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klabarge edited this page Nov 15, 2016 · 45 revisions


  • ✅ 2.1 | ✅ 2.0 | ✅ 1.9 | ...


  1. First, install dependencies (jdk, git, ant, nsis/makeself) per Install Dependencies

  2. Clone the source code per Clone Source Code

  3. Pull in the latest source code

cd tray
git pull
  1. Compile
  1. Package
ant nsis       # <-- Windows installer
ant pkgbuild   # <-- Apple installer
ant makeself   # <-- Linux installer

Note: The installer will be placed in ./out/qz-tray-x.x.x.x, (i.e. .exe, .run, .pkg)

Additional Information

  • Having compiling issues due to missing JavaFX 8?
    • Ubuntu: Get webupd8 PPA.
    • Fedora: Get fedy desktop installer.


ANT Command Line

  • Override internal certificate used for signature validation*

    ant nsis -Dauthcert.use=path/to/override.crt

    *Since 2.0.2

ANT Properties File

  • Common uses:
    • Signing a Windows installer executable
    • Providing persistent ant property overrides

Create tray/.../private/ properties signing.alias=#keystore alias signing.tsaurl=#timestamp url signing.keypass=#key password signing.storepass=#store password signing.keystore=#path to jks file #authcert.use=#path to signing auth cert


  1. Download and install JDK 1.7 or higher from
  2. Download and install IntelliJ from
  3. Launch IntelliJ
  4. When prompted, click Check out from Version Control (GitHub)

Auth type: password
Login: <github username>
Password: <github password>

  1. Clone Repository

Git Repository URL:
Parent Directory: <leave default, usually "C:\Users\username\IdeaProjects">
Directory Name: <leave default, "tray">
Note, if the Parent Directory doesn't exist, create it.

  1. Open the project
  2. Switch to project view using ALT + 1
  3. Click File, Project Structure
  • Verify Project SDK is correct. This must be 1.7 or higher (QZ Tray 2.1 requires 1.8 or higher).
  • If <No SDK>, click New, JDK and browse to the appropriate install location, e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_XX
  1. Keeping the Project Struture Window open. Navigate to Modules, Dependencies Tab
  • If plugin.jar shows an error, remove it and re-add it:
    • Click plugin.jar, Click - to remove
    • Click + to add, JARs or Directories
    • Browse to the SDK location, e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_XX\jre\lib\plugin.jar
    • Make sure plugin.jar is at the top of the Dependencies listing, use arrows if needed, OK
  1. From the Project Explorer, Navigate to
  • tray, src, qz, ws, PrintSocketServer
  • Right Click, Run
  • On Windows, a firewall prompt may appear, click Run
  1. Exit PrintSocketServer by locating it in the System Tray, Right Click, Exit
  • Alternately, you can click Stop within IntelliJ from bottom left "Run" tab
  1. Optional to enable HTTPS support in IntelliJ
  • If a version of QZ Tray is NOT installed, generate a qz-tray.jks and manually
    • Create a 2048 bit RSA java keystore with an alias qz-tray

    • Create a properties file with the following lines in it:

  • If QZ Tray is installed, you may use the located in the installation folder.
  • Click on in the Projects Navigator
  • From the file menu click Run, Edit Configurations...
  • In the VM Options add -DsslPropertiesFile=<path-to>/
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