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155 lines (112 loc) · 5.07 KB

File metadata and controls

155 lines (112 loc) · 5.07 KB


When contributing to this repository discuss the change you wish to make via this project's GitHub issues first.

PR Process for Project Contributers

Always ensure that you have fetched (via git pull) the most recent material into your local clone.

  1. Checkout a branch (git checkout -b <branch_name>) prefixed with your initials and suffixed with the issue you are addressing or a brief few words describing the feature/bug fix joined by underscores (_). Here are valid formats:

    • cv_issue_45
    • af_issue_2123
    • cv_fix_requests_regression
    • af_transpose_docs
  2. Commit changes.

  3. Execute and create tests regularly. Use py.test.

  4. Request informal review from peers by pointing them to your branch.

  5. Create a Pull Request against master when a formal review is needed.

  6. Optionally, squash commits and reword messages as needed for easier review.

  7. Ensure all continuous integration (CI) tests and code reviews pass before rebasing (or squashing and then rebasing) onto master.

    • Avoid directly merging a PR onto master without first rebasing.

Documentation and Code Style

  1. Strictly adhere to PEP8.
  2. Use Google Style docstrings.
  3. Implement doctests.
  4. Provide accurate type annotations.
  5. Limit line lengths to 120 characters.

An example function showcasing the above requirements:

def get_dataset_path(
    filename: Union[str, Path],
    dead_arg: Optional[Any] = None
) -> Path:
    """Example function with PEP 484 type annotations.

        filename: The first parameter.
        dead_arg: The second parameter.

        The path to the dataset, may not really exist.

        >>> from import get_dataset_path
        >>> str(get_dataset_path("GSE49712_HTSeq.txt.gz"))  # doctest:+ELLIPSIS

        1. See ``module.rationalize`` for an equivalent method.

    import module
    directory = Path(module.__file__).expanduser().resolve().parent
    return directory / 'data' / filename

Code Style

This repository uses Black as a code formatter.

It can be ran a few different ways:

  1. Manually by running $ black . in the repository root
  2. Though pre-commit a git hook that runs it whenever a commit is made.
  3. It can also be integrated in the of your choice by following the instructions in the documention.

Updating the documentation

New documentation files must be of the following format:

  • reStructuredText (.rst) -- preferred
  • Markdown (.md)

A new file can be added to the appropriate gloassary tree in edgePy/docs/source/index.rst.

The service will automatically source the file in edgePy/docs/sources/ and update the docs accordingly on each commit pushed to GitHub, on any branch.

Local HTML renders of the documentation can be built with the following:

cd edgePy/docs
❯ pip install -r requirements-docs.txt
❯ make html

This will create or update the HTML documents in the \docs\_build\html directory.

Developing in a Virtual Environment

The development environment is listed as an additional Tox environment:

❯ tox -lv

using tox.ini: .../edgePy/tox.ini
using tox-3.1.2 from .../python3.6/dist-packages/tox/
default environments:
py36      -> run the test suite with (basepython)
py36-lint -> check the code style
py36-type -> type check the library
py36-docs -> test building of HTML docs

additional environments:
dev       -> the official edgePy development environment

To create and activate that environment issue the following:

cd edgePy
# Create the development environment (force recreation)
❯ tox --recreate -e dev
# Activate the development environmentsource venv/bin/activate

Running the Test Suite

All tests are coordinated by Tox. Running the unit tests, code coverage, code style (linting) checks, static analysis of typing, and successful compilation of the docs is as simple as the following commands!

Note: This command takes a long time the first time it is invoked since all virtual environments need to be created!

cd edgePy
❯ tox

Running Parts of the Test Suite

You can select only a part of the test suite by looking at which Tox groups are available:

cd edgePy
❯ tox -lv

using tox.ini: ../edgePy/tox.ini
using tox-3.1.2 from ../python3.6/dist-packages/tox/
default environments:
py36      -> run the test suite with (basepython)
py36-lint -> check the code style
py36-type -> type check the library
py36-docs -> test building of HTML docs

Choose a specific group to run with the following syntax:

cd edgePy
❯ tox -e py36-type

Almost all dynamic and static analysis tools are configured in setup.cfg so check there for the configuration of the test suite first.