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[Benchmarks](@id benchmarks)

Here, we collect some simple benchmarks of BSeries.jl. Take them with a grain of salt since they run on virtual machines in the cloud to generate the documentation automatically. You can of course also copy the code and run the benchmarks locally yourself.

[Comparing different symbolic packages](@id benchmarks-symbolic-computations)

Symbolic computations of modified_equations and modifying_integrators in BSeries.jl support

as symbolic backends. Here, we compare them in the context of the explicit midpoint method and the nonlinear oscillator ODE

$$u'(t) = \frac{1}{\| u(t) \|^2} \begin{pmatrix} -u_2(t) \\ u_1(t) \end{pmatrix}.$$

This particular combination of explicit Runge-Kutta method and ODE is special since the explicit midpoint method is unconditionally energy-conserving for this problem1.

First, we set up some code to perform the benchmarks. Here, we use a very naive approach, run the code twice (to see the effect of compilation) and use @time to print the runtime. More sophisticated approaches should of course use something like @benchmark from BenchmarkTools.jl. However, this simple and cheap version suffices to compare the orders of magnitude.

using BSeries, StaticArrays

function benchmark(u, dt, subs, order)
  # explicit midpoint method
  A = @SArray [0 0; 1//2 0]
  b = @SArray [0, 1//1]
  c = @SArray [0, 1//2]

  # nonlinear oscillator
  f = [-u[2], u[1]] / (u[1]^2 + u[2]^2)

  println("\n Computing the series coefficients:")
  @time coefficients = modifying_integrator(A, b, c, order)
  @time coefficients = modifying_integrator(A, b, c, order)

  println("\n Computing the series including elementary differentials:")
  @time series = modifying_integrator(f, u, dt, A, b, c, order)
  @time series = modifying_integrator(f, u, dt, A, b, c, order)

  substitution_variables = Dict(u[1] => 1//1, u[2] => 0//1)

  println("\n Substituting the initial condition:")
  @time subs.(series, (substitution_variables, ))
  @time subs.(series, (substitution_variables, ))


Next, we load the symbolic packages and run the benchmarks.

using SymPy # generates annoying output online when conda installs sympy
using SymEngine: SymEngine
using SymPy: SymPy
using Symbolics: Symbolics

dt   = SymEngine.symbols("dt")
u    = SymEngine.symbols("u1, u2")
subs = SymEngine.subs
benchmark(u, dt, subs, 8)

dt   = SymPy.symbols("dt")
u    = SymPy.symbols("u1, u2")
subs = SymPy.subs
benchmark(u, dt, subs, 8)

Symbolics.@variables dt
u = Symbolics.@variables u1 u2
subs = Symbolics.substitute
benchmark(u, dt, subs, 8)

These results were obtained using the following versions.

using InteractiveUtils

using Pkg
Pkg.status(["BSeries", "RootedTrees", "SymEngine", "SymPy", "Symbolics"],
nothing # hide

[Comparison with other packages](@id benchmarks-other-packages)

There are also other open source packages for B-series. Currently, we are aware of the Python packages

If you know about similar open source packages out there, please inform us, e.g., by creating an issue on GitHub.

The packages listed above and BSeries.jl all use different approaches and have different features. Thus, comparisons must be restricted to their common subset of features. Here, we present some simple performance comparisons. Again, we just use (the equivalent of) @time twice to get an idea of the performance after compilation, allowing us to compare orders of magnitude.

Python package BSeries

First, we start with the Python package BSeries and the following benchmark script.

using BSeries, Markdown                                                   # hide
filename = joinpath(pathof(BSeries) |> dirname |> dirname, "docs", "src", # hide
  "")                                          # hide
script = "```python\n"                                                    # hide
for line in Iterators.drop(readlines(filename), 4)                        # hide
  startswith(line, "with") && continue                                    # hide
  line = replace(line, "  print" => "print")                              # hide
  global script                                                           # hide
  script = script * replace(line, ", file=io" => "") * "\n"               # hide
end                                                                       # hide
script = script * "```\n"                                                 # hide
Markdown.parse(script)                                                    # hide

The results are as follows.

