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TheCoach+ app bring all sports trainers and students on one platform. You can find the coach that is best for you. It also provides the people with skills ,who want to become a coach a digital platform through which they can easily connect to their students.

License: MIT

Table of contents


WHEN I arrive on the website
THEN I am greeted with a welcome page that tells me everything about the app.
WHEN I scroll down the welcome page
THEN get a contact form
WHEN I input all the details in the contact form
THEN an email is sent to TheCoach+ support team
WHEN I click on login button
THEN I am diverted to a login page where I have option to sign in as well
WHEN I sign in as a new user
THEN an email is sent to TheCoach+ support team
WHEN I login with correct credentials
THEN I am taken to the homepage with an additional option Student Dashboard
WHEN I click on Find-A-Coach option in the navbar
THEN I am taken to a new page
WHEN I select a sport on this page
THEN I am presented with a list of coaches for that particular coach
WHEN I select another coach
THEN I am presented with coaches for that sport as well
WHEN I unselect a particular sport
THEN that sport is taken away from the list of coaches
WHEN I click on Enroll button
THEN I am taken to a coach detail page, describing about the coach I selected
WHEN I scroll down this page
THEN I see two drop down boxes
WHEN I click the first dropdowm box
THEN I can select the day I want my lesson on from the list of options available
WHEN I click on the second checkbox
THEN I can select the lesson time that suites me
WHEN I click on the Enrol button
THEN I am taken to an Enrollment confirmation page
WHEN I click on Confirm Enrollment button
THEN I a messaage is displayed on then screen, confirming my enrollment
WHEN I click on the Student Dashboard option on the navbar
THEN I am routed to a page showing all of my enrollments

Deployed App Link

















npx create-react-app the-coach-plus
use the same package.json and run npm install
in another terminal run mongod

For Mongo shell
In the command prompt
run mongosh
use theCoachPlusSchema

Also, install Studio 3T
for database, you can import and export data using Studio 3T

For email
run cd client >> npm install validator

npm install --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core
npm install --save @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons

npm install --save @fortawesome/react-fontawesome
//for social icons
npm i --save @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons

import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome';
import { faBars } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";

<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faBars} />


npm install dotenv

npm install --save @sendgrid/mail
For Stripe

In Server package.json
npm install stripe --save

In Client package.json
npm install --save @stripe/react-stripe-js @stripe/stripe-js
Check all stripe requests at Stipe Dashboard->Developers->logs


On Localhost : npm run develop

On Heroku : using heroku link


Reference Documents

set up mongo atlas

Deploy with mongodb and atlas


Create heroku app using

heroku --version
heroku login
heroku create
Push to heroku using(push the updated version to Git before doing this)
git add -A
git commit -m 'deploying'
git push heroku main
To run the app from CLI

heroku open


Rajni Dua


For any further questions, reachout to me at :


License: MIT

© 2021 Rajni Dua

Licensed under MIT