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Exercise for ioet inc

How to execute

The solution consists of 5 files:

  • which contains the main program
  • where the principal functions of the main program are written
  • where simple validation are made
  • declaration of global variables
  • info.txt: where the input information about the exercise is written

To execute the program simply run the or execute the command below: python3 ~/src/

There are some commented lines with #debugging, which can be uncommented to see the output of different parts of the program.

The solution considered the following situations:

  • The day starts at 00:01 and ends at 00:00.
  • 00:00 is converted to 24:00 for comparison purposes, although 00:00 can be introduced on the info.txt file
  • The output are simply the payment of each employee on the info.txt file


We are happy that you are interested in being part of ioet. As part of the recruitment process we would like you to solve a programming exercise to evaluate your skills and later we will schedule a meeting to discuss your solution. It’s important to notice that you can use any programming language you want but you can not use any external library to solve the exercise, however you can add any dependency for testing purposes like JUnit, Mockito, etc. Use of dependencies that come with the standard library of a programming language are allowed (for instance, take a look at the standard Python library: Dependencies that require the use of a language package manager to be installed (pip, npm, etc.), are not allowed.

This exercise should be completed within 7 days. If for some reason you are unable to finish on time, please let us know.


The company ACME offers their employees the flexibility to work the hours they want. They will pay for the hours worked based on the day of the week and time of day, according to the following table:

Monday - Friday

00:01 - 09:00 25 USD

09:01 - 18:00 15 USD

18:01 - 00:00 20 USD

Saturday and Sunday

00:01 - 09:00 30 USD

09:01 - 18:00 20 USD

18:01 - 00:00 25 USD

The goal of this exercise is to calculate the total that the company has to pay an employee, based on the hours they worked and the times during which they worked. The following abbreviations will be used for entering data:

MO: Monday

TU: Tuesday

WE: Wednesday

TH: Thursday

FR: Friday

SA: Saturday

SU: Sunday

Input: the name of an employee and the schedule they worked, indicating the time and hours. This should be a .txt file with at least five sets of data. You can include the data from our two examples below.

Output: indicate how much the employee has to be paid

For example:

Case 1:




The amount to pay RENE is: 215 USD

Case 2:




The amount to pay ASTRID is: 85 USD

Once you have finished the exercise, please upload the solution to GitHub and send us the link. Don’t forget to include a file. Your README should include an overview of your solution, an explanation of your architecture, an explanation of your approach and methodology and instructions on how to run the program locally.

We evaluate many aspects, including how well your code is structured, applied pattern designs, testing, and the quality of your solution.

When submitting your exercise, be sure to avoid including compiled files as this could be considered malware. Please include the proper instructions to compile your project in the README file.


Exercise for ioet inc






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