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325 lines (215 loc) · 10.6 KB

File metadata and controls

325 lines (215 loc) · 10.6 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

0.17.0 - 2024-01-19

This is a small but breaking change that cleans up depepdencies and features.


  • bump the MSRV to rustc 1.70.0
  • upgrade to smol v2
  • cleanup crate features; optional dependencies tokio, async-std, smol and smol-timeout are not crate features anymore. They were never meant to be used as features. Now cargo provides a means to be explicit about which optional dependency is also a feature, and which is not.

0.16.0 - 2023-10-21

This is a refactoring release which removes some duplication in rsdns types. For example, till now rsdns had two types for RCLASS - constants::Class and message::ClassValue. This release removes such duplication by introducing a new non-enum type records::Class.


  • Class, Type, RCode, and OpCode have an implementation of FromStr which also recognizes generic values as specified by RFC 3597 section 5 for unknown classes and types


  • the MSRV is 1.65 now
  • add new type records::Class to replace constants::Class and message::ClassValue
  • add new type records::Type to replace constants::Type and message::TypeValue
  • add new type message::OpCode to replace constants::OpCode and message::OpCodeValue
  • add new type message::RCode to replace constants::RCode and message::RCodeValue
  • move constants::RecordsSection into message module
  • fix clippy issues in test code
  • fix clippy::redundant_as_str warning

0.15.0 - 2023-04-08

This is a small maintenance release with updated dependencies and MSRV.


  • the MSRV is 1.63 now
  • upgrade to tera v1.18.1
  • upgrade to socket v0.5.1

0.14.0 - 2022-12-23

This is a maintenance release with small clippy fixes and updated MSRV.


  • the MSRV is 1.60 now
  • upgraded the build dependencies to tera v0.17.1


  • clippy::needless-borrow warning
  • clippy::bool_to_int_with_if warning
  • clippy::uninlined_format_args warning

0.13.2 - 2022-12-23 [YANKED]

This is a maintenance release with small clippy fixes and updated MSRV.


  • the MSRV is 1.60 now


  • clippy::needless-borrow warning
  • clippy::bool_to_int_with_if warning
  • clippy::uninlined_format_args warning

0.13.1 - 2022-07-30


  • upgrade the tera requirement to v1.16.0, enable default features of tera and do not use tilde requirement strategy. This is to allow more flexibility when upgrading tera in consumer crates.

0.13.0 - 2022-04-28


  • add support for the underscore character _ in domain names. Now domains like are not rejected. The underscore character, despite not being allowed by RFC 1035, is very common in domain names. It is forbidden in hostnames, but DNS is not built for hostnames only. This change is made as a first step towards full support of RFC 2181 section 11.

0.12.1 - 2022-04-16

This is a small maintenance release that fixes clippy issues to allow clean build of rsdns with the latest beta toolchain.


  • fix clippy::ptr-arg error
  • fix clippy::await_holding_refcell_ref warning

0.12.0 - 2022-01-14

This is a small maintenance release, to allow building rsdns with the latest nightly toolchain.


  • fix clippy::single_char_pattern warning
  • fix clippy::return-self-not-must-use warning. This change may affect compilation of a user-crate, thus rsdns bumps the minor version in this release.

0.11.1 - 2021-11-20


  • fix compilation warnings when compiled without net-* features

0.11.0 - 2021-11-19


  • implement EDNS0 support RFC 2671, RFC 6891. From now on DNS responses longer than 512 bytes can be received over UDP.


  • enable EDNS in default ClientConfig with parameters version: 0 and udp_payload_size: 1232.


  • remove Error::NoNameservers and Error::NoBuffer in favor of the generic Error::BadParam.

0.10.0 - 2021-11-13


  • upgrade to tera v0.15.0, as v0.13.0 and v0.14.0 were yanked

0.9.0 - 2021-11-12


  • fixed a bug in encoding of the root DNS zone .

