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Superheroes Fight Microservice

Table of Contents


This is the Fight REST API microservice. It is a reactive HTTP microservice exposing an API for performing fights between Heroes and Villains. Each fight is persisted into a PostgreSQL database and can be retrieved via the REST API. This service is implemented using RESTEasy Reactive with reactive endpoints and Quarkus Hibernate Reactive with Panache's active record pattern.


The following table lists the available REST endpoints. The OpenAPI document for the REST endpoints is also available.

Path HTTP method Response Status Response Object Description
/api/fights GET 200 List<Fight> All Fights. Empty array ([]) if none.
/api/fights POST 200 Fight Performs a fight.
/api/fights POST 400 Invalid Fighters passed in request body (or no request body found)
/api/fights/randomfighters GET 200 Fighters Finds random fighters
/api/fights/{id} GET 200 Fight Fight with id == {id}
/api/fights/{id} GET 404 No Fight with id == {id} found
/api/fights/hello GET 200 String Ping "hello" endpoint


The FightConfig stores all the application-specific configuration that can be overridden at runtime.



The FightService class uses timeouts from SmallRye Fault Tolerance to protect against calls to the downstream Hero and Villain services. Tests for these conditions can be found in FightServiceTests.


The FightService class uses fallbacks from SmallRye Fault Tolerance to protect against calls to the downstream Hero and Villain services. Tests for these conditions can be found in FightServiceTests.


Retry logic to the downstream Hero and Villain services is implemented in the clients for each service.

Hero Client

The HeroRestClient is implemented using the reactive rest client. All of its configuration can be found in under the key. This client is not exposed outside of the io.quarkus.sample.superheroes.fight.client package.

Instead, the HeroClient class wraps the HeroRestClient and adds some resiliency to it:

  • The downstream Hero service returns a 404 if no random Hero is found. HeroClient handles this case and simulates the service returning nothing.
  • In the event the downstream Hero service returns an error, HeroClient adds 3 retries with a 200ms delay between each retry.

Villain Client

The VillainClient is implemented using the JAX-RS client API with the RESTEasy Reactive client. All of its configuration can be found in under the fight.villain.client-base-url key.

  • The downstream Villain service returns a 404 if no random Villain is found. VillainClient handles this case and simulates the service returning nothing.
  • In the event the downstream Villain service returns an error, VillainClient adds 3 retries with a 200ms delay between each retry.


This application has a full suite of tests, including an integration test suite.

Running the Application

First you need to start up all of the downstream services (Heroes Service and Villains Service - the Event Statistics Service is optional).

The application runs on port 8082 (defined by quarkus.http.port in

From the quarkus-super-heroes/rest-fights directory, simply run ./mvnw quarkus:dev to run Quarkus Dev Mode, or running quarkus dev using the Quarkus CLI. The application will be exposed at http://localhost:8082 and the Quarkus Dev UI will be exposed at http://localhost:8082/q/dev.

NOTE: Running the application outside of Quarkus Dev Mode requires standing up a PostgreSQL instance and an Apache Kafka instance and binding them to the app.

Furthermore, since this service also communicates with additional downstream services (rest-heroes and rest-villains), those would need to be stood up as well, although this service does have fallbacks in case those other services aren't available.

By default, the application is configured with the following:

Description Environment Variable Java Property Value
Database URL QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_REACTIVE_URL quarkus.datasource.reactive.url postgresql://localhost:5432/fights_database
Database username QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_USERNAME quarkus.datasource.username superfight
Database password QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD quarkus.datasource.password superfight
Kafka Bootstrap servers KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS kafka.bootstrap.servers PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092
Heroes Service URL http://localhost:8083
Villains Service URL fight.villain.client-base-url fight.villain.client-base-url http://localhost:8084

Running Locally via Docker Compose

Pre-built images for this application can be found at

Only Fights Service

Pick one of the 4 versions of the application from the table below and execute the appropriate docker compose command from the quarkus-super-heroes/rest-fights directory.

NOTE: You may see errors as the applications start up. This may happen if an application completes startup before one if its required services (i.e. database, kafka, etc). This is fine. Once everything completes startup things will work fine.

Description Image Tag Docker Compose Run Command
JVM Java 11 java11-latest docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose/java11.yml up --remove-orphans
JVM Java 17 java17-latest docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose/java17.yml up --remove-orphans
Native compiled with Java 11 native-java11-latest docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose/native-java11.yml up --remove-orphans
Native compiled with Java 17 native-java17-latest docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose/native-java17.yml up --remove-orphans

Fights Service and all Downstream Dependencies

The above Docker Compose files are meant for standing up this application and the required database and Kafka broker only. If you want to stand up this application and its downstream services (rest-villains and rest-heroes), pick one of the 4 versions from the table below and execute the appropriate docker compose command from the quarkus-super-heroes/rest-fights directory.

NOTE: You may see errors as the applications start up. This may happen if an application completes startup before one if its required services (i.e. database, kafka, etc). This is fine. Once everything completes startup things will work fine.