using BSeries, Markdown                                                   # hide
filename = joinpath(pathof(BSeries) |> dirname |> dirname, "docs", "src", # hide
  "benchmark_python_bseries.txt")                                         # hide
try                                                                       # hide
  results = "```\n" * read(filename, String) * "```\n"                    # hide
  Markdown.parse(results)                                                 # hide
catch                                                                     # hide
  ci = get(ENV, "CI", nothing) == "true" &&                               # hide
       get(ENV, "GITHUB_REPOSITORY", nothing) == "ranocha/Bseries.jl"     # hide
  if ci                                                                   # hide
    rethrow()                                                             # hide
  else                                                                    # hide
    println("We are not running CI so we do not show results here.")      # hide
  end                                                                     # hide
end                                                                       # hide

Python package pybs

Next, we look at the Python package pybs and the following benchmark script. Note that this package does not provide functionality for modifying integrators.

using BSeries, Markdown                                                   # hide
filename = joinpath(pathof(BSeries) |> dirname |> dirname, "docs", "src", # hide
  "")                                             # hide
script = "```python\n"                                                    # hide
for line in Iterators.drop(readlines(filename), 4)                        # hide
  startswith(line, "with") && continue                                    # hide
  line = replace(line, "  print" => "print")                              # hide
  global script                                                           # hide
  script = script * replace(line, ", file=io" => "") * "\n"               # hide
end                                                                       # hide
script = script * "```\n"                                                 # hide
Markdown.parse(script)                                                    # hide

The results are as follows.

using BSeries, Markdown                                                   # hide
filename = joinpath(pathof(BSeries) |> dirname |> dirname, "docs", "src", # hide
  "benchmark_python_pybs.txt")                                            # hide
try                                                                       # hide
  results = "```\n" * read(filename, String) * "```\n"                    # hide
  Markdown.parse(results)                                                 # hide
catch                                                                     # hide
  ci = get(ENV, "CI", nothing) == "true" &&                               # hide
       get(ENV, "GITHUB_REPOSITORY", nothing) == "ranocha/Bseries.jl"     # hide
  if ci                                                                   # hide
    rethrow()                                                             # hide
  else                                                                    # hide
    println("We are not running CI so we do not show results here.")      # hide
  end                                                                     # hide
end                                                                       # hide

Python package orderconditions

Next, we look at the Python package orderconditions of Valentin Dallerit and the following benchmark script.

using BSeries, Markdown                                                   # hide
filename = joinpath(pathof(BSeries) |> dirname |> dirname, "docs", "src", # hide
  "")                                  # hide
script = "```python\n"                                                    # hide
for line in Iterators.drop(readlines(filename), 4)                        # hide
  startswith(line, "with") && continue                                    # hide
  line = replace(line, "  print" => "print")                              # hide
  global script                                                           # hide
  script = script * replace(line, ", file=io" => "") * "\n"               # hide
end                                                                       # hide
script = script * "```\n"                                                 # hide
Markdown.parse(script)                                                    # hide

The results are as follows.

using BSeries, Markdown                                                   # hide
filename = joinpath(pathof(BSeries) |> dirname |> dirname, "docs", "src", # hide
  "benchmark_python_orderconditions.txt")                                 # hide
try                                                                       # hide
  results = "```\n" * read(filename, String) * "```\n"                    # hide
  Markdown.parse(results)                                                 # hide
catch                                                                     # hide
  ci = get(ENV, "CI", nothing) == "true" &&                               # hide
       get(ENV, "GITHUB_REPOSITORY", nothing) == "ranocha/Bseries.jl"     # hide
  if ci                                                                   # hide
    rethrow()                                                             # hide
  else                                                                    # hide
    println("We are not running CI so we do not show results here.")      # hide
  end                                                                     # hide
end                                                                       # hide

This Julia package BSeries.jl

Finally, we perform the same task using BSeries.jl in Julia.

using BSeries, StaticArrays

A = @SArray [0 0; 1//2 0]
b = @SArray [0, 1//1]
c = @SArray [0, 1//2]
up_to_order = 9

println("Modified equation")
@time begin
  series = modified_equation(A, b, c, up_to_order)

@time begin
  series = modified_equation(A, b, c, up_to_order)

println("\nModifying integrator")
@time begin
  series = modifying_integrator(A, b, c, up_to_order)

@time begin
  series = modifying_integrator(A, b, c, up_to_order)

println("\nEnergy preservation")
@time begin
  series = bseries(AverageVectorFieldMethod(), up_to_order)

@time begin
  series = bseries(AverageVectorFieldMethod(), up_to_order)


Hendrik Ranocha and David Ketcheson (2020) Energy Stability of Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods for Nonautonomous or Nonlinear Problems. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis DOI: 10.1137/19M1290346