    Previously, an attempt to query the root zone failed because the . query name was considered invalid.


  • clients allocate the incoming message buffer once (in constructor) instead of on every call to query_rrset


  • add ClientConfig::buffer_size configuration option. It controls the size of the internal buffer allocated by clients.

0.8.0 - 2021-10-22

This release completes the two-step transition from RecordsReader to the new MessageReader. Additionally, this release makes the transition to Rust 2021.


  • MessageReader is the new and recommended primitive for parsing messages. It is very customizable and fast.


  • Error::MessageWithoutQuestion was replaced with Error::BadQuestionsCount
  • following the transition to Rust 2021 the minimum supported rust version was raised to 1.56 (MSRV 1.56)


  • RecordsReader was removed in favor of the new MessageReader
  • MessageIterator::question_ref, MessageIterator::records_reader and MessageIterator::records_reader_for were removed

0.7.0 - 2021-10-14

This is a very small release done in preparation for changing the MessageReader API in a future release. Specifically, current RecordsReader is going to become, after some modifications, the future MessageReader.

To reduce the impact on user applications, this release renames MessageReader to MessageIterator. MessageIterator will continue with the iterator-based approach for reading message parts, i.e. MessageIterator::questions and MessageIterator::records. However, in a following release, MessageIterator::records_reader and MessageIterator::records_reader_for methods will be removed in favor of using the revamped MessageReader.


  • refactor MessageReader to stop using RefCell for section offsets.
  • rename MessageReader to MessageIterator in preparation for transforming RecordsReader into a full-fledged message reader

0.6.0 - 2021-10-01


  • add NameRef - for efficient comparison of encoded domain names
  • add RecordsReader - a flexible and more efficient reader of resource records


  • implement the Debug trait on MessageReader
  • make all public methods of MessageReader to be inline
  • reimplement RecordSet::from_msg with RecordsReader. Benchmarks show the new implementation is ~35% faster.

0.5.0 - 2021-09-10


  • define rsdns as DNS Client instead of DNS Stub Resolver. The term Resolver may be confused with a system-resolver (e.g. systemd-resolved), which rsdns is not. A more accurate definition for rsdns is DNS Client. A fully featured Resolver can be build above rsdns.
  • rename the resolvers module to clients
  • rename resolvers::ResolverConfig to clients::ClientConfig
  • rename resolvers::*::Resolver to clients::*::Client
  • reimplement ClassValue, OpCodeValue, RCodeValue and TypeValue as new types

0.4.1 - 2021-09-04


  • fix documentation

0.4.0 - 2021-09-04


  • add the DName marker-trait, for domain name types who own the domain name bytes
  • add the names module for domain name types
  • implement the Default trait on ResolverConfig


  • starting from this release the tags are prefixed with v. Old tags were adjusted accordingly.
  • rename Unrecognized* errors to Unknown*, for compatibility with the language used in RFCs
  • rename RType to Type and RClass to Class. These enums are used not only for records now, so the R prefix is obsolete.
  • rename RecordType to TypeValue and RecordClass to ClassValue. These types are relevant not only for records, so the Record prefix is obsolete.
  • rename OperationCode to OpCodeValue, for consistency with the rest of enum and value types
  • move Name and InlineName structs to the newly added names module
  • rename ResolverConfig::new to ResolverConfig::with_nameserver. ResolverConfig::new returns the default configuration now, without specifying a nameserver.


  • remove ProtocolStrategy::Default. ProtocolStrategy::Udp is now the default strategy in resolver configuration.

0.3.0 - 2021-08-13


  • add a link to ch4 in README


  • support leading digits in domain name labels RFC 1101

0.2.0 - 2021-08-12


  • fix Display trait implementation. Padding, alignment and fill specifiers are supported now: println!("{:+>32}", name)


  • update dependencies to be stricter, using tilde specification
  • cleanup documentation
  • refactor templates for readability

0.1.0 - 2021-08-06

  • Initial crate release.