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r00k committed May 12, 2010
0 parents commit 0b7ae44
Showing 1 changed file with 135 additions and 0 deletions.
135 changes: 135 additions & 0 deletions railsconf_talk.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
This talk is in beta! Will be asking for feedback.
Survey: if vim expertise is 1 of 3 levels
No slides, but notes. Please follow along.

This is the first technical talk I've ever given, so I did some research on how to give
a good talk. I found a document called Conference Presentation Judo that recommends
you cut your introduction and start immediately on the most useful content, so here
it is: these are the four best things to do to achieve vim mastery.

First: learn to RTFM
spend some time each day in vim help
it ain't easy, but I'm gonna show you
read plugin docs too

Second: Make a cheat sheet
Make your OWN
Vim is like an instrument
Need to learn the command, apply it in practice, and then turn it into muscle memory

Third: Have a tool-sharpening list
Pay attention to stuff that sucks
Foo/foo example
Don't break your flow, come back to it
Put it on the back of your cheat sheet

Fourth: Learn all the single-letter commands
quiz yourself: what does q do? semicolon?

If you do these three fundamental things, you are well on your way to vim mastery.
After these, the rest of what I'm going to show
you is just gravy. But sometimes the gravy is the best part, so let's dig in.

I'm going to teach you how to fish, or how to RTFM
:h instead of help
point out C-], C-o (both pop up all over the place)
:h window
:h i_Ctrl+O (show)
tab and Ctrl+D (works everywhere, colorscheme)
links to good docs

** If there were three levels of learning (almost none, medium, a lot) **

2 strengths: you don't need to leave vim, and navigation
Namespaced under :R
Rails code/demo
Rgenerate scaffold user
Rinvert (point out remove_column gotcha)
(go to controller) - gf to User and ApplicationController
Rmodel, RVunittest, RSunittest
Use Rake on functional test, fails, Rmigration
Rake runs migration
Quickfix, cycle with :cn and :cp
Rrunner (create user)
Rp User.last
Rserver, but what if other instance Rserver!

Namespaced under :G
(use s3_demo)
(make a change)
Gstatus -> D -> "-" -> Gcommit -> Gedit
Gblame selection -> Gblame whole file -> <CR> to reblame -> o to open commit

setup: install exuberant ctags, run ctags -R in rails dir (after vendoring rails so it can pick up tags)
respond_to -> :ts
:ts[elect] to show all matching tags


* Change/delete inside ( { " '
* caw, 'a' works on surrounding marks too
* Text states (think branches of undo tree): g-, g+, :earlier, :later
* Registers
* Anyone not know what registers are?
* Named registers
* How to repeatedly put something (named works, but "0 always holds last yank)
* Change surroundings (surround.vim)
* interpolated string
* delete surroundings
* change tags
* c-o for undoing jumps
* Leader e / Leader s / Leader v
* % (matchit.vim)
* Edit that stuff down there: H, M, L
* gi (go to last insert)
* C+w for delete word
* Fix transposed chars
* tilde

Shameless plug

cla (multi-choice AND calls out to vim)
easy to write your own


* Get software for showing keystrokes
* Post notes file
* Setup
* Blow away code/demo
* Increase font size
* cd to ~/code
* Start keycastr


So: the goal for tomorrow at the library is to
a. decide on a list of useful stuff to show them
b. research this stuff where necessary
c. show the best shit
d. don't cram in bad stuff to fill time -- find more quality content!

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