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a try to replace Cool from CORE.setting with our own fivy stuff
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FROGGS committed May 1, 2013
1 parent 7f24f01 commit 311d5e3
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265 changes: 265 additions & 0 deletions lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@

my class Cool {


say 42;

#~ my class IO { ... }

#~ my class Cool {

#~ ## numeric methods

#~ method abs() { self.Numeric.abs }
#~ method conj() { self.Numeric.conj }
#~ method sqrt() { self.Numeric.sqrt }
#~ method sign() { self.Numeric.sign }
#~ method rand() { self.Num.rand }
#~ method sin() { self.Numeric.sin }
#~ method asin() { self.Numeric.asin }
#~ method cos() { self.Numeric.cos }
#~ method acos() { self.Numeric.acos }
#~ method tan() { self.Numeric.tan }
#~ method atan() { self.Numeric.atan }
#~ method atan2($y = 1e0) { self.Numeric.atan2($y.Numeric) }
#~ method sec() { self.Numeric.sec }
#~ method asec() { self.Numeric.asec }
#~ method cosec() { self.Numeric.cosec }
#~ method acosec() { self.Numeric.acosec }
#~ method cotan() { self.Numeric.cotan }
#~ method acotan() { self.Numeric.acotan }
#~ method sinh() { self.Numeric.sinh }
#~ method asinh() { self.Numeric.asinh }
#~ method cosh() { self.Numeric.cosh }
#~ method acosh() { self.Numeric.acosh }
#~ method tanh() { self.Numeric.tanh }
#~ method atanh() { self.Numeric.atanh }
#~ method sech() { self.Numeric.sech }
#~ method asech() { self.Numeric.asech }
#~ method cosech() { self.Numeric.cosech }
#~ method acosech() { self.Numeric.acosech }
#~ method cotanh() { self.Numeric.cotanh }
#~ method acotanh() { self.Numeric.acotanh }
#~ method cis() { self.Numeric.cis }

#~ proto method log(|) {*}
#~ multi method log(Cool:D: ) { self.Numeric.log }
#~ multi method log(Cool:D: $base) { self.Numeric.log($base.Numeric) }

#~ proto method exp(|) {*}
#~ multi method exp(Cool:D: ) { self.Numeric.exp }
#~ multi method exp(Cool:D: $base) { self.Numeric.exp($base.Numeric) }

#~ method roots(Cool $n) { self.Numeric.roots($n) }
#~ method log10() { self.Numeric.log10 }
#~ method unpolar($n) { self.Numeric.unpolar($n.Numeric) }

#~ method round($base = 1) { self.Numeric.round($base) }
#~ method floor() { self.Numeric.floor }
#~ method ceiling() { self.Numeric.ceiling }
#~ method truncate() { self.Numeric.truncate }

#~ ## string methods

#~ method chars() {
#~ nqp::p6box_i(nqp::chars(nqp::unbox_s(self.Str)));
#~ }
#~ method codes() {
#~ nqp::p6box_i(nqp::chars(nqp::unbox_s(self.Str)));
#~ }

#~ method fmt($format = '%s') {
#~ nqp::p6box_s(
#~ nqp::sprintf(nqp::unbox_s($format.Stringy), nqp::list(self))
#~ )
#~ }

#~ method substr($start, $length?) {
#~ self.Stringy.substr($start, $length);
#~ }

#~ method uc() {
#~ nqp::p6box_s(nqp::uc(nqp::unbox_s(self.Str)))
#~ }

#~ method lc() {
#~ nqp::p6box_s(nqp::lc(nqp::unbox_s(self.Str)))
#~ }

#~ method tclc() {
#~ self.Str.tclc;
#~ }

#~ method ucfirst() is DEPRECATED {
#~ my $self-str = self.Str;
#~ $self-str eq '' ?? '' !! $self-str.substr(0, 1).uc ~ $self-str.substr(1)
#~ }

#~ method capitalize() is DEPRECATED { self.Stringy.capitalize }
#~ method wordcase() { self.Str.wordcase }

