someone can do something successfully

-present - the teacher must have the abillity to keep students interested - she lost the ability to walk after a car accident

definition : someone's level of skill at doing someting
  • present
    • the test measures your mathematical ability

6 - [ ABLE ] /ˈeɪbəl/ - adjetive

definition : be able to do something
  • present
    • one of my more able students
    • an able assistant
definition : having the oportunity to do something
  • simple past
    • he was able to read Greek at the age of eight
definition : having considerable skill, proficiency or intelligence
  • simple past
    • the dancers were technically very able

\synonyms\ -

  • intelligent clever brillant talented accomplished adroit adept capable skillful skilled gifted masterly virtuoso expert proeficient apt good fit suitable

7 - [ ABOARD ] /əˈbɔːd $ əˈbɔːrd/ - adverbio, preposition

definition : on or onto a ship or plane, train etc.
  • present
    • are all the passager aboard? (adverb)
    • welcome aboard (adverb)
  • simple past
    • they finally went aboard the plane (preposition)

8 - [ ABOLISH ] /əˈbɒlɪʃ $ əˈbɑː-/ - verb

definition : to make a law to end something
  • simple past
    • the governament abolished slavery long ago
to officially and a law, system etc, especially one that has existed for a long time

9 - [ ABOLITION ] /ˌæbəˈlɪʃən/ noun

definition : when a law is made to end something or to make something illegal
  • present
    • the abolition of slavery in the 1860s

- 10 [ ABORTION ] /əˈbɔːʃən $ əˈbɔːr-/ noun

definition : wehn someone ends a pregnancy so that the baby is never born.
definition : the determinate termination of a human pregnancy most ofthen performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy
  • present
    • concens such as abortion an euthanacia.

- 11 [ ABOUT ] /əˈbaʊt/ 1 adverb, 2 preposition.

definition 1 : conserning or relating to a particular subject
  • present
    • a book about politics
    • she say sometong about living town
  • simple past
    • he lied about his eyes
definition 1 : used to show why someone is angry, happy, upset, etc.
  • present
    • I'm really worried about jack
    • she's upset about missing the party
definition 1 : in many diferent direcction within a particular place or in diferent parts of a place SINONYMS around round
  • present
    • we spent a wole afternoon walking about town
  • simple past
    • the book were scattered about the room
definition 2 : a litle more or less than a particular number, amount, or size SINONYMS rougly approximately
  • present
    • I live about 10 miles away
    • a tiny computer about as big as a postcard
  • preterite
    • we left the restaurant at round about 10:30

- 12 [ ABROAD ] /əˈbrɔːd $ əˈbrɒːd/ adverb

definition : in or to a foreign country.
  • present continouos
    • My brother is studying abroad.
    • have you ever been abroad.
    • I've never lived abroad before
grammar comparasion
  • you go abroad or study abroad
  • don't use a preposition before abroad don't say!! - go to abroad | study in abroad
  • do you go a foreing country or study in a foreing country

[ ABRUPT ] /əˈbrʌpt/ adjective

definition : sudden and unexpected
  • preterite
    • I was surprised by the abrupt change of subject
    • It was quite abrupt
definition : brief to the point or rudennes; curt
  • preterite
    • you were rather abroupt with that young man

[ ABSENCE ] /ˈæbsəns/ noun

definition : when you are not in the place where people expect you to be, or the time that you are away.
  • preterite
    • he work involved repeting absence from home
definition : the lack of something or the fact that it does not exist.
  • present
    • a complete absence of any kind of planning
opposite : presence

[ ABSENT ] /ˈæbsənt/ adjective

definition : not here
  • present
    • he is absent
definition : not present in a place, at an occasion, or as part of something
opposite : present

[ ABSENTMINDED ] `` adjective

definition : not noticing thing that are happening around you, and often forgetting things
  • present
    • Grandad's been getting rather absentminded lately
\synonyms\ : distracted distrait abstracted bird brained

[ ABSOLUTE ] /ˈæbsəluːt/ adjective

definition : complete or exact
  • present
    • are you telling me the absolute truth
definition : viewed or existing independently and not in relation to other things

[ ABSOLUTELY ] /ˈæbsəluːtli, ˌæbsəˈluːtli/ adverb

definition : very, completely and in every way, independiently not viewed in relation to other things or factors
  • present
    • It's absolutely beautiful
    • are you absolutely sure?
    • this cake is absoluely delicious

definition : use to emphasize something

  • preterite
    • he has absolutely not experience in marketing

[ ABSORB ] /əbˈsɔːb, əbˈzɔːb $ -ɔːrb/ verb

definition : to take in a liquid, gas or another substance slowly from the surface or space around something

