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This installation was tested on Linux (opensuse) only so far. In principle it should work on most Linux variants without modifications. Also there is a good chance that MacOS could be supported.<br/> If you find problems please file an issue at the github repo, or even better submit a pull request with a decent solution to the problem.


MozVPN should per se also work on Windows. The installation for required packages MozWire, WireGuard, and MozVPN should work just fine under Windows.<br/> However the setup of MozVPN, i.e. the point where mozpvn setup is run (see below) currently only supports Linux-like systems.

If you run mozpvn setup --dry-run you can see what commands would be run on Linux. If you could provide something similar for Windows this would be awesome.

Installing helper tools MozWire and wireguard

MozVPN is based on two other applications that need to be installed first, namely MozWire and wireguard.


This tool has basically to be run once only. It connects to your MozillaVPN account (subscription) and downloads a set of approx. 400 configuration files, each one providing connection details and credentials for a VPN connection to a server somewhere in the world. (MozVPN will do the actual download for you, so no worry here).

Installing MozWire

MozWire can be downloaded or downloaded as explained on There you'll find binaries for Linux, MacOS, and Windows. Download the binary for your operating system and install it in a place where it can be found when being called from the command line, e.g. /usr/local/bin or ~/bin in case of Linux or MacOS. Just make sure that this path is contained in your shell's PATH variable. Do the corresonding setup for Windows if that is your OS.

If nothing fits the MozWire homepage also explains how to compile it from sources. This is basically a one line command and worked like a charm in my case. The only tool required for compiling is cargo which is usually installed on Linux machines with sudo zypper install cargo (OpenSuse) or sudo apt install cargo (Debian/Ubuntu). Further explanations about installing cargo can be found at

Once installed you should find the mozwire executable in your PATH.


Because MozillaVPN is based on the WireGuard protocol the corresponding binary and helper tools have to be installed as well.

WireGuard uses the configuration files provided by MozWire and uses those to make the actual connection to the VPN servers.

Installing WireGuard

The page describes this for more than 20 operating systems. For Linuxes it is usually a command like sudo zypper install wireguard-tools (OpenSuse) or sudo apt install wireguard (Debian/Ubuntu).

Once installed you should find the two executables wg and wg-quick in your PATH.

Installing a stable release of MozVPN

After having installed MozWire and WireGuard we finally can install MozVPN itself.

To install MozVPN, run this command in your terminal:

$ pip install mozvpn

This is the preferred method to install mozvpn, as it will always install the most recent stable release. MozVPN requires Python3.6 or newer.

You can either install it in a local virtual environment somewhere in your home directory, or system-wide (on a Linux like OS you need to be root or use sudo, e.g. sudo pip install mozvpn).

If you don't have pip installed, this Python installation guide can guide you through the process.

Installing MozVPN from sources

The sources for MozVPN can be downloaded from the Github repo.

You can either clone the public repository:

$ git clone git://

Or download the tarball:

$ curl -OJL

Once you have a copy of the source, you can install it with:

$ python install

Congratulation! Now the software part is done. The next step will be to setup the configuration, as explained in the next section :ref:`Setup`.