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387 lines (285 loc) · 20.1 KB

This file contains a list of changes, new features, and fixes in each release of Monite SDK.

@monite/sdk-react@3.8.0 & @monite/sdk-api@3.8.0

This package is a minor release with no breaking changes.

New features and improvements

  • Added the ability to preview invoices on the InvoiceDetails component.
  • Added the ability to issue and send an invoice to a counterpart via email using the InvoiceDetails component.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the display of the Onboarding component on screens with phone input.

@monite/sdk-react@3.7.0 & @monite/sdk-api@3.7.0

This package is a minor release with no breaking changes.

New features and improvements

  • The Onboarding component has been released as beta. This fully embeddable component allows customers to complete payment onboarding without leaving your application. For more information, see Onboarding component and Onboarding via Web Component.
  • We added the ability to edit approval policies trigger and script within the ApprovalPolicies component.
  • Addressed multiple security vulnerabilities in the React SDK and SDK API packages.

@monite/sdk-react@3.6.0 & @monite/sdk-api@3.6.0

This package is a minor release with no breaking changes.

New features and improvements

  • Added input validation for phone numbers based on countries across all form components.
  • We improved error messages on form validation errors across form components.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a styling issue that prevented popup menus from rendering correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the creation of new counterparts via the SDK.

@monite/sdk-react@3.5.0 & @monite/sdk-api@3.5.0

This package is a minor release with no breaking changes.

New features and improvements

  • All requests via the MoniteSDK instance now use Monite's 2023-09-01 API version.
  • Added the ability to create new counterparts while creating invoices via the InvoiceDetails component in creation mode.
  • Added a field to view the approval policy associated with a payable on the PayableDetails component.
  • Updated the PayableDetails component to show the amount of taxes to be paid.
  • Added the ability to attach files to a payable with no existing file on the PayableDetails component.
  • Added callbacks props to the Payables component and deprecated callbacks with inconsistent namings.
  • Updated an internal dependency that handles internalization. This alteration may cause some challenges when testing the package. For more information, see Configuring Jest for SDK.
  • Updated multiple dependencies to address possible high and moderate severity vulnerabilities in the SDK packages.
  • Introduced independent scrolling between the different parts of the PayableDetails component.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that affected the display of falsy values on the PayableDetails component.
  • Fixed an issue where fields on the Payables creation screen were not cleared on the Payables component.

@monite/sdk-react@3.4.0 & @monite/sdk-api@3.4.0

This package is a minor release with no breaking changes.

New features and improvements

  • We added the ability to create invoices using the type prop on the InvoiceDetails component. For more information, see InvoiceDetails.
  • Deprecated and removed the ProductCreateForm, ProductEditForm, and ProductDeleteModal components.
  • Added the ProductsTable component for viewing all products.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused irregular rendering of payables PDF in the Payables and PayableDetails components.
  • Fixed a bug that disrupted the UI by allowing viewers to infinitely zoom in and out of the payables PDFs on the Payables and PayableDetails components.
  • Fixed a bug causing incorrect rendering of calendars on the Payables component.
  • Fixed a bug causing incorrect rendering of currencies on the Products component.

@monite/sdk-react@3.3.0 & @monite/sdk-api@3.3.0

This package is a minor release with no breaking changes.

New features and improvements

  • Added a ProductCreateForm component for creating products. For more information, see ProductCreateForm.
  • Added a ProductEditForm component for updating details of an existing product. For more information, see ProductEditForm.
  • Added a ProductDeleteModal component for deleting products. For more information, see ProductDeleteModal.

Bug fixes

  • Fix a styling issue that affected the height of rows on the CounterpartDetails components.

@monite/sdk-react@3.2.0 & @monite/sdk-api@3.2.0

This package is a minor release with no breaking changes.

New features and improvements

  • Added OCR processing state to the PayablesTable and PayableDetails components.
  • Added the ProductDetails component to display product information.
  • Improved validation for counterpart bank accounts on the CounterpartDetails component.

@monite/sdk-react@3.1.0 & @monite/sdk-api@3.1.0

This package is a minor release with no breaking changes.

