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File metadata and controls

110 lines (90 loc) · 6.72 KB

Amazon Elastic Block Store


If user is running Convoy on AWS EC2 instance, Convoy would be able to create EBS volumes attached directly to the Docker container. It suits for mission critial or performance critical tasks.

Convoy would create a EBS volume for user, attach it to the current running instance, and assign it to the Docker container. Convoy can also take snapshot of the volume and back it up, then create a new volume from the backup. The snapshot and backup operations are implemented using EBS snapshot mechanism. Further more, Convoy can take an existing EBS volume and use it for Docker container as well.

Notice user would be billed for EBS volume and snapshots from Amazon.

AWS IAM permission

User need to set correct permission for using Convoy with AWS, refer to AWS for more details.

At least please add permission for these actions:


Daemon Options

Driver name: ebs

Driver options:


4G by default. EBS volumes are 1GiB minimal and must be a multiple of 1GiB.


gp2 by default. See Amazon EBS Volume Types for details. Notice if user choose io1 as default volume type, then user has to specify --iops when creating volume everytime. Other values are st1 and sc1.


Default is blank, if specified than volumes will be encrypted using the given kms key id.


false by default, if true then volumes will be encrypted with the default account kms key.


Default is false. If set to true, will perform a /sbin/fsfreeze on the filesystem before creating a snapshot, and unfreeze after the snapshot has been created. This may yield a more consistent snapshot of a running application. This uses /sbin/fsfreeze command which must be installed. It is installed by default in Ubuntu 16.04 based docker images.

Command details


  • --size would specify the EBS volume size user want to create. EBS volumes are 1GiB minimal and must be a multiple of 1GiB.
  • --id would specify an existing EBS volume ID in order to reuse it. Convoy would use this volume instead of creating a new one.
  • --type would specify an Amazon EBS Volume Types for the volume to be created. Notice if io1 is used, --iops option would be required as well.
  • --iops is required and only valid when --type io1 is specified. See EBS I/O Characteristics for details.
  • --backup accepts ebs:// type of backup only. It would create a new volume with EBS snapshot specified by the backup. If --size is specified with --backup, specified size must equal or bigger than original EBS snapshot. Also the EBS snapshot represented by the backup must be in the same region of current instance, since copying snapshot from different region would take too long and stagnates volume creation process.
  • If neither --id nor --backup specified, a new volume would be created as options specified and formatted to ext4 filesystem.
  • The maximum volume attached to one EC2 instance is limited. Due to the limitation of Linux device names, Amazon suggested limit the number of volumes to 11(/dev/sd[f-p]), when volumes are attached to EC2 HVM instance. See Device Naming on Linux Instances for more info.


  • By default delete would delete the underlaying EBS volume.
  • --reference would only delete the reference of underlaying EBS volume in Convoy, in case user want to preserve the volume for future use.


inspect would provides following informations at DriverInfo section:

  • Device: EBS block device location
  • MountPoint: Mount point of volume is mounted
  • EBSVolumeID: EBS volume ID of the volume.
  • AvailiablityZone: Availability Zone of the volume. It has to be the same as instance.
  • CreatedTime: Timestamp of EBS volume.
  • Size: EBS volume size, in bytes.
  • State: EBS volume state. Should be InUse when it's attached to the current instance.
  • Type: EBS volume type.
  • IOPS: Input/Output Operations Per Second for EBS volume.
  • KmsKeyId: If the volume is encrypted, this specifies be the KMS key used.

snapshot create

snapshot create would create a new EBS snapshot of current EBS volume. The command would return immediately after it confirmed that creating of an EBS snapshot has been initated.

snapshot delete

snapshot delete would remove the reference of the EBS snapshot in Convoy. The command won't delete the EBS snapshot. Deletion of EBS snapshot would be done by backup delete.

snapshot inspect

snapshot inspect would provides following informations at DriverInfo section:

  • EBSSnapshotID: EBS snapshot ID
  • EBSVolumeID: Original EBS volume ID
  • StartTime: Timestamp of start creating EBS snapshot
  • Size: Size of original EBS volume.
  • State: EBS snapshot state. Would be either completed, error or pending
  • KmsKeyId: If the snapshot is encrypted, this specifies the KMS key used.

backup create

backup create would wait for a EBS snapshot complete creating if it hasn't completed yet. If creation of snapshot was success, the command would return URL in the format of ebs://<region>/snap-xxxxxxxx represent the backup, which can be used with create --backup command later.

--dest option is not supported with EBS driver.

backup delete

backup delete would take ebs://<region>/snap-xxxxxxxx and delete snap-xxxxxxxx in AWS region.

backup inspect

backup inspect would return following informations:

  • EBSSnapshotID: EBS snapshot ID
  • EBSVolumeID: Original EBS volume ID
  • StartTime: Timestamp of start creating EBS snapshot
  • Size: Size of original EBS volume.
  • State: EBS snapshot state. Would be either completed, error or pending
  • KmsKeyId: If the snapshot is encrypted, this specifies the KMS key used.

AWS tags

Convoy uses the following bookeeping tags on EBS volume/snapshots which can be used to classify convoy managed resources.

EBS Volume

  • Name: Volume Name In Convoy
  • ConvoyVolumeUUID: Volume UUID In Convoy

EBS Snapshot

  • ConvoyVolumeUUID: Related Volume UUID In Convoy
  • ConvoySnapshotUUID: Snapshot UUID in Convoy