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These are productive deployment instructions are for nginx, uwsgi and openrc.

Throughout this document, we are assuming the following:

  • uwsgi is running as user nginx
  • The source code is located at /srv/www/stimmungskalender
  • The virtualenv is located at /srv/www/stimmungskalender/virtualenv
  • The database backend is postgres, accessed by the user stimmungskalender

Create the postgres database and a user for stimmungskalender:

createuser stimmungskalender
createdb -O stimmungskalender stimmungskalender

Download the latest release from GitHub or get the latest stimmungskalender source code:

cd /srv/www/
git clone

Change to the directory:

cd /srv/www/stimmungskalender

To separate code and config, stimmungskalender uses python-decouple.

This means, we need to place a file called .env in the root directory of the application /srv/www/stimmungskalender .

An example .env file can be found at docs/examples/

touch .env
# Edit the file to configure database access etc

Create the virtualenv:

python3 -m venv virtualenv

Install the required depdendencies:

./virtualenv/bin/pip install .

Populate the database:

./virtualenv/bin/python migrate

Create the admin user for stimmungskalender:

./virtualenv/bin/python createsuperuser

The next step is only required if you got the source code from GitHub. The release archive contains all required JavaScript and css files.

# To manage all needed resources, stimmungskalender uses node and webpack.
# This is needed, to avoid pushing production JavaScript files to git 

cd node
npm i && npm run build

Copy all needed static files (images, JavaScript files etc.) to the static root directory:

./virtualenv/bin/python collectstatic --noinput

The next step is only required if you got the source code from GitHub. The release archive contains all required translation files.

# To use `stimmungskalender` in different languages:
./virtualenv/bin/django-admin compilemessages


An example uwsgi ini file is located at docs/examples/


An example openrc init script that manages stimmungskalender is located at docs/examples/


For systemd, please see the official uwsgi documentation


A working nginx configuration is located at docs/examples/


In order to update the application:

cd /srv/www/stimmungskalender

# If you cloned the git repository, update it...
git pull

# ... if you downloaded a release, extract it into the existing installation

# Update installed pip packages and install newly added dependencies (if any).
./virtualenv/bin/pip install .

# Apply database changes (if there are any)
./virtualenv/bin/python migrate

# Collect static files (only need if you cloned the git repository)
./virtualenv/bin/python collectstatic --noinput
# Correct ownernship
chown -R nginx:nginx /srv/www/stimmungskalender

# Restart the uwsgi service (openrc only)
/etc/init.d/stimmungskalender restart