Description Image Tag Docker Compose Run Command
JVM Java 11 java11-latest docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose/java11-all-downstream.yml up --remove-orphans
JVM Java 17 java17-latest docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose/java17-all-downstream.yml up --remove-orphans
Native compiled with Java 11 native-java11-latest docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose/native-java11-all-downstream.yml up --remove-orphans
Native compiled with Java 17 native-java17-latest docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose/native-java17-all-downstream.yml up --remove-orphans

Only Downstream Dependencies

If you want to develop the Fights service (i.e. via Quarkus Dev Mode) but want to stand up just it's downstream services (rest-villains and rest-heroes), pick one of the 4 versions from the table below and execute the appropriate docker compose command from the quarkus-super-heroes directory.

NOTE: You may see errors as the applications start up. This may happen if an application completes startup before one if its required services (i.e. database, kafka, etc). This is fine. Once everything completes startup things will work fine.

Description Image Tag Docker Compose Run Command
JVM Java 11 java11-latest docker-compose -f rest-heroes/deploy/docker-compose/java11.yml -f rest-villains/deploy/docker-compose/java11.yml up --remove-orphans
JVM Java 17 java17-latest docker-compose -f rest-heroes/deploy/docker-compose/java17.yml -f rest-villains/deploy/docker-compose/java17.yml up --remove-orphans
Native compiled with Java 11 native-java11-latest docker-compose -f rest-heroes/deploy/docker-compose/native-java11.yml -f rest-villains/deploy/docker-compose/native-java11.yml up --remove-orphans
Native compiled with Java 17 native-java17-latest docker-compose -f rest-heroes/deploy/docker-compose/native-java17.yml -f rest-villains/deploy/docker-compose/native-java17.yml up --remove-orphans

If you want to stand up the entire system, follow these instructions.

Once started the application will be exposed at http://localhost:8082.

Deploying to Kubernetes

The application can be deployed to Kubernetes using pre-built images or by deploying directly via the Quarkus Kubernetes Extension. Each of these is discussed below.

Using pre-built images

Pre-built images for this application can be found at

Deployment descriptors for these images are provided in the deploy/k8s directory. There are versions for OpenShift, Minikube, Kubernetes, and KNative.

Pick one of the 4 versions of the application from the table below and deploy the appropriate descriptor from the deploy/k8s directory.

Description Image Tag OpenShift Descriptor Minikube Descriptor Kubernetes Descriptor KNative Descriptor
JVM Java 11 java11-latest java11-openshift.yml java11-minikube.yml java11-kubernetes.yml java11-knative.yml
JVM Java 17 java17-latest java17-openshift.yml java17-minikube.yml java17-kubernetes.yml java17-knative.yml
Native compiled with Java 11 native-java11-latest native-java11-openshift.yml native-java11-minikube.yml native-java11-kubernetes.yml native-java11-knative.yml
Native compiled with Java 17 native-java17-latest native-java17-openshift.yml native-java17-minikube.yml native-java17-kubernetes.yml native-java17-knative.yml

The application is exposed outside of the cluster on port 80.

These are only the descriptors for this application and the required database and Kafka broker only. If you want to deploy this application and its downstream services (rest-villains and rest-heroes), pick one of the 4 versions of the application from the table below and deploy the appropriate descriptor from the rest-fights/deploy/k8s directory.

Description Image Tag OpenShift Descriptor Minikube Descriptor Kubernetes Descriptor KNative Descriptor
JVM Java 11 java11-latest java11-openshift-all-downstream.yml java11-minikube-all-downstream.yml java11-kubernetes-all-downstream.yml java11-knative-all-downstream.yml
JVM Java 17 java17-latest java17-openshift-all-downstream.yml java17-minikube-all-downstream.yml java17-kubernetes-all-downstream.yml java17-knative-all-downstream.yml
Native compiled with Java 11 native-java11-latest native-java11-openshift-all-downstream.yml native-java11-minikube-all-downstream.yml native-java11-kubernetes-all-downstream.yml native-java11-knative-all-downstream.yml
Native compiled with Java 17 native-java17-latest native-java17-openshift-all-downstream.yml native-java17-minikube-all-downstream.yml native-java17-kubernetes-all-downstream.yml native-java17-knative-all-downstream.yml

Each application is exposed outside of the cluster on port 80.

If you want to deploy the entire system, follow these instructions.

Deploying directly via Kubernetes Extensions

Following the deployment section of the Quarkus Kubernetes Extension Guide (or the deployment section of the Quarkus OpenShift Extension Guide if deploying to OpenShift), you can run ./mvnw clean package -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true to deploy the application and any of its dependencies (see Kubernetes (and variants) resource generation of the automation strategy document) to Kubernetes or OpenShift.

You may need to adjust some of the other configuration options as well (see Quarkus Kubernetes Extension configuration options and Quarkus OpenShift Extension configuration options). The do_build function in the script uses these extensions to generate the manifests in the deploy/k8s directory.