#~ method chomp() {
#~ self.Str.chomp;
#~ }

#~ method chop() {
#~ self.Str.chop
#~ }

#~ method ord() {
#~ nqp::p6box_i(nqp::ord(nqp::unbox_s(self.Str)))
#~ }
#~ method chr() {
#~ self.Int.chr;
#~ }

#~ method flip() {
#~ nqp::p6box_s(nqp::flip(nqp::unbox_s(self.Str)))
#~ }
#~ method trans(*@a) { self.Str.trans(@a) }

#~ proto method index(|) {*}
#~ multi method index(Cool $needle, Cool $pos = 0) {
#~ if $needle eq '' {
#~ my $chars = self.chars;
#~ return $pos < $chars ?? $pos !! $chars;
#~ }
#~ my $result := nqp::p6box_i(nqp::index(
#~ nqp::unbox_s(self.Str),
#~ nqp::unbox_s($needle.Str),
#~ nqp::unbox_i($pos.Int)
#~ ));
#~ # TODO: fail() instead of returning Int
#~ $result < 0 ?? Int !! $result;
#~ }

#~ proto method rindex(|) {*}
#~ multi method rindex(Cool $needle, Cool $pos?) {
#~ if $needle eq '' {
#~ return $pos.defined && $pos < self.chars
#~ ?? $pos
#~ !! self.chars;
#~ }
#~ my $result = $pos.defined
#~ ?? nqp::p6box_i(
#~ nqp::rindex(
#~ nqp::unbox_s(self.Str),
#~ nqp::unbox_s($needle.Str),
#~ nqp::unbox_i($pos.Int)
#~ ))
#~ !! nqp::p6box_i(
#~ nqp::rindex(
#~ nqp::unbox_s(self.Str),
#~ nqp::unbox_s($needle.Str),
#~ ));
#~ fail "substring not found" if $result < 0;
#~ $result;
#~ }

#~ method ords(Cool:D:) { self.Str.ords }
#~ proto method split(|) {*}
#~ multi method split(Regex $pat, $limit = $Inf, :$all) {
#~ self.Stringy.split($pat, $limit, :$all);
#~ }
#~ multi method split(Cool $pat, $limit = $Inf, :$all) {
#~ self.Stringy.split($pat.Stringy, $limit, :$all);
#~ }
#~ proto method match(|) {*}
#~ multi method match(Cool:D: $target, *%adverbs) {
#~ self.Stringy.match($target, |%adverbs)
#~ }

#~ proto method comb(|) {*}
#~ multi method comb() { self.Str.comb() }
#~ multi method comb(Regex $matcher, $limit = $Inf) { self.Str.comb($matcher, $limit) }

#~ proto method lines(|) {*}
#~ multi method lines(Cool:D:) { self.Str.lines() }

#~ proto method subst(|) {
#~ $/ := nqp::getlexdyn('$/');
#~ {*}
#~ }
#~ multi method subst($matcher, $replacement, *%adverbs) {
#~ $/ := nqp::getlexdyn('$/');
#~ self.Stringy.subst($matcher, $replacement, |%adverbs);
#~ }

#~ method sprintf(*@args) { sprintf(self, @args) };
#~ method printf (*@args) { printf(self, @args) };
#~ method samecase(Cool:D: Cool $pattern) { self.Stringy.samecase($pattern) }

#~ method IO() { }
#~ method trim () { self.Stringy.trim };
#~ method trim-leading () { self.Stringy.trim-leading };
#~ method trim-trailing() { self.Stringy.trim-trailing };

#~ method eval(*%opts) {
#~ eval(self.Stringy, context => CALLER::, |%opts);
#~ }

#~ multi method Real() { self.Numeric.Real }
#~ method Int() { self.Numeric.Int }
#~ method Num() { self.Numeric.Num }
#~ method Rat() { self.Numeric.Rat }

