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🛸 Callbacks


How to attach callbacks to a map


Callbacks are used to execute functions when you click on a map or press a key on the keyboard**.

There are many useful predefined_callbacks, but it is also possible to define custom_callbacks and attach them to the map.

  • To attach a pre-defined callback <predefined_callbacks> to a :pyMaps object, use:

    m.cb.< EVENT CATEGORY >.attach.< CALLBACK NAME >( **kwargs )
  • To attach a custom callback <custom_callbacks> to a :pyMaps object, use:

    def my_callback(**kwargs):
    m.cb.< EVENT CATEGORY >.attach(my_callback, **kwargs )

The < EVENT CATEGORY > hereby specifies the event that will trigger the callback:

click <eomaps.cb_container.ClickContainer> Callbacks that are executed if you click anywhere on the Map.
pick <eomaps.cb_container.PickContainer> Callbacks that identify the nearest datapoint(s) if you click on the map.
move <eomaps.cb_container.MoveContainer> Callbacks that are executed if you press a key on the keyboard.
keypress <eomaps.cb_container.KeypressContainer> Callbacks that are executed if you move the mouse without holding down a button.

Callbacks are layer sensitive!

Callbacks are only executed if the layer of the associated :pyMaps object is visible!

To define callbacks that are executed independent of the visible layer, you have the following possibilities:

  • Attach the callbacks to the "all" layer using something like:
  • Execute callbacks of an event category independent of the visible layer by setting:
    m.cb.< EVENT CATEGORY >.set_execute_on_all_layers(True)
from eomaps import Maps
import numpy as np
x, y = np.mgrid[-45:45, 20:60]

m = Maps(Maps.CRS.Orthographic())
m.set_data(data=x+y**2, x=x, y=y, crs=4326)

m2 = m.new_layer(copy_data_specs=True, layer="second_layer")

# get an annotation if you RIGHT-click anywhere on the map, -60),
                           bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="r"))

# pick the nearest datapoint if you click on the MIDDLE mouse button
m.cb.pick.attach.mark(buffer=1, permanent=False, fc="none", ec="r", button=2)
m.cb.pick.attach.mark(buffer=4, permanent=False, fc="none", ec="r", button=2)

# peek at the second layer if you LEFT-click on the map"second_layer", how=.25, button=3)

In addition, each callback-container supports the following useful methods:

attach <eomaps.cb_container.ClickContainer._attach> Attach custom or pre-defined callbacks to the map.
remove <eomaps.cb_container.ClickContainer.remove> Remove previously attached callbacks from the map.
get <eomaps.cb_container.ClickContainer._get> Accessor for objects generated/retrieved by callbacks.


share_events forward_events add_temporary_artist set_sticky_modifiers set_execute_during_toolbar_action set_execute_on_all_layers

Using callbacks with the companion-widget

Some of the most commonly used pre-defined callbacks are integrated in the companion_widget.

  • peek layer callbacks to interactively compare layers
  • basic click/pick callbacks to get information on the clicked point


Pre-defined callbacks

Pre-defined click, pick and move callbacks

Callbacks that can be used with, m.cb.pick and m.cb.move:


peek_layer annotate mark print_to_console

Callbacks that can be used with and m.cb.pick:


get_values clear_annotations clear_markers

Callbacks that can be used only with m.cb.pick:


load highlight_geometry

Pre-defined keypress callbacks

Callbacks that can be used with m.cb.keypress


switch_layer fetch_layers

Custom callbacks

Custom callback functions can be attached to the map via:

m.cb.< EVENT >.attach(< CALLBACK FUNCTION >, **kwargs )

The < CALLBACK FUNCTION > must accept the following keyword-arguments:

  • ID: The ID of the picked data point
    • The index-value if a pandas.DataFrame is used as data
    • The (flattened) numerical index if a list or numpy.array is used as data
  • ind: The (flattened) numerical index (even if pandas.DataFrames are used)
  • pos: The coordinates of the picked data point in the crs of the plot
  • val: The value of the picked data point
  • val_color: The color of the picked data point
from eomaps import Maps
def some_callback(custom_kwarg, **kwargs):
    print("The value of 'custom_kwarg' is", custom_kwarg)
    print("The position of the clicked pixel in plot-coordinates is", kwargs["pos"])
    print("The dataset-index of the nearest datapoint is", kwargs["ID"])
    print("The data-value of the nearest datapoint is", kwargs["val"])
    print("The color of the nearest datapoint is", kwargs["val_color"])
    print("The numerical index of the nearest datapoint is", kwargs["ind"])

# attaching custom callbacks works completely similar for "click", "pick", "move" and "keypress"!
m = Maps()
m.set_data([1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30], [10, 20, 30])

m.cb.pick.attach(some_callback, button=1, custom_kwarg=123)


  • ❗ for click callbacks, ID, ind, val and val_color are set to None!
  • ❗ for keypress callbacks, ID, ind, pos ,val and val_color are set to None!

