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How to create

File metadata and controls

436 lines (321 loc) · 20.5 KB

1. Creating root template directory and template loader

This will create three new templates named Blog, Game and Personal and make them ready for use in Nette Framework CRUD Generator.

Root                     ← Root directory for project
├── Blog                 ← Root directory for template named Blog
├── Game                 ← Root directory for template named Game
├── Personal             ← Root directory for template named Personal
└── TemplateLoader.php   ← Template loader for Nette Framework CRUD Generator
<?php // TemplateLoader.php
class BlogTemplate {}
class GameTemplate {}
class PersonalTemplate {}

2. Creating simple template directories and files

There are several simple rules which must be followed to create working templates.

2. 1. Directories handling

All template directories are created empty in application directory with several exceptions.

2. 1. 1. Directories starting with Module handling

2. 1. 1. 1. User chose Example module

In this case string Module will be replaced with real module name before creating directory in application directory.

Template path Application path
/app/Module/presenters /app/ExampleModule/presenters
/app/Module/models/Module/repositories /app/ExampleModule/models/ExampleModule/repositories

2. 1. 1. 2. User chose no module

In this case string Module will be removed from path before creating directory in application directory.

Template path Application path
/app/Module/presenters /app/presenters
/app/Module/models/Module/repositories /app/models/repositories

2. 1. 2. Directories starting with NDBT handling

2. 1. 2. 1. User chose Nette\Database models

In this case string NDBT will be removed from path before creating directory in application directory.

Template path Application path
/app/models/NDBT/repositories /app/models/repositories
/app/NDBTmodels/repositories /app/models/repositories

2. 1. 2. 2. User chose Doctrine2 models

In this case directory and all it's subdirectories will be skipped.

Template path Application path
/app/models/NDBT/repositories Skipped
/app/NDBTmodels/repositories Skipped

2. 1. 3. Directories starting with D2 handling

2. 1. 3. 1. User chose Doctrine2 models

In this case string D2 will be removed from path before creating directory in application directory.

Template path Application path
/app/models/D2/repositories /app/models/repositories
/app/D2models/repositories /app/models/repositories

2. 1. 3. 2. User chose Nette\Database models

In this case directory and all it's subdirectories will be skipped.

Template path Application path
/app/models/D2/repositories Skipped
/app/D2models/repositories Skipped

2. 1. 4. Directories starting with Table handling

In this case string Table will be replaced with real table name for each database table before creating directory in application directory.

Template path Application path
/app/presenters/templates/Table /app/presenters/templates/ExampleOne

2. 2. Files handling

2. 2. 1. Files with at least two extensions ending on .latte

In this case file will be processed by Latte engine and extension .latte will be removed from file name before creating in application directory.

Even Latte files can be processed by Latte engine. In this case just use double syntax and :n macros for processing in generator and single syntax and l: macros for processing in application (:l macros will be replaced with :n macros after processing in generator).

Template path Application path
/app/presenters/BasePresenter.php.latte /app/presenters/BasePresenter.php
/app/models/BaseRepository.php.latte /app/models/BaseRepository.php
/app/presenters/templates/@layout.latte.latte /app/presenters/templates/@layout.latte
/app/config/config.neon.latte /app/config/config.neon

2. 2. 2. Files without any other extension ending on .latte

In this case file will be only processed by Latte and created nowhere in application directory.

Personally, I'm using this for generating Doctrine2 entities from MySQL database because Latte allows you execute any PHP code, so you can generate another files from Latte file but I really don't want this Doctrine2 entity generator in application itself.

Template path Application path
/app/models/D2EntityBuilder.latte Skipped

2. 2. 3. Files starting with Module handling

2. 2. 3. 1. User chose Example module

In this case string Module will be replaced with real module name before creating file in application directory.

Template path Application path
/app/presenters/ModuleBasePresenter.php.latte /app/presenters/ExampleModuleBasePresenter.php

2. 2. 3. 2. User chose no module

In this case string Module will be removed from path before creating file in application directory.

Template path Application path
/app/presenters/ModuleBasePresenter.php.latte /app/presenters/BasePresenter.php

2. 2. 4. Files starting with NDBT handling

2. 2. 4. 1. User chose Nette\Database models

In this case string NDBT will be removed from path before creating file in application directory.

Template path Application path
/app/models/NDBTBaseRepository.php.latte /app/models/BaseRepository.php

2. 2. 4. 2. User chose Doctrine2 models

In this case file will be skipped.

