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Jenkins command line interface

PyPI version Build Status Code Health Requirements Status

Based on python-jenkins

Tested on

Jenkins ver: 1.565, 1.655

Python ver: 2.7, 3.4, 3.5

Table of contents


pip install jenkins-cli


git clone
cd jenkins-cli-python
python install

Configuration file (.jenkins-cli)

Host, username and password may be specified either by the command line arguments or in the configuration file (.jenkins-cli). Command line arguments have the highest priority, after that the .jenkins-cli file from current folder is used. If there is no.jenkins-cli file in the current folder, settings will be read from .jenkins-cli located in the home folder

.jenkins-cli example



Commands overview:

jobs                Show all jobs and their statuses
queue               Show builds queue
building            Build executor status
start               Start job
info                Job info
setbranch           Set VCS branch (Mercurial or Git)
stop                Stop job
console             Show console for the build
builds             	Show builds for the job
changes            	Show build's changes

Run jenkins --help for detailed help. To view optional parameters, run --help for the specific command. For example jenkins jobs --help will show job status description and optional arguments.

Usage example:

Show status descriptions

$ jenkins jobs --help
usage: jenkins jobs [-h] [-a] [-p]

Status description:

... -> Unknown
F.. -> Failed
D.. -> Disabled
U.. -> Unstable
N.. -> Not built
S.. -> Stable
A.. -> Aborted
.>> -> Build in progress

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -a          show only active jobs
  -p          show only jobs in build progress

Show jobs

$ jenkins jobs
D.. hudson
S.. jenkins-cli
U>> new-project

Show job info

$ jenkins info jenkins-cli
Last build name: jenkins-cli #18 (result: SUCCESS)
Last success build name: jenkins-cli #18
Build started: 2016-03-31 00:22:38.326999
Building now: No
Git branch set to: master

Update VCS branch

$ jenkins setbranch new-feature

Run job

$ jenkins start jenkins-cli
jenkins-cli: started

View job builds

$ jenkins builds jenkins-cli
S.. #18 0:00:07 (2 commits)
S.. #17 0:00:08 (2 commits)
F.. #16 0:00:00 (4 commits)
S.. #15 0:00:08 (2 commits)

Show previous build changes

$ jenkins changes jenkins-cli -b 17
1. add .travis.yml from add-travis branch by Denys Levchenko affected 1 files 
2. scaffolding for tests by Denys Levchenko affected 5 files 

Show current job console output (last 13 lines)

$ jenkins console jenkins-cli -n 13
test_jobs (tests.test_cli.TestCliCommands) ... ok
test_queue (tests.test_cli.TestCliCommands) ... ok
test_set_branch (tests.test_cli.TestCliCommands) ... ok
test_start (tests.test_cli.TestCliCommands) ... ok
test_stop (tests.test_cli.TestCliCommands) ... ok
test_read_settings_from_file (tests.test_cli.TestCliFileUsing) ... ok

Ran 12 tests in 0.015s

Finished: SUCCESS


To perform flake8 checks and run tests similar to Travis, do the following

pip install -r requirements.txt