New features and improvements

  • Added a new ProductsTable component to display a list of an entity's products and services. For more information, see ProductsTable.
  • Added a new Products component. For more information, see Products.
  • Added information about subtotal, taxes, and the total amount payable while editing payables on the PayableDetails component.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed and improved form validation when creating or updating payables on the PayableDetails form.
  • Fixed a bug that produces errors on the console whenever a counterpart is deleted.
  • Fixed form validation errors on the CounterpartDetails component.
  • Fixed an issue on the TagFormModal component that prevented tags from being updated successfully.

@monite/sdk-react@3.0.0 & @monite/sdk-api@3.0.0

This is a major release with several breaking changes. Refer to the Migration guide for details on how to update your application to use v3.0.0+ of Monite's React SDK packages.

Breaking Changes

  • @team-monite/ui-widgets-react package has been renamed to @monite/sdk-react.
  • @team-monite/sdk-api package has been renamed to @monite/sdk-api.
  • The currencyLocale property on the MoniteProvider wrapper's locale object has been deprecated in favor of a new code property.
  • UI appearance has been changed due to a migration to Material UI components.
  • Theming mechanism has been changed. For more information, see Migration guide.
  • "Details" components no longer appear as modals by default. All "Details" components now adopt a page layout.
  • The layout property has been removed for details components
  • The ConfirmDeleteModal component has been deprecated.
  • The TagFormModal component now requires the open property.
  • "IBAN" and "BIC" fields have been removed from the PayableDetails form. You can now select from a list of available counterpart bank accounts.
  • The "Counterpart" field on the PayableDetails form has been changed to "Supplier".
  • The "Supplier" field is no longer required for payables on the PayableDetails form. Thus, you can save and move a payable from "Draft" to "New" status without chosen counterpart.
  • The "Invoice date" column has been renamed to "Issue date" on the PayableDetails form
  • The "Suggested payment date" field has been removed from the PayableDetails form
  • PayableDetails form now enters "Read" mode by default instead of "Edit" mode
  • The "Amount" field on the PayableDetails form is now immutable. This field is calculated and populated automatically by Monite.

New features and improvements

  • Migrated our SDKs so all requests to Monite servers use the 2023-06-04 API version.
  • Introduced a new Dialog component that handles component layouts. For more information, see Migration guide.
  • Added a new section—"Business address"—to the CounterpartDetails form.
  • Added a new field for counterpart VAT IDs—"VAT ID"— to the CounterpartDetails component.
  • Added a new field for counterpart Tax IDs—"Tax ID"— to the CounterpartDetails component.
  • Added "Creation" mode on the PayableDetails component.
  • Added the ability to create a new payable manually via the Payables component.
  • Added new field—"Contact person"—to the PayableDetails form.
  • Added new section—"Items"—to the PayableDetails form
  • Added new section—"History"—to the PayableDetails form.
  • The BrowserRouter component is no longer required on the Receivables and Payables components.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed some UI issues in all components.
  • Fixed inconsistent date formats for all date pickers.
  • Fixed behavior of the "Cancel" button on the PayableDetails form.
  • Fixed validation for GBP bank accounts on the 'CounterpartDetails` form.
  • Fixed a bug that renders the PayableDetails form despite the presence of a payable.
  • Fixed the showing of duplicated error messages on all components.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a currency change while updating payable on the PayableDetails form.
  • Fixed payable amounts calculations to allow moving from "New" to "Draft" status on the PayableDetails form.
  • Fixed some UI artifacts on the PayableDetails form.

@team-monite/ui-widgets-react@2.8.0 & @team-monite/sdk-api@2.8.0

This package is a minor release with no breaking changes.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved a bug on the PayableDetails component that caused an error when saving changes.
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect triggers were rendered on the ApprovalPolicies and ApprovalPoliciesTable components.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Created at" filter on the ApprovalPoliciesTable component was not working.

@team-monite/ui-widgets-react@2.7.0 & @team-monite/sdk-api@2.7.0

This package is a minor release with no breaking changes.

