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Before run tests you need to do some steps.


This tests running on node v6 or above, (later versions not tested).


The npm package oracledb need to be install. For more instructions about, see oracledb package documentation on github.


Some tests running commands in a oracle database. So, you will need to connect to a oracle instance. You can use Amazon RDS or any other if you want.

If you have docker instaled you can run a container with oracle database inside:

$ docker run -d --name=oracle -p=1521:1521  wnameless/oracle-xe-11g

In this case see to see how this image works.

Environment Variables

To be able to connect to oracle, you will need to pass connection string, user name and password. To do this, set this environment variables:

  • ORACLE_USER: user name to connect
  • ORACLE_PASSWORD: user password
  • ORACLE_CONNECTION_STRING: ip, port and service name


Install dependencies with npm install (mocha will be localy instaled). So you can just type 'npm test' to make a full test. You can use mocha as you wish too.

Docker compose

####You can use docker compose to run tests too.

Do the following to make it works:

$ docker-compose up -d oracle

Wait a minute util the database starts. You can check the progress by typing:

$ docker-compose logs -f oracle

And then test jubarte:

docker-compose up jubarte

With this command a container with jubarte will start, execute npm install and then npm test to make a full test. The output will appear in terminal window. After finish tests, the container will stop.