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Model: How we assume the world works

Simple linear regresssion

yi = W0 + W1Xi + Ei

W0 and W1 are regression coefficients W0 is the intercept

Cost can be measure in: RSS = Sum ( yi - (w0 +w1xi)) ^ 2

W0 = value of y when X = 0 W1 = predicted change in the output per unit of change in the input x


  • Gradient descent minimize the RSS function over all possible W0 and W1.
  • Solve when the gradient = 0 . Also know as the closed form . Usually slower than gradient descent and in some cases can't be solved.
  • Gradiend descent relies on stepsize and convergence criteria.


Can use multiple loss/error functions

  • Absolute Error = |y - f(x)|
  • Squared Error = (y - f(x)) ^ 2

on Model complexity

  • Training error = avg. loss on houses in training set
  • Training error = avg. loss on houses in test set
  • As model complexiy increases, training error decreases
  • Small training error ≠> good predictions. Training error is overly optimistic because ŵ was fit to training data
  • As model complexity increases, test error decreases and then starts to climb back. Like an U
  • Your job is to find the lowest part of the U.


Formal definition

  • there are 2 models, one called S and one called C. S is more simple than C (which is more complex)
  • TrainingError(S) > TrainingError(C)
  • TestingError(S) > TestingError(S)
  • Model C is overfitted.

Training vs Test splits

  • Too few data points in Training means the model will be poorly fitted.
  • Too few data points in Testing means that we'll have a bad estimation of the generalization error (which the test error attempts to approach)
  • Typically, you want just enought points in the test set to form a reasonable estimate of the generalization error.

3 sources of error

1.  Noise: irreducible erorr. 2.  Bias: Over all possible size N training sets, what do I expect my fit to be. Is our model potentiall flexible enough to capture the true prediction. E.g. a constant line won't predict a True Cubic function very well. 3.  Variance: How much do specific fits vary from the expected fit?

  • High Complexity -> High Variance & Low Bias
  • Low Complexity -> Low Variance & High bias
  • find the sweetspot

Adding validation set

  • Split data in training, validation and test
  • Select λ* such that ŵλ* minimizes error on validation set
  • Approximate generalization error of ŵλ* using test set
  • Training: fit ŵλ
  • Validation: test performance of ŵλ to select λ
  • Test: Assess generalization error.
  • Typical splits: 80/10/10 or 50/25/25

Adding k fold cross validation

  • Split your data sets in K groups. K typically < 10
for i  < k
  training = All blocks  minus k
  test = block K
  model = fit(Training)
  acumulateError = model.Error(Test)
 accumulateError / K

Ridge and lasso

Often, overfitting associated with very large estimated parameters ŵ

Number of observations vs overfitting

  • Few observations (N small) rapidly overfit as model complexity increases
  • Many observations (N very large) harder to overfit

Number of inputs vs overfitting

  • More features -> more overfitting unless data includes examples of all possible combos (which is very hard)

What lasso and ridge do

Balance how well the function fits the data and the magnitude of the coeficiicents.

Total cost = measure of fit + measure of magnitudeof coefficients Ridge = RSS + lambda * Sum(w ^ 2) where w are the coefficients Lasso = RSS + lambda * Sum(|w|) where w are the coefficients

  • if lambda = 0 then same as regular regression
  • if lambda = infinite solution is W0. Not useful
  • Large lambda -> high bias, low variance
  • small lambda -> low bias, high variance
  • in essence, lambda controls model complexity

Lasso vs ridge

  • Ridge reduces the magnitude of all coefficients. They do not tend to become 0 until the lambda = infinite.
  • Lasso starts bringing them down to 0, one by one, until all are 0
  • Lasso effectively performs feature selection. The features with coeffecient 0 have been filtered out of the solution.


  1. Find K closes x in the dataset (using some distance metric such as euclidean)
  2. Predict by grabbing the y of those K closest and taking an average,