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Move large-value tests to types file. These large values are really just edge cases for the types they reference. No need for them to be in a special place. Additional edge cases and round-tripping tests will be added soon.

Move JSON specific test to a -json named file. Since these tests depending on loading a 3rd party module, it makes sense to have them in a special file.
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rbt committed Nov 27, 2022
1 parent eceaee5 commit a9bef8a
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Showing 3 changed files with 158 additions and 161 deletions.
82 changes: 0 additions & 82 deletions t/24-mysql-large-value.t

This file was deleted.

100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions t/24-mysql-types-json.t
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
use v6;
use Test;
use DBIish::CommonTesting;
our &from-json;
require ::('JSON::Tiny');
&from-json = ::("JSON::Tiny::EXPORT::DEFAULT::&from-json");
plan :skip-all<This test need JSON::Tiny installed>;

class JSON {
# Used only as a marker for converter

plan 25;
my %con-parms = :database<dbdishtest>, :user<testuser>, :password<testpass>;
%con-parms<host> = %*ENV<MYSQL_HOST> if %*ENV<MYSQL_HOST>;
my $dbh = DBIish::CommonTesting.connect-or-skip('mysql', |%con-parms);

if $dbh.server-version.Str ~~ /"MariaDB"/ {
skip-rest 'MariaDB returns the JSON as a BLOB type, not as a String type.';

ok $dbh, 'Connected';
my $hasjson = $dbh.drv.version after v5.7.8;
my $field = $hasjson ?? 'JSON' !! 'varchar';
diag "want test '$field'";
lives-ok {
col1 $field
}, 'Table created';

my $sth = $dbh.prepare('INSERT INTO test_types (col1) VALUES(?)');
lives-ok {
$sth.execute('{"key1": "value1"}');
}, 'Insert Perl6 values';

$sth = $dbh.prepare('SELECT col1 FROM test_types').execute();
my @coltype = $sth.column-types;
ok @coltype eqv [Str], 'prep-exec: Column-types';

is $sth.rows, 1, 'prep-exec: 1 row';
my ($col1) = $sth.row;
isa-ok $col1, Str;
is $col1, '{"key1": "value1"}', "prep-exec: Value $col1";

# Execute without prepare goes through a different type handler
# than prepare($qry).execute
if 0 {
$sth = $dbh.execute('SELECT col1 FROM test_types');
@coltype = $sth.column-types;
ok @coltype eqv [Str], 'exec: Column-types';

is $sth.rows, 1, 'exec: 1 row';
($col1) = $sth.row;
isa-ok $col1, Str;
is $col1, '{"key1": "value1"}', "exec: Value $col1";
else {
skip 'Type converter not yet supported for MySQL queries without prepare', 4;

# Install new type handler
nok $dbh.Converter{JSON}, 'No converter';
$dbh.Converter = :JSON(sub ($json) {
ok so $json, 'In converter';
is $json, '{"key1": "value1"}', "Got $json";
ok $dbh.Converter{JSON}, 'Installed';

# Change column type for future statements
# Resetup the statement as column type manipulations are only handled once.
$sth = $dbh.execute('SELECT col1 FROM test_types');
$sth.column-types[0] = JSON;
$col1 = $sth.row;
ok $col1[0], 'Has value';
isa-ok $col1[0], Hash;

ok $sth.dispose, 'Dispose';

if $hasjson {
# Install type
is $dbh.dynamic-types{245}, Str, 'Is default';
$dbh.dynamic-types{245} = JSON;
is $dbh.dynamic-types{245}, JSON, 'Changed';

$sth = $dbh.prepare('SELECT col1 FROM test_types');
ok $sth.execute, 'Executed';
isa-ok $sth.column-types[0], JSON;
isa-ok $sth.row[0], Hash, 'Converted';
} else {
skip-rest "No suport for JSON type";
137 changes: 58 additions & 79 deletions t/24-mysql-types.t
@@ -1,100 +1,79 @@
use v6;
use Test;
use DBIish::CommonTesting;
our &from-json;
require ::('JSON::Tiny');
&from-json = ::("JSON::Tiny::EXPORT::DEFAULT::&from-json");
plan :skip-all<This test need JSON::Tiny installed>;

class JSON {
# Used only as a marker for converter

plan 25;
plan 2;
my %con-parms = :database<dbdishtest>, :user<testuser>, :password<testpass>;
%con-parms<host> = %*ENV<MYSQL_HOST> if %*ENV<MYSQL_HOST>;
my $dbh = DBIish::CommonTesting.connect-or-skip('mysql', |%con-parms);

