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rafaelcp edited this page Oct 20, 2016 · 8 revisions

Enable / Disable Features

Go to Macros > All Configurations. Therw you'll find a lot of configuration variables (the ones that start with 'cfg'). Below, there is a detailed list. Between parentheses, there are the possible values, with the default value in bold.

  • cfgEnableSlide (true/false): Enables/disables sliding.
  • cfgEnableCharge (true/false): Enables/disables charged shot.
  • cfgEnableScrews (true/false): Enables/disables screws/bolts and the shop. Even if you put screws into your levels, they won't appear in the game if this is disable.
  • cfgInitialStage (-1/room name): Sets the intro stage for your game (the name of your room). Leave the -1 default if you don't want an intro stage.
  • cfgShotSplash (true/false): Enables/disables the water splash effect when the charged mega buster goes above water.
  • cfgEnableSlideKey (true/false): Enables/disables a dedicated sliding key.
  • cfgEnableDamageNumbers (true/false): Enables/disables showing damage numbers when getting hit or when hitting enemies.
  • cfgMaxNumberOfBusterShots (3/any integer): Sets the maximum number of buster shots that can be simultaneously on the screen.
  • cfgMaxHealth (28/any integer): Sets the maximum health.
  • cfgMaxAmmo (28/any integer): Sets the maximum ammo.
  • cfgDebug (true/false): Enables/disables debug mode. When enabled, shows objects bounding boxes, velocity vectors and health points.
  • initialRoom (rmDisclaimer/any room): Sets the first room shown in the game, defaulting to the disclaimer screen. This is useful for debugging, since you can start at any level.

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