Template path Application path
/app/models/NDBTBaseRepository.php.latte Skipped

2. 2. 5. Files starting with D2 handling

2. 2. 5. 1. User chose Doctrine2 models

In this case string D2 will be removed from path before creating file in application directory.

Template path Application path
/app/models/D2BaseRepository.php.latte /app/models/BaseRepository.php

2. 2. 5. 2. User chose Nette\Database models

In this case file will be skipped.

Template path Application path
/app/models/D2BaseRepository.php.latte Skipped

2. 2. 6. Files starting with Table handling

In this case string Table will be replaced with real table name for each database table before creating file in application directory.

Template path Application path
/app/presenters/TablePresenter.php.latte /app/presenters/ExampleOnePresenter.php

3. Creating advanced template directories and files

All previous directory and file rules can be combined, but they must be in following order Module => NDBT or D2 => Table to create working templates.

3. 1. Example: User chose no module and NDBT models

Template path Application path
/app/Module/presenters/BasePresenter.php.latte /app/presenters/BasePresenter.php
/app/Module/presenters/TablePresenter.php.latte /app/presenters/ExampleOnePresenter.php
/app/Module/presenters/templates/@layout.latte.latte /app/presenters/templates/@layout.latte
/app/Module/presenters/templates/Table/list.latte.latte /app/presenters/templates/ExampleOne/list.latte
/app/Module/presenters/templates/Table/change.latte.latte /app/presenters/templates/ExampleOne/change.latte
/app/Module/models/NDBTBaseRepository.php.latte /app/models/BaseRepository.php
/app/Module/models/NDBTTableRepository.php.latte /app/models/ExampleOneRepository.php
/app/Module/models/D2BaseRepository.php.latte Skipped
/app/Module/models/D2TableRepository.php.latte Skipped

3. 2. Example: Default generator templates

root                                           ← Root directory for your template named Blog
├── app                                         ← Will be placed in root directory
│   ├── config                                  ← Will be placed in root/app directory 
│   │   ├── config.local.neon.latte             ← Will be processed by Latte and placed in root/app/config.neon 
│   │   └── config.neon.latte                   ← Will be processed by Latte and placed in root/app/config.neon  
│   ├── lang                                    ← Will be placed in root/app directory
│   │   └── generator.en_US.neon.latte          ← Will be processed by Latte and placed in root/lang/generator.en_US.neon
│   ├── Module                                  ← Will be replaced with module name and placed in root/app directory
│   │   │                                              or removed from path when no module was choosen
│   │   ├── models                              ← Will be placed in root/app/<module> directory
│   │   │   ├── Entities                        ← Will be placed in root/app/<module>/models directory
│   │   │   │   └── D2EntitesBuilder.latte      ← Will be processed by Latte and placed nowhere because there is only one
│   │   │   │                                          extension in file name
│   │   │   ├── D2BaseRepository.php.latte      ← Will be processed by Latte only if Doctrine2 source was choosen
│   │   │   │                                          because of D2 prefix and placed in
│   │   │   │                                          root/app/<module>/models/BaseRepository.php
│   │   │   ├── D2TableRepository.php.latte     ← Will be processed by Latte foreach table because of Table prefix and
│   │   │   │                                          only if Doctrine2 source was choosen because of D2 prefix
│   │   │   │                                          and placed in root/app/<module>/models/<Table>Repository.php
│   │   │   ├── NDBTBaseRepository.php.latte    ← Will be processed by Latte only if Nette\Database source was choosen
│   │   │   │                                          because of NDBT prefix and placed in
│   │   │   │                                          root/app/<module>/models/BaseRepository.php
│   │   │   ├── NDBTTableRepository.php.latte   ← Will be processed by Latte foreach table because of Table prefix and
│   │   │   │                                          only if Nette\Database source was choosen because of NDBT prefix
│   │   │   │                                          and placed in root/app/<module>/models/<Table>Repository.php
│   │   │   └── Permissions.php.latte           ← Will be processed by Latte and placed in
│   │   │                                              root/app/<Module>/models/Permissions.php
│   │   │── presenters                          ← Will be placed in root/app/<module> directory
│   │   │   │   └── templates                   ← Will be placed in root/app/<module> directory
│   │   │   │       ├── Table                   ← Will be processed by Latte foreach table because of Table prefix, replaced
│   │   │   │       │   │                              by real database table name and placed in
│   │   │   │       │   │                              root/app/<module>/template directory
│   │   │   │       │   ├── change.latte.latte  ← Will be processed by Latte foreach table because of previous directory Table
│   │   │   │       │   │                              prefix and placed in root/app/<module>/template/<Table>/change.latte
│   │   │   │       │   └── list.latte.latte    ← Will be processed by Latte foreach table because of previous directory Table
│   │   │   │       │                                  prefix and placed in root/app/<module>/template/<Table>/list.latte
│   │   │   │       └── @layout.latte.latte     ← Will be processed by Latte and placed in
│   │   │   │                                          root/app/<module>/templates/@layout.latte
│   │   │   ├── BasePresenter.php.latte         ← Will be processed by Latte and placed in
│   │   │   │                                          root/app/<module>/presenters/BasePresenter.php
│   │   │   └── TablePresenter.php.latte        ← Will be processed by Latte foreach table because of Table prefix
│   │   │                                              and placed in root/app/<module>/presenter/<Table>Presenter.php 
│   ├── router                                  ← Will be placed in root/app directory 
│   │   └── RouterFactory.php.latte             ← Will be processed by Latte and placed in root/app/router/RouterFactory.php
└── www                                         ← Will be placed in root directory
    ├── css                                     ← Will be placed in root/www directory  
    │   └── main.css                            ← Will be placed in root/www/css/main.css
    ├── images                                  ← Will be placed in root/www directory 
    │   └── icon.icon                           ← Will be placed in root/www/images/icon.ico
    └── js                                      ← Will be placed in root/www directory 
        └── main.js                             ← Will be placed in root/www/js/main.js