New features and improvements

  • Added the ability to manage counterpart categories on the Counterparts, CounterpartDetails, and CounterpartsTable components.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a layout issue that caused a misalignment of components.

@team-monite/ui-widgets-react@2.6.1 & @team-monite/sdk-api@2.6.1

This package is a patch release with no new features or breaking changes.

Bug fixes

  • We fixed a bug that hindered real-time localization changes on SDK components.

@team-monite/ui-widgets-react@2.6.0 & @team-monite/sdk-api@2.6.0

This package is a minor release with no breaking changes.

New features and improvements

  • Added the ability to customize the layout of our PayableDetails, CounterpartDetails, and InvoiceDetails components using the layout prop.

@team-monite/ui-widgets-react@2.5.0 & @team-monite/sdk-api@2.5.0

This package is a minor release with no breaking changes.

New features and improvements

  • Migrated our SDKs so all requests to Monite servers use the 2023-04-12 API version. For more information, see Release notes.
  • Added roles and permissions to our CounterpartsDetails component.
  • Added more methods for making API requests on our team-monite/sdk-api package.
  • Included the ability to change date formats on all UI components and packages.

Bug fixes

  • We fixed the case sensitivity issue on the Counterpart component's search bar.
  • We fixed a bundling issue on the @team-monite/ui-widgets-react package.
  • We fixed an issue with Approval chain renders on the ApprovalPoliciesTable component.
  • Fixed a bug resulting in an error when a counterpart's contact person is deleted.
  • Fixed a bug resulting in an error when rendering the InvoiceDetails component.
  • We fixed a bug that hindered real-time localization changes on SDK components.

@team-monite/ui-widgets-react@2.4.0 & @team-monite/sdk-api@2.4.0

This package is a minor release with no breaking change.

New features and improvements

  • Added ability to create payables via file uploads in Payables components.
  • Created unified components for individual UI pages—Counterparts, Payables, Receivables, Tags, and ApprovalPolicies. This allows you to use these components to create complete UI flows for these pages rather than configuring page components individually.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a styling display issue that prevented components with tables from rendering table data.
  • Fixed issues with PayableDetails component permissions.

@team-monite/ui-widgets-react@2.3.0 & @team-monite/sdk-api@2.3.0

This package is a minor release with no breaking change.

New features and improvements

  • We've added roles and permissions to our CounterpartsTable component.
  • We've improved permissions for all Payables components.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue where filters on the Payables Table were not functioning after pagination.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes led to errors when rendering the TagsTable component.

@team-monite/ui-widgets-react@2.2.0 & @team-monite/sdk-api@2.2.0

This is a minor release with no breaking changes.

New features and improvements

  • We've added roles and permissions to our PayablesTable and PayablesDetails components.
  • The Monite React UI components SDK is now compatible with Next.js applications.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the creation of new bank accounts on the CounterpartDetails component page.

@team-monite/ui-widgets-react@2.1.0 & @team-monite/sdk-api@2.1.0

This is a hotfix release with critical fixes for the published npm packages.

@team-monite/ui-widgets-react@2.0.0 & @team-monite/sdk-api@2.0.0

This is a major release with several breaking changes. Refer to the Migration Guide for details on how to update your application to use v. 2.0.0 of Monite SDK packages.

Breaking changes

  • MoniteApp has been renamed to MoniteSDK.
  • MoniteSDK now accepts the fetchToken parameter instead of token.
  • MoniteProvider now accepts an extended locale object, whereas MoniteSDK no longer uses the locale and currencyLocale parameters.
  • The ReceivableDetails component has been renamed to InvoiceDetails to indicate that it is used for invoices only.
  • The SDK has been updated to use the latest Monite API version, 2023-03-14.

New features and improvements

  • New components for Accounts Receivable: InvoicesTables to display outgoing invoices, QuotesTable to display quotes, CreditNotesTable to display credit notes.

