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In this tutorial we will go over how to create different reports using Slick Reporting and integrating them into your projects.

Let' say you have a Sales Transaction model in your project. Schema looking like this:

from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

class Client(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(_("Name"), max_length=255)
    country = models.CharField(_("Country"), max_length=255, default="US")

class Product(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(_("Name"), max_length=255)
    sku = models.CharField(_("SKU"), max_length=255)

class Sales(models.Model):
    doc_date = models.DateTimeField(_("date"), db_index=True)
    client = models.ForeignKey(Client, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    product = models.ForeignKey(Product, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    quantity = models.DecimalField(
        _("Quantity"), max_digits=19, decimal_places=2, default=0
    price = models.DecimalField(_("Price"), max_digits=19, decimal_places=2, default=0)
    value = models.DecimalField(_("Value"), max_digits=19, decimal_places=2, default=0)

Now, you want to extract the following information from that sales model, present to your users in a nice table and chart:

  1. Total sales per product.
  2. Total Sales per client country.
  3. Total sales per product each month.
  4. Total Sales per product and country.
  5. Total Sales per product and country, per month.
  6. Display last 10 sales transactions.

Group By Reports

1. Total sales per product

This can be done via an SQL statement looking like this:

SELECT product_id, SUM(value) FROM sales GROUP BY product_id;

In Slick Reporting, you can do the same thing by creating a report view looking like this:

# in

from django.db.models import Sum
from slick_reporting.views import ReportView, Chart
from slick_reporting.fields import ComputationField
from .models import Sales

class TotalProductSales(ReportView):
    report_model = SalesTransaction
    date_field = "date"
    group_by = "product"
    columns = [
            Sum, "quantity", verbose_name="Total quantity sold", is_summable=False
            Sum, "value", name="sum__value", verbose_name="Total Value sold $"

    chart_settings = [
            "Total sold $",
            "Total sold $ [PIE]",

Then in your add the following:

from django.urls import path
from .views import TotalProductSales

urlpatterns = [
        "total-product-sales/", TotalProductSales.as_view(), name="total-product-sales"

Now visit the url /total-product-sales/ and you will see the page report. Containing a Filter Form, the report table and a chart.

You can change the dates in the filter form , add some filters and the report will be updated. You can also export the report to CSV.

2. Total Sales per each client country

# in

from django.db.models import Sum
from slick_reporting.views import ReportView, Chart
from slick_reporting.fields import ComputationField
from .models import SalesTransaction

class TotalProductSalesByCountry(ReportView):
    report_model = SalesTransaction
    date_field = "date"
    group_by = "client__country"  # notice the double underscore
    columns = [
            verbose_name="Total Value sold by country $",

    chart_settings = [
            "Total sold by country $",
            Chart.PIE,  # A Pie Chart

Time Series Reports

A time series report is a report that computes the data for each period of time. For example, if you want to see the total sales per each month, then you need to create a time series report.

from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from slick_reporting.fields import ComputationField

class SumValueComputationField(ComputationField):
    calculation_method = Sum
    calculation_field = "value"
    verbose_name = _("Sales Value")
    name = "my_value_sum"

class MonthlyProductSales(ReportView):
    report_model = SalesTransaction
    date_field = "date"
    group_by = "product"
    columns = ["name", "sku"]

    time_series_pattern = "monthly"
    time_series_columns = [

    chart_settings = [
            _("Total Sales Monthly"),
            _("Sales Monthly [Bar]"),

then again in your add the following:

from django.urls import path
from .views import MonthlyProductSales

urlpatterns = [

Note: We created SumValueComputationField to avoid repeating the same code in each report. You can create your own ComputationFields and use them in your reports.

Pretty Cool yes ?

