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Releases: rainbow-me/rainbowkit


02 Jul 18:56
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Patch Changes

  • 7b00be5: Added Seif Wallet support with seifWallet wallet connector
  • 23e33b9: Added mantle and mantleTestnet network support
  • 001a0a9: Resolved an issue in development where browser detection would throw an error if navigator.userAgent was unavailable in the browser.


31 May 03:53
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Patch Changes

  • 2180ddd: Added Nest Wallet support with nestWallet wallet connector

  • fea278a: The coinbaseWallet wallet connector now has a preference argument to control whether Smart Wallet is enabled and available for users. Preference based behavior is documented here.

    Smart Wallet will be enabled by default with all in early June, without a further upgrade.

    Developers can test Smart Wallet with sepolia and baseSepolia chains today by setting smartWalletOnly like so:

    import { coinbaseWallet } from "@rainbow-me/rainbowkit/wallets";
    // Enable Coinbase Smart Wallet for testing
    coinbaseWallet.preference = "smartWalletOnly";
    // You must manually specify your wallet list with `wallets` in
    // `getDefaultConfig` or `connectorsForWallets` to assign the preference
    const config = getDefaultConfig({
      /* ... */
      wallets: [
          groupName: "Popular",
          wallets: [coinbaseWallet],
      /* ... */


23 May 07:12
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Patch Changes

  • 725a376: Added Magic Eden Wallet support with magicEdenWallet wallet connector
  • 9be5452: Resolved an issue with the Enhanced Provider when using RainbowKit in Vite without a process.env polyfill


18 May 07:04
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Minor Changes

  • 82153ed: Upgraded compatible wagmi and @coinbase/wallet-sdk versions to support Coinbase Smart Wallet.

    Smart Wallet enables users to create a new wallet in seconds with Passkeys, without installing an app or extension. Smart Wallet users can use the same account and address across all onchain apps with RainbowKit.

    Smart Wallet and the underlying smart contract is fully compatible with Wagmi, but dApps need to ensure that their offchain signature validation is ERC-6492 compliant to support smart contract wallets. Follow this guide for more information.

    Coinbase Wallet users on desktop and mobile will now interact with a new connection flow in RainbowKit alongside Smart Wallet.

  • 90d6931: Introduced the Enhanced Provider to handle fallback resolutions when a Mainnet provider transport is unavailable.

    ENS names for dApps without a Mainnet provider will now properly resolve. Additional conveniences will be soon be rolling out in RainbowKit.


17 May 07:51
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Patch Changes

  • 8841891: Added real-time balance fetching based on the Recent Transaction API. As a transaction is confirmed on-chain, the user's gas balance will be updated to reflect the transaction.

    import { useAddRecentTransaction } from "@rainbow-me/rainbowkit";
    export default () => {
      const addRecentTransaction = useAddRecentTransaction();
      return (
          onClick={() => {
              hash: "0x...",
              description: "...",
          Add recent transaction


07 May 01:10
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Patch Changes

  • af4ea4e: Added Kraken Wallet support with krakenWallet wallet connector
  • f0b3b25: Mitigated behavior in Coinbase Wallet where the user would be captured in the in-app browser upon redirect.


26 Apr 08:37
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Patch Changes

  • 7ab6e50: Added Compass Wallet support with compassWallet wallet connector
  • 515498f: Locked the dependencies for the coinbaseWallet wallet connector to Coinbase Wallet SDK v3 to temporarily mitigate breaking changes included an upcoming version of Wagmi.


04 Apr 02:36
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Patch Changes

  • 4dd1e45: Fixed an issue that allowed duplicate wallets to be added to the Connect Modal when using connectorsForWallets
  • 1a0f209: Added a small check to throw an error if the wallet list is empty overall or empty within any category.
  • ec41346: Amended the getDefaultConfig return type to prevent indirect type annotation errors and better infer type for parameters from Wagmi's createConfig.
  • fc4d7e1: Resolved a bug where if multiInjectedProviderDiscovery was set to false the roninWallet would prevent showing Opening Ronin Wallet... UI in the connect modal.
  • 81ba812: Added support for zetachain and zetachainAthensTestnet testnet chain
  • b11118f: Added Kaikas Wallet support with kaikasWallet wallet connector and added klaytn chain with klaytnBaobab testnet support.


28 Mar 03:22
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Patch Changes

  • 77dcec3: Added Bybit Wallet support with bybitWallet wallet connector
  • 6c240ba: Added Gate Wallet support with gateWallet wallet connector
  • 34419b5: Added Bitverse Wallet support with bitverseWallet wallet connector
  • 5c60239: Added 1inch Wallet support with oneInchWallet wallet connector


27 Mar 18:36
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Patch Changes

  • b25db9a: Added blast and blastSepolia network support
  • b80e8fa: Improved the synchronous connection flow for the WalletButton and WalletButton.Custom components
  • 985b80b: Resolved an issue where ENS resolution would fail and throw an error for ENS names with disallowed characters.