-present - plant absorb nutrients from the soil - water and salts are absorbed into our bloodstream

definition : to learn and undertand something
  • present
    • I haven't absorbed all the information yet
definition : to interest someone so much that they don't pay atenttion to another things
  • present
    • the movement and noice of the machine absorbed him completely

[ ABSORBENT ] /əbˈsɔːbənt, -ˈzɔː- $ -ɔːr-/ adjective

able to take in liquid or soack up liquid easily
  • present
    • drain on absorbent paper towels

[ ABSORBING ] `` adjective

definition : very interesting ,enjoyable and keeping you attention for a long time
  • present
    • an absorbing hobby -an absorbing novel about the Wild West.

[ ABSURD ] /əbˈsɜːd, -ˈzɜːd $ -ɜːrd/ adjective

definition : extremelly silly, completely stupid or unreasonable
  • present
    • It seems quite absurd to expect anyone to drive for 3 hours just for 20 min meeting
    • The story was so absurd that no one believed it.

[ ABUNDANT /əˈbʌndənt/ ajective

definition : more than enough in quantity, exist or is availiable in large quantities
  • present
    • we have an abundant supply of water

[ ABUSE ] /əˈbjuːs/ noun verb

definition noun :wrong or harmful use of something
  • preterite
    • we talked about the problem of drug abuse
definition noun : bad or cruel treadment of somenting
definition noun : rude or bad things that are say to someone
  • preterite
    • he shoulded abuse at me
definition verb : to do cruel or violent things to someone
  • present
    • several cases of child abuse.
    • I/you/we/they abuse drugs today.
    • he/she/it abuses water in the party.
  • preterite
    • I/you/we/they abused drugs today.
    • She was sexually abused at a child.
definition verb : use to somethings in a wrong or harmful way

[ACADEMIC ] /ˌækəˈdemɪk◂/ adjective

definition : about or relating to work done in schools colages or universities
  • present
    • the academic years begins in septermber.

[ ACCENT ] /ˈæksənt $ ˈæksent/ noun

definition : a way of speaking that shows that someone come from a particular place
  • present
    • I/you/we/they speak with a southern accent.
    • he/she/it speaks with a southern accent.

[ ACCEPT ] /əkˈsept/ verb

definition :to take something that is offered to you
  • present
    • will you accept my offer?
  • preterite
    • He accepted the invitation to stay with us.
definition : to agree that something is true, right or should be done

[ ACCEPTABLE ] əkˈseptəbəl/ adjective

definition : of agood enough quality, good enough to be used for a particular porpose
  • present Students who achieve an acceptable standard will progress to degree studies.

[ ACCEPTANCE ] /əkˈseptəns/ noun

definition : when you officially agree to take something that you have been offered.
  • present
    • the formal acceptance of an invitation

[ ACCESS ] /ˈækses/ noun

definition : a way of being able to use or do someething
  • present
    • Students need access to computers
definition : a way to getting to a place
  • present
    • there should be access to the building for people in wheelchairs.

[ ACCIDENT ] `` noun

definition : something bad; that happens by chance
  • preterite
    • it was an accident.

[ ACCIDENTAL ] adjective

definition : not planned, but happenig by chance

[ ACCIDENTALLY ] `` adverb

definition: If you do something accidentally, you do it with out intending to.
  • present
    • I accidentally left my keys in the car

[ ACCOMMODATE ] /əˈkɒmədeɪt $ əˈkɑː-/ verb

definition: to have enough apace for something
  • present continouos
    • I am accommodating mi life
  • futuro simple
    • the room will accommodate fifty people
definition : to give someone a place where they can live o stay
  • preterite
    • I accommodated near the place were I work

[ ACCOMMODATION ] /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən $ əˌkɑː-/ noun

definition : a place were you can live or stay
  • present
    • accommodation is provided for all new students.

[ ACCOMPANY ] /əˈkʌmpəni/

definition : to go somewhere with someone one
  • present
    • children under 14 must by accompanied by an adult

[ ACCOMPLISH ] əˈkʌmplɪʃ $ əˈkɑːm-, əˈkʌm-/ verb

definition : to do something succesfully.
  • present
    • we acommplish a lot during the day.
definition : to succed in doing something, especially after trying very hard.
  • preterite perfect we have accomplished all we set out to do.