CrossTab Reports

A crosstab report shows the relation between two or more variables. For example, if you want to see the total sales per each product and country, then you need to create a crosstab report.

class ProductSalesPerCountryCrosstab(ReportView):
    report_model = SalesTransaction
    date_field = "date"
    group_by = "product"
    crosstab_field = "client__country"
    crosstab_columns = [

    crosstab_ids = ["US", "KW", "EG", "DE"]
    crosstab_compute_remainder = True

    columns = [

Then again in your add the following:

from django.urls import path
from .views import MyCrosstabReport

urlpatterns = [

List Reports

A list report is a report that shows a list of records. For example, if you want to see the last 10 sales transactions, then you need to create a list report.

from slick_reporting.views import ListReportView

class LastTenSales(ListReportView):
    report_model = SalesTransaction
    report_title = "Last 10 sales"
    date_field = "date"
    filters = ["product", "client", "date"]
    columns = [
    default_order_by = "-date"
    limit_records = 10

Then again in your add the following:

from django.urls import path
from .views import LastTenSales

urlpatterns = [

Integrate the view in your project

You can use the template in your own project by following these steps:

  1. Override slick_reporting/base.html in your own project and make it extends you own base template.
  2. Make sure your base template has a {% block content %} block and a {% block extrajs %} block.
  3. Add the slick reporting js resources to the page by adding {% include "slick_reporting/js_resources.html" %} to an appropriate block.

Overriding the Form

The system expect that the form used with the ReportView to implement the slick_reporting.forms.BaseReportForm interface.

The interface is simple, only 3 mandatory methods to implement, The rest are mandatory only if you are working with a crosstab report or a time series report.

  • get_filters: Mandatory, return a tuple (Q_filters , kwargs filter) to be used in filtering. q_filter: can be none or a series of Django's Q queries kwargs_filter: None or a dictionary of filters
  • get_start_date: Mandatory, return the start date of the report.
  • get_end_date: Mandatory, return the end date of the report.

For detailed information about the form, please check filter_form


from django import forms
from django.db.models import Q
from slick_reporting.forms import BaseReportForm

# A Normal form , Inheriting from BaseReportForm
class TotalSalesFilterForm(BaseReportForm, forms.Form):
        ("all", "All"),
        ("big-only", "Big Only"),
        ("small-only", "Small Only"),
        ("medium-only", "Medium Only"),
        ("all-except-extra-big", "All except extra Big"),
    start_date = forms.DateField(
        label="Start Date",
        widget=forms.DateInput(attrs={"type": "date"}),
    end_date = forms.DateField(
        required=False, label="End Date", widget=forms.DateInput(attrs={"type": "date"})
    product_size = forms.ChoiceField(
        label="Product Size",

    def get_filters(self):
        # return the filters to be used in the report
        # Note: the use of Q filters and kwargs filters
        kw_filters = {}
        q_filters = []
        if self.cleaned_data["product_size"] == "big-only":
            kw_filters["product__size__in"] = ["extra_big", "big"]
        elif self.cleaned_data["product_size"] == "small-only":
            kw_filters["product__size__in"] = ["extra_small", "small"]
        elif self.cleaned_data["product_size"] == "medium-only":
            kw_filters["product__size__in"] = ["medium"]
        elif self.cleaned_data["product_size"] == "all-except-extra-big":
            q_filters.append(~Q(product__size__in=["extra_big", "big"]))
        return q_filters, kw_filters

    def get_start_date(self):
        return self.cleaned_data["start_date"]

    def get_end_date(self):
        return self.cleaned_data["end_date"]


In the tutorial we went over how to create a report using the ReportView and ListReportView classes. The different types of reports we created are:

  1. Grouped By Reports
  2. Time Series Reports
  3. Crosstab Reports
  4. List Reports

You can create a report by inheriting from ReportView or ListReportView and setting the following attributes:

  • report_model: The model to be used in the report
  • date_field: The date field to be used in the report
  • columns: The columns to be displayed in the report
  • default_order_by: The default order by for the report
  • limit_records: The limit of records to be displayed in the report
  • group_by: The field to be used to group the report by
  • time_series_pattern: The time series pattern to be used in the report
  • time_series_columns: The columns to be displayed in the time series report
  • crosstab_field: The field to be used to create a crosstab report
  • crosstab_columns: The columns to be displayed in the crosstab report
  • crosstab_ids: The ids to be used in the crosstab report
  • crosstab_compute_remainder: Whether to compute the remainder in the crosstab report
  • chart_settings: The chart settings to be used in the report

We also saw how you can customize the form used in the report by inheriting from BaseReportForm, and integrating the view in your project.