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File metadata and controls

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Enable the admin site

In nanodjango the admin site will only be enabled if you decorate one or more models with @app.admin, or provide an ADMIN_URL in your settings:

app = Django(ADMIN_URL="admin/")

Note that nanodjango convert builds on top of the standard django-admin startproject template, so the admin site will always be enabled after conversion, using "admin/" if no models are decorated or if ADMIN_URL was not set.

Set up the database

You will need to migrate before use, and you will want to add a superuser:

nanodjango run migrate
nanodjango run createsuperuser

Register a model

There is a helpful decorator to register a model with the admin site:

class CountLog(models.Model):
    timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

You can pass ModelAdmin attributes as arguments to the decorator:

@app.admin(list_display=["id", "timestamp"], readonly_fields=["timestamp"])
class CountLog(models.Model):
    timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

Custom ModelAdmin

There is nothing special about the admin site in nanodjango - if your custom ModelAdmin is too complex to define using the decorator, you can register one using the standard Django approach:

from django.contrib import admin

class CountLogAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
  list_display = ["id", "timestamp"]
  readonly_fields = ["timestamp"], CountLogAdmin)