if $dbh.server-version.Str ~~ /"MariaDB"/ {
skip-rest 'MariaDB returns the JSON as a BLOB type, not as a String type.';

ok $dbh, 'Connected';
my $hasjson = $dbh.drv.version after v5.7.8;
my $field = $hasjson ?? 'JSON' !! 'varchar';
diag "want test '$field'";
lives-ok {
col1 $field
subtest 'Very large string' => {
lives-ok {
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test_long_string (
col1 varchar(16383)
}, 'Table created';
}, 'Table created';

my @string-lengths = 100, 8191, 8192, 8193, 10_000, 16383;
my @long-strings;
for @string-lengths -> $length {
@long-strings.push('x' x $length);

my $sth = $dbh.prepare('INSERT INTO test_types (col1) VALUES(?)');
lives-ok {
$sth.execute('{"key1": "value1"}');
}, 'Insert Perl6 values';
my $sth = $dbh.prepare('INSERT INTO test_long_string (col1) VALUES(?)');
for @long-strings -> $string {
lives-ok {
}, 'Add value: %d chars'.sprintf($string.chars);

$sth = $dbh.prepare('SELECT col1 FROM test_types').execute();
my @coltype = $sth.column-types;
ok @coltype eqv [Str], 'prep-exec: Column-types';
$sth = $dbh.execute('SELECT col1 FROM test_long_string ORDER BY length(col1)');

is $sth.rows, 1, 'prep-exec: 1 row';
my ($col1) = $sth.row;
isa-ok $col1, Str;
is $col1, '{"key1": "value1"}', "prep-exec: Value $col1";
is $sth.rows, @long-strings.elems, '%d row'.sprintf(@long-strings.elems);

# Execute without prepare goes through a different type handler
# than prepare($qry).execute
if 0 {
$sth = $dbh.execute('SELECT col1 FROM test_types');
@coltype = $sth.column-types;
ok @coltype eqv [Str], 'exec: Column-types';
# Compare both source and DB long strings in order by length.
for @long-strings -> $string {
my ($col1) = $sth.row;

is $sth.rows, 1, 'exec: 1 row';
($col1) = $sth.row;
isa-ok $col1, Str;
is $col1, '{"key1": "value1"}', "exec: Value $col1";
else {
skip 'Type converter not yet supported for MySQL queries without prepare', 4;
isa-ok $col1, Str;
is $col1, $string, 'Value: %d chars'.sprintf($string.chars);

# Install new type handler
nok $dbh.Converter{JSON}, 'No converter';
$dbh.Converter = :JSON(sub ($json) {
ok so $json, 'In converter';
is $json, '{"key1": "value1"}', "Got $json";
ok $dbh.Converter{JSON}, 'Installed';
# Very large integer test
subtest 'Very large integers' => {
lives-ok {
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test_long_integer (
col1 numeric(64)
}, 'Table created';

my @values = 2 ** 63 - 1, -2 ** 63 + 1,
2 ** 63, -2 ** 63,
2 ** 64 - 1, -2 ** 64 + 1,
2 ** 64, -2 ** 64,
2 ** 80, -2 ** 80;

# Change column type for future statements
# Resetup the statement as column type manipulations are only handled once.
$sth = $dbh.execute('SELECT col1 FROM test_types');
$sth.column-types[0] = JSON;
$col1 = $sth.row;
ok $col1[0], 'Has value';
isa-ok $col1[0], Hash;
my $sth = $dbh.prepare('INSERT INTO test_long_integer (col1) VALUES(?)');
for @values -> $num {
lives-ok {
}, 'Add value: %d digits'.sprintf($num.chars);

ok $sth.dispose, 'Dispose';
$sth = $dbh.execute('SELECT col1 FROM test_long_integer ORDER BY col1');

if $hasjson {
# Install type
is $dbh.dynamic-types{245}, Str, 'Is default';
$dbh.dynamic-types{245} = JSON;
is $dbh.dynamic-types{245}, JSON, 'Changed';
is $sth.rows, @values.elems, '%d row'.sprintf(@values.elems);
# Compare both source and DB long strings in order by value.
for @values.sort -> $num {
my ($col1) = $sth.row;

$sth = $dbh.prepare('SELECT col1 FROM test_types');
ok $sth.execute, 'Executed';
isa-ok $sth.column-types[0], JSON;
isa-ok $sth.row[0], Hash, 'Converted';
} else {
skip-rest "No suport for JSON type";
isa-ok $col1, Rat;
is $col1, $num, 'Value: %d digits'.sprintf($num.chars);

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