[ ACCOMPLISHMENT ] /əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt $ əˈkɑːm-, əˈkʌm-/ noun

definition : something that you achieve or are able to do well
definition : the act of finishing of achiving something good

[ ACCORD ] `` noun

definition :a situation in which two people, ideas, or statements agree with each other.

[ ACCORDINGLY ] `` preposition

definition : in a way that is suitable for a particular situation
  • present
    • If you do something wrong, you'll be punished accordingly

[ ACCORDING TO] `` preposition

definition : because of what someone say or what something shows
  • present
    • according to the map we are very close to the lake

[ ACCOUNT ] `` noun

definition : an amount of money you keep in a bank
definition : a story or description
definition : a report of description of an event or experience

[ ACCOUNTANT ] /əˈkaʊntənt/ noun

definition : someone whose job is to keep records of the money check financial account, spent or received by a person or a company.

[ ACCURACY ] `` noun

definition : the quality of being exactly right or correct.

[ ACCURATE ] `` adjective

correct or exact: an accurate descriptioin of the events.
  • present
    • the figures aren't very accurate

[ ACCUSATION ] `` noun

definition : a statement saying that someone has done something wrong.

[ ACCUSE ] `` verb (accusing, accused)

definition : to say that someone has done something wrong.

[ ACCUSTOMED ] `` adjective

definition : be accustomed to something to think that something is normal or usual especially because you do it a lot or know it well

[ ACHE ] `` noun

a continuous pain

[ ACHIEVE ] `` verb

definition : to succed in doing something, especially by working hard

[ ACHIEVEMENT ] `` verb

definition : something that you have worked hard for and done well

[ ACID ] ˈæsɪd noun

definition : a chemical subtance that can burn things

[ ACQUAINTANCES ] /əˈkweɪntəns/ noun

definition : someone you know, but isn't a close friend



[ CUMBERSOME ] /ˈkʌmbəsəm $ -bər-/ adjective

definition : a process or system that is slow and difficult
  • present continouos
    • Doctors are complaining that the system is cumbersome and bureaucratic.
definition : large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use
  • present simple
    • However, that notation is cumbersome

\sinonyms\ -

  • unmanageable inconvenient incommodious `unconfortable




[ ENGAGE ] `` verb

definition :

[ EXERT ] `` verb

definition : apply on bring to bear (a force, influence, or quality)
  • present
    • the moon exerts a force on the eart
  • simple past
    • I exerted a force on the table
\sinonymous\ bring to bear apply



[ GLANCE ] `` verb

definition : take a brief or hurried look
  • present
    • at first glance
    • sole glance at her watch
  • simple past
    • sole glanced at her watch
  • present continouos
    • I'm glancing my watch
\sinomyms\ take a quick look look briefly


[ HEADING TO ] complex phrases maybe is a type of verb?

definition : moving or traveling towards a particular direction
  • preterite
    • sara decided to prioritaze her healthy and fitness by heading to the gym in her neighborhood

[ HIT ME UP ] complex phases maybe is a type of verb?

definition : a casual way of asking someone to contact you or get in touch with you


0 - inquisitive /ɪnˈkwɪzətɪv/ - adjetive

DEFINITION : asking too many questions and trying to find out too many datails about someting or someone
  • presente perfect
    • I'd have asked more questions, but I didn't want to seem inquisitive.
DEFINITION : interested in a lot of diferent things and wanting to find out more about them
- the kids were wide ayed and inquisitive
- jenny was a very inquisitive child, always asking why?.
- Don't be so inquisitive - it makes people uncomfortable.











0 - skeptical /ˈskeptɪkəl/ adjective

DEFINITION : not easily convinced having doubts or reservation
  • preterite
    • the public were deeply skeptical about some of the proposals
DEFINITION [philosophy]: relating to the theory that certain knowledge is impossible
  • dubious doubtful having reservations taking something with a pinch of salt doubting questioning cynical distrustful mistrustful suspicious disbelieving misbelieving unconvinced incredulous hesitant scoffing pessimistic defeatist
  • informal: iffy
  • rare: pyrrhonist minimifidian


[ THRUST ] /θrʌst/ verb

definition : to push something somewhere roughly
  • she thrust a letter into my hand
  • he thrust me roughly towards the door
definition : to make a sudden movement forward with a sword or knife
  • simple past
    • he skipped aside as his opponent thrust at him
\sinonyms\ force push

[ TWILIGHT ] `` noun

definition : the small amount of light in the sky as the day ends

[ TWILIT ] /ˈtwaɪlɪt/ adjective

definition : lit by twilight


[ UBIQUITOUS ] \yo͞oˈbikwədəs\





