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Flow: Track asynchronous application flow and access flow context variables

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Sneak Peek

This library allows you to create custom asynchronous flow contexts and access its variables in every step of the flow execution.

Let's illustrate Flow functionality on a simple http server:

const Flow = require('liqd-flow'); // load Flow library

let requestID = 0;

const server = require('http').createServer( ( req, res ) =>
  // Start a new flow in request handler
  Flow.start( () =>
    dispatch( req.url ).then( result => res.end( result ));
  // and set its variables
    start: process.hrtime(),
    requestID: ++requestID

async function dispatch( url )
  Flow.set( 'url', url ); // Set a new variable in our Flow

  let data = await Model.getData( url );

    elapsed: process.hrtime( Flow.get( 'start' ) ), // get process.hrtime() from the current Flow (server request handler)
    requestID: Flow.get( 'requestID' )              // get requestID incremented in the current Flow (server request handler)

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npm install --save liqd-flow

Class: Flow

static start( callback[, scope = {}[, freeze = true]] )

Starts a new Flow and sets its scope object.

  • callback {Function} Callback executed in a newly created Flow
  • scope {Object} Scope assigned to the Flow
    • defaults to {Object} empty object {}
  • freeze {Boolean} If set to true scope variables are frozen to prevent changes in the Flow
    • defaults to {Boolean} true
Flow.start( () =>
	// Callback is executed inside Flow scope

	let foo = Flow.get('foo'); // returns 'bar';
{ foo: 'bar' }); // Sets the Flow scope

static set( key, value[, freeze = true] )

Sets value for the key in the current Flow if key is not frozen.

  • key {Any} Key
  • value {Any} Value
  • freeze {Boolean} If set to true value for key will be frozen to prevent changes in the Flow
    • defaults to {Boolean} true

Returns {Boolean}

  • true value has been set for the key which was not frozen
  • false key was frozen and variable have not been changed
Flow.set('foo', 'bar', false); // Sets the value inside Flow, returns true
Flow.set('foo', 'boo', true); // Rewrites the value, returns true
Flow.set('foo', 'goo'); // Does not rewrite the value, returns false

static get( key[, default_value = undefined] )

Returns value for the key in the current Flow, default_value if the key is not set.

  • key {Any} Key
  • default_value {Any} Value returned if the key is not set
    • defaults to undefined

Returns {Any}

let foo = Flow.get('foo');

static getPath( path[, default_value = undefined[, path_delimiter = '.']] )

Returns value for the path in the current Flow, default_value if the path is not set.

  • path {Array of Strings | String} path
  • default_value {Any} Value returned if the key is not set
    • defaults to undefined
  • path_delimiter {String} Path delimiter if path is {String}
    • defaults to '.'

Returns {Any}

let foo = Flow.getPath('');
let bar = Flow.getPath('obj|bar', null, '|');

static scope()

Returns the current scope of the Flow, object containing every key set in the Flow with its value and frozen state.

Returns {Object}

let scope = Flow.scope();

/* scope =
  [key] : { value, frozen }

static save()

Returns the current Flow handle for later restoration.

Returns {FlowHandle}

let flow_handle =;

static restore( FlowHandle, callback )

Restores the stored Flow and dispatches the callback. Flow can be restored by calling restore method on FlowHandle as well. Each FlowHandle can be restored only once - multiple restorations throws an Exception.

Flow.restore( flow_handle, () =>
	// Flow is restored
flow_handle.restore( () =>
	// Flow is restored

static bind( callback )

Binds the current Flow to callback function, callback can be executed outside of current flow yet the original Flow is automaticaly restored.

let callback;

Flow.start( () =>
	callback = Flow.bind( () =>
		let foo = Flow.get('foo'); // returns 'bar'
{ foo: 'bar' });

setTimeout( callback, 1000 ); // Executes callback outside of its Flow


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