    • The ReceivablesTable component has been reworked to use these new components to display the data.
  • The InvoiceDetails component has been improved to support invoice status transitions:

    • It displays action buttons relevant to the current status of the invoice. For example, "draft" invoices are displayed with the "Issue" and "Delete" buttons.
    • It supports new callbacks that are triggered by status transitions: onCancel, onDelete, onIssue, onMarkAsUncollectible.
  • By default, the PayablesTable component now sorts payables by the creation date (from newest to oldest).

ui-widgets-react 1.5.0

New features

  • Support for real-time mode in the PayableDetails and PayablesTable components. These components now automatically refresh the displayed data every few minutes and upon window focus.

Bug fixes

ui-widgets-react 1.4.0

New features

  • Support for customizing and localizing UI labels in components.

ui-widgets-react 1.3.0

Breaking changes

  • In the <CounterpartDetails> component, the default value of the showBankAccounts prop was changed from false to true.

New features

  • You can now change the currency locale used by Monite UI Widgets. To do this, use the new currencyLocale prop of the root <MoniteApp> component. The prop accepts a BCP 47 language identifier, such as "en-US". The default value is "de-DE".

    Usage example:

    const monite = new MoniteApp({
      apiUrl: '',
      entityId: 'ENTITY_ID',
      token: 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
      currencyLocale: 'en-US'

ui-widgets-react 1.2.4

Breaking changes

  • Previously, clicking the Pay button in the <PayablesTable> and <PayableDetails> components would automatically send a request to the Monite API to mark the invoice as paid. This automatic API call was removed.

    However, you can use the onPay callback to perform the desired actions when the users click Pay. For example, you can explicitly call the "mark as paid" API from the callback function.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed errors when clicking Save in the <PayableDetails> component.

ui-widgets-react 1.2.3

  • Internal changes to support future enhancements.

ui-widgets-react 1.2.2

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the <CounterpartsTable> component did not display the last name and contact information of counterparts of type=individual.
  • Fixed an issue where the Save button in the <PayableDetails> component also triggered the Submit action if the form was previously filled out with errors.

ui-widgets-react 1.2.1

Removed functionality

  • Column sorting was removed from the <PayablesTable> component.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where new counterparts could not be created.
  • Fixed displaying of counterpart addresses.

ui-widgets-react 1.2.0

New features

  • The <PayableDetails> component has a new optionalFields prop that controls whether to display or hide some optional fields in payable details, specifically: "Invoice date", "Suggested payment date", "Tags", "IBAN", and "BIC". By default, these fields are displayed. Usage example:

        invoiceDate: true,
        suggestedPaymentDate: true,
        tags: false,
        iban: false,
        bic: false


  • The <PayableDetails> component demo in the Storybook was reworked to better illustrate the entire payable lifecycle flow starting from the draft status until paid/canceled.

  • Monite SDK is now built using Node.js v. 18.14.0 instead of v. 16.14.2.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where currencies other than Euro did not work properly in payable components.

  • Fixed an issue with applying filters in the <ApprovalPoliciesTable> component after pagination.

  • Fixed a display issue with the <PaymentDetails> component in the Storybook.

ui-widgets-react 1.1.0

New features

  • The <CounterpartDetails> component has a new showBankAccounts prop that controls whether to display the "Bank accounts" section.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the <CounterpartDetails> component that caused a blank page.

ui-widgets-react 1.0.0

This is the first major release of Monite UI Widgets (@team-monite/ui-widgets-react) - a React component library for building embedded finance capabilities into your products, powered by Monite API.

This release comes with new components for Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable integration.

Notable changes since v. 0.0.4 of ui-widgets-react:

  • Added new components to display and manage tags:
    • <TagsTable> - a table that displays the list of existing tags with built-in sorting, pagination, rename and delete capabilities.
    • <TagFormModal> - the "create new tag" modal.
    • <ConfirmDeleteModal> - a confirmation modal displayed before a tag is deleted.
  • Added new component for approval policies:
    • <ApprovalPoliciesTable> - a table that displays the list of existing approval policies with built-in pagination, sorting, and filtering capabilities.
  • Added new component for Accounts Receivable:
    • <CreateInvoice> - the "create invoice" modal.

Browse all available components in our interactive explorer at