For better readability it is recommended that you "unpack" used arguments like this:

from eomaps import Maps

def cb(ID, val, **kwargs):
    print(f"the ID is {ID} and the value is {val}")

m = Maps()
m.set_data([1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30], [10, 20, 30])

Keypress modifiers

It is possible to trigger pick, click or move callbacks only if a specific key is pressed on the keyboard.

This is achieved by specifying a modifier when attaching a callback, e.g.:

from eomaps import Maps
m = Maps()
# a callback that is executed if NO modifier is pressed
# a callback that is executed if 1 is pressed while moving the mouse
m.cb.move.attach.mark(modifier="1", radius=10, fc="r", ec="g")
# a callback that is executed if 2 is pressed while moving the mouse
m.cb.move.attach.mark(modifier="2", radius=15, fc="none", ec="b")

To keep the last pressed modifier active until a new modifier is activated, you can make it "sticky" by using m.cb.move.set_sticky_modifiers().

  • "Sticky modifiers" remain activated until
    • A new (sticky) modifier is activated
    • ctrl + <current (sticky) modifier> is pressed
    • escape is pressed

NOTE: sticky modifiers are defined for each callback method individually! (e.g. sticky modifiers are unique for click, pick and move callbacks)

from eomaps import Maps
m = Maps()

# a callback that is executed if 1 is pressed while clicking on the map"1", text="modifier 1 active")
# a callback that is executed if 2 is pressed while clicking on the map"2", text="modifier 2 active")

# make the modifiers 1 and 2 sticky for click callbacks"1", "2")

# note that the modifier 1 is not sticky for move callbacks!
# m.cb.move.set_sticky_modifiers("1")  # (uncomment to make it sticky)
m.cb.move.attach.mark(modifier="1", radius=5, fc="r")

Picking N nearest neighbours

[requires EOmaps >= 5.4]

By default pick-callbacks pick the nearest data point with respect to the click position.

To customize the picking-behavior, use m.cb.pick.set_props(). The following properties can be adjusted:

  • n: The (maximum) number of data points to pick within the search-circle.
  • search_radius: The radius of a circle (in units of the plot-crs) that is used to identify the nearest neighbours.
  • pick_relative_to_closest: Set the center of the search-circle.
    • If True, the nearest neighbours are searched relative to the closest identified data point.
    • If False, the nearest neighbours are searched relative to the click position.
  • consecutive_pick: Pick data points individually or altogether.
    • If True, callbacks are executed for each picked point individually
    • If False, callbacks are executed only once and get lists of all picked values as input-arguments.



from eomaps import Maps
import numpy as np

# create some random data
x, y = np.mgrid[-30:67, -12:50]
data = np.random.randint(0, 100, x.shape)

# a callback to indicate the search-radius
def indicate_search_radius(m, pos, *args, **kwargs):
    art = m.add_marker(
        shape="ellipses", radius=m.tree.d, radius_crs="out",
        n=100, fc="none", ec="k", lw=2)

# a callback to set the number of picked neighbours
def pick_n_neighbours(m, n, **kwargs):

m = Maps()
m.set_data(data, x, y)
m.cb.pick.set_props(n=50, search_radius=10, pick_relative_to_closest=True)

m.cb.pick.attach.mark(fc="none", ec="r")
m.cb.pick.attach(indicate_search_radius, m=m)

for key, n in (("1", 1), ("2", 9), ("3", 50), ("4", 500)):
    m.cb.keypress.attach(pick_n_neighbours, key=key, m=m, n=n)

Picking a dataset without plotting it first


It is possible to attach pick callbacks to a :pyMaps object without plotting the data first by using :pyMaps.make_dataset_pickable.

from eomaps import Maps
m = Maps()
m.set_extent((0, 40, 30, 70))
m.set_data([1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60])
# now it's possible to attach pick-callbacks even though the data is still "invisible"


Using :pymake_dataset_pickable is ONLY necessary if you want to use pick callbacks without actually plotting the data! Otherwise a call to :pyMaps.plot_map is sufficient!
