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63 lines (35 loc) · 1.68 KB

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63 lines (35 loc) · 1.68 KB

PyJaws Contribution Guidelines

PyJaws welcomes contributions from the community.

This instructions are for linux base systems. (Linux, MacOS, BSD, etc.)

Setting up your own fork of this repo.

  • On github interface click on Fork button.
  • Clone your fork of this repo. git clone
  • Enter the directory cd project_urlname
  • Add upstream repo git remote add upstream

Setting up your own virtual environment

We recommend pyenv. Create a virtual environment by running python -m venv .venv. Then activate it with source .venv/bin/activate.

Install the project in develop mode

Run pip install -e ./pyjaws.

Run the tests to ensure everything is working

Make sure the dependencies in test-requirements.txt, and run tox.

Create a new branch to work on your contribution

Run git checkout -b my_contribution

Make your changes

Edit the files using your preferred editor. (we recommend VIM or VSCode)

Format the code

Run tox -e fix to format the code.

Run the linter

Run tox -e lint to run the linter.

Test your changes

Run tox to run the tests.

Ensure code coverage report shows at least 77% coverage, add tests to your PR.

Commit your changes

This project uses conventional git commit messages.

Example: fix(package): update arguments 🎉 (emojis are fine too)

Push your changes to your fork

Run git push origin my_contribution

Submit a pull request

On github interface, click on Pull Request button.

Wait CI to run and one of the developers will review your PR.