#~ method set() { set self }
#~ method bag() { bag self }
#~ }

proto sub chop() { '' };
multi sub chop(Cool $s, Cool $p) { $s.chop }
#multi sub chop() { '' }
sub chomp(Cool $s) { $s.chomp }
sub flip(Cool $s) { $s.flip }
sub index(Cool $s,$needle,$pos=0) { $s.index($needle,$pos) }
sub lc(Cool $s) { $ }
sub ord(Cool $s) { $s.ord }
sub substr(Cool $s,$pos,$chars?) { $s.substr($pos,$chars) }
sub uc(Cool $s) { $s.uc }

sub ucfirst(Cool $s) is DEPRECATED { $s.ucfirst }

proto sub rindex($, $, $?) is pure { * };
multi sub rindex(Cool $s, Cool $needle, Cool $pos) { $s.rindex($needle, $pos) };
multi sub rindex(Cool $s, Cool $needle) { $s.rindex($needle) };

proto sub ords($) is pure { * }
multi sub ords(Cool $s) { ords($s.Stringy) }

proto sub comb($, $, $?) { * }
multi sub comb(Regex $matcher, Cool $input, $limit = *) { $input.comb($matcher, $limit) }

proto sub capitalize($) is DEPRECATED { * }
multi sub capitalize(Str:D $x) {$x.capitalize }
multi sub capitalize(Cool $x) {$x.Stringy.capitalize }

proto sub wordcase($) is pure { * }
multi sub wordcase(Str:D $x) {$x.wordcase }
multi sub wordcase(Cool $x) {$x.Str.wordcase }

proto sub tclc($) is pure { * }
multi sub tclc(Cool $x) { tclc $x.Str }

sub sprintf(Cool $format, *@args) {
nqp::clone(nqp::getattr(@args, List, '$!items'))

sub printf(Cool $format, *@args) { print sprintf $format, @args };
sub samecase(Cool $string, Cool $pattern) { $string.samecase($pattern) }
sub split($pat, Cool $target, $limit = $Inf, :$all) {
$target.split($pat, $limit, :$all);

proto sub chars($) is pure {*}
multi sub chars(Cool $x) { $x.Str.chars }
multi sub chars(Str:D $x) { nqp::p6box_i(nqp::chars($x)) }
multi sub chars(str $x) returns int { nqp::chars($x) }
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions lib/
Expand Up @@ -43,3 +43,47 @@ sub EXPORT(*@a) {

my $module := Perl6::ModuleLoader.load_module('Cool', $*GLOBALish);
do_import($/, $module, 'Cool');
#~ $/.CURSOR.import_EXPORTHOW($module);

sub do_import($/, $module, $package_source_name, $arglist?) {
if nqp::existskey($module, 'EXPORT') {
my $EXPORT := $module<EXPORT>.WHO;
my @to_import := ['MANDATORY'];
my @positional_imports := [];
if nqp::defined($arglist) {
my $Pair := $*W.find_symbol(['Pair']);
for $arglist -> $tag {
if nqp::istype($tag, $Pair) {
$tag := nqp::unbox_s($tag.key);
if nqp::existskey($EXPORT, $tag) {
$*W.import($/, $EXPORT{$tag}, $package_source_name);
else {
nqp::die("Error while importing from '$package_source_name': no such tag '$tag'");

else {
nqp::push(@positional_imports, $tag);
else {
nqp::push(@to_import, 'DEFAULT');
for @to_import -> $tag {
if nqp::existskey($EXPORT, $tag) {
$*W.import($/, $EXPORT{$tag}, $package_source_name);
if nqp::existskey($module, '&EXPORT') {
elsif +@positional_imports {
nqp::die("Error while importing from '$package_source_name': no EXPORT sub, but you provided positional argument in the 'use' statement");
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions lib/Perl6/
Expand Up @@ -271,6 +271,15 @@ class Perl6::P5Actions is HLL::Actions does STDActions {
my $unit := $*UNIT;
my $mainline :=

#~ :op('callmethod'), :name('load_module'),
#~ :op('getcurhllsym'),
#~ :value('ModuleLoader') ) ),
#~ :value<Perl5::Setting> ),
#~ $*W.symbol_lookup(['GLOBAL'], $/),
#~ ),


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