4. Creating content of templates

If you want to know what exactly you will get into your Latte templates go see these files:

You will get these variables in every Latte template.

4. 1. string netteRoot

Represents absolute path to Nette Framework root directory.

4. 2. array netteConfig

Represents content of Nette Framework main configuration file config.neon as array decoded by Nette\Neon decoder.

4. 3. stdClass netteDatabase

Database connection from Nette\DI.

netteDatabase => stdClass
   hostname => ""
   username => ""
   password => ""
   database => "" 

4. 4. integer source

Data source for generator.


4. 5. array tables

You will get array of Table objects, which represents database tables.

class Table {
	public $name;
	public $sanitizedName;
	public $comment;
	public $columns;
	public $state;
	public function __construct($name = NULL, $comment = NULL, array $colums = [], $state = NULL) {
		$this->name = $name;
		$this->sanitizedName = implode('', array_map(function($value) {
			return ucfirst($value);
		}, explode('_', $name)));
		$this->comment = $comment;
		$this->columns = $colums;
		$this->state = $state;

You will get array of Column objects for each table, which represents table columns.

class Column {
	public $name;
	public $sanitizedName;
	public $type;
	public $nullable;
	public $keys;
	public $default;
	public $extra;
	public $comment;
	public function __construct($name = NULL, \Bruha\Generator\Utils\Object\Type $type = NULL, $nullable = NULL, array $keys = [], $default = NULL, $extra = NULL, $comment = NULL) {
		$this->name = $name;
		$this->sanitizedName = implode('', array_map(function($value) {
			return ucfirst($value);
		}, explode('_', $name)));
		$this->type = $type;
		$this->nullable = $nullable;
		$this->keys = $keys;
		$this->default = $default;
		$this->extra = $extra;
		$this->comment = $comment;

You will get Type object for each column, which represents column type.

class Type {
	public $name;
	public $length;
	public $extra;
	function __construct($name = NULL, $length = NULL, $extra = NULL) {
		$this->name = $name;
		$this->length = $length;
		$this->extra = $extra;

You will get array of Key objects for each table, which represents table database keys.

class PrimaryKey {

class IndexKey {

class UniqueKey {

class ForeignKey {
	public $table;
	public $key;
	public $value;

	function __construct(\Bruha\Generator\Utils\Object\Table $table = NULL, $key = NULL, $value = NULL) {
		$this->table = $table;
		$this->key = $key;
		$this->value = $value;

Each ForeignKey object contains reference to the second Table. There is $key property which contains name of referenced column in referenced table and $value property which contains name of column in referenced table which should be the best to display instead of $key property.

4. 6. Table table

You will get Table object, which represents the current table in the processed template.

4. 7. integer target

Represents type of models which will be generated.


4. 8. integer foreignKeys

Represents how foreign keys will be handled.


4. 9. string module

Represents name of module which will be generated.

4. 10. string template

Represents absolute path to chosen template directory.

4. 11. EntityManager entityManager

Contains EntityManager object if user chose generate from Doctrine2 entities.