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File metadata and controls

93 lines (63 loc) · 3.72 KB

Notes on headless lms

Creating new migration files on with the cluster environment is hard, because it automatically runs migraitons.

Setup local dev env

  1. Rename .env.example -> .env
  2. In .env setup DATABASE_URL=postgres://localhost/headless_lms_dev
  3. bin/local-dev-db-create-user
  4. bin/local-dev-db-create
  5. Run bin/sqlx-migrate-run
  6. (Optional) bin/seed-local
  7. If migrations succeed, run bin/dev

Creating new SQL queries in headless-lms using Sqlx requires running bin/sqlx-prepare so that it builds.

New migrations

In the headless_lms folder run:

bin/sqlx-migrate-add migration_name

Then write your migration in migrations/<>.up.sql and write the reverse migration in migrations/<>.down.sql.

Run migrations with bin/sqlx-migrate-run or bin/sqlx-migrate-revert.

New endpoint

When creating a new endpoint, please bear in mind that it should follow the Separation of Concerns.

Walkthrough how to create an endpoint for LMS.

As an example, let's create an endpoint /api/v0/bogus/foo/, where bogus is our microservice, foo is our db model and endpoint.

This said, the endpoint should be used for the bogus microservice and endpoints should return foos or take foo_id as parameter.

  1. Create in folder src/models/, if not present
  2. Create in folder src/controllers/bogus/, if not present
  3. In src/controllers/ add the new microservice to configure_controllers -> .service(web::scope("/bogus").configure(_add_bogus_routes)), if not present.
  4. Write the new _add_bogus_routes function in the src/controllers/bogus/ file and create necessary submodules. (Hint: See existing, example below).
Handlers for HTTP requests to `/api/v0/bogus`.

This documents all endpoints. Select a module below for a category.


pub mod foo;

use actix_web::web::{self, ServiceConfig};

use self::{foo::_add_foo_routes};

/// Add controllers from all the submodules.
pub fn add_bogus_routes(cfg: &mut ServiceConfig) {
  1. In src/controllers/bogus/ add the routes in e.g. _add_foo_routes, so if you would like to create a CRUD for foo, you would add 4 routes as following:
pub fn _add_foo_routes(cfg: &mut ServiceConfig) {
  cfg.route("", web::get().to(get_all_foos))
      .route("", web::post().to(post_new_foo))
      .route("/{foo_id}", web::put().to(update_foo))
      .route("/{foo_id}", web::delete().to(delete_foo))

The name starts with an underline in order to appear before other functions in the module documentation.

We add the routes by calling the route method instead of using the route annotations, because this method preserves the function signatures for documentation.

  1. Write the CRUD route methods (get_all_foos, post_new_foo etc.) in the same file.
  2. Write the logic of what the endpoint does in src/models/ and if needed, in other models as well if more complex endpoint.
  3. If needed, create a seed at headless-lms/db/seed.sql and seed your database.
  4. Using headless-lms/ ensure that your endpoint works and document manually the request/response above the function in src/controllers/bogus/


Passing enum values as parameters to SQL queries:

Formatting inline SQL in Visual Studio Code

  1. Convert the string to a raw string
  2. Move the statement into its own line
  3. Select the whole lines that contain the sql statement
  4. Use the SQLTools: Format Selected Query For Any Document action from ctrl-shift-p-menu.