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362 lines (228 loc) · 11.9 KB

🏕 Annotations, Markers, Logos, etc.

.. currentmodule:: eomaps.eomaps

Static annotations can be added to the map via :py:meth:`Maps.add_annotation`.

  • If a dataset has been plotted, you can mark any datapoint via its ID, e.g. using ID=...
  • To add a marker at an arbitrary position, use xy=(...)
    • By default, the coordinates are assumed to be provided in the plot-crs
    • You can specify arbitrary coordinates via xy_crs=...
  • Additional arguments are passed to matplotlib.pyplot.annotate and matplotlib.pyplot.text
    • This gives a lot of flexibility to style the annotations!

To dynamically add annotations if you click on the map, checkout the associated :ref:`pre-defined callback <predefined_callbacks>` (or m.cb.pick.attach.annotate())

.. autosummary::


Interactively add annotations and re-position/re-style existing annotations

The :ref:`Companion Widget <companion_widget>` provides some capabilities to quickly put annotations on a map via the Add Annotations tab.

Starting with EOmaps v7.0 it is also possible to interactively edit existing annotations by activating the Edit Annotations button.

.. grid:: 1 1 1 2

    .. grid-item::

         .. code-block:: python
            :name: test_add_annotations

            from eomaps import Maps
            import numpy as np
            x, y = np.mgrid[-45:45, 20:60]

            m = Maps(crs=4326)
            m.set_data(x+y, x, y)
            m.add_feature.preset.coastline(ec="k", lw=.75)

            # annotate any point in the dataset via the data-index
            # annotate an arbitrary position (in the plot-crs)
                xy=(20,25), text="A formula:\n $z=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$",
                fontweight="bold", bbox=dict(fc=".6", ec="none", pad=0.2))
            # annotate coordinates defined in arbitrary crs
                xy=(2873921, 6527868), xy_crs=3857, xytext=(5,5),
                text="A location defined \nin epsg 3857", fontsize=8,
                rotation=-45, bbox=dict(fc="skyblue", ec="k", ls="--", pad=0.2))

            # functions can be used for more complex text
            def text(m, ID, val, pos, ind):
                return f"lon={pos[0]}\nlat={pos[1]}"

            props = dict(xy=(-1.5, 38.45), text=text,
                         arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-|>", fc="fuchsia",

            m.add_annotation(**props, xytext=(20, 20), color="darkred")
            m.add_annotation(**props, xytext=(-60, 20), color="purple")
            m.add_annotation(**props, xytext=(-60, -40), color="dodgerblue")
            m.add_annotation(**props, xytext=(20, -40), color="olive")

            # multiple annotations can be added in one go (xy=([...], [...]) also works!)
            m.add_annotation(ID=[2500, 2700, 2900], text=lambda ID, **kwargs: str(ID),
                             color="w", fontweight="bold", rotation=90,
                             arrowprops=dict(width=5, fc="b", ec="orange", lw=2),
                             bbox=dict(boxstyle="round, rounding_size=.8, pad=.5",
                                       fc="b", ec="orange", lw=2))

            m.add_annotation(ID=803, xytext=(-80,60),
                             bbox=dict(ec="r", fc="gold", lw=3),
                                 arrowstyle="fancy", relpos=(.48,-.2),
                                 mutation_scale=40, fc="r",
                                 connectionstyle="angle3, angleA=90, angleB=-25"))

    .. grid-item::

        .. image:: _static/minigifs/annotations.png

.. currentmodule:: eomaps.eomaps

Static markers can be added to the map via :py:meth:`Maps.add_marker`.

  • If a dataset has been plotted, you can mark any datapoint via its ID, e.g. ID=...
  • To add a marker at an arbitrary position, use xy=(...)
    • By default, the coordinates are assumed to be provided in the plot-crs
    • You can specify arbitrary coordinates via xy_crs=...
  • The radius is defined via radius=...
    • By default, the radius is assumed to be provided in the plot-crs
    • You can specify the radius in an arbitrary crs via radius_crs=...
  • The marker-shape is set via shape=...
    • Possible arguments are "ellipses", "rectangles", "geod_circles"
  • Additional keyword-arguments are passed to the matplotlib collections used to draw the shapes (e.g. "facecolor", "edgecolor", "linewidth", "alpha", etc.)
  • Multiple markers can be added in one go by using lists for xy, radius, etc.

To dynamically add markers if you click on the map, checkout the associated :ref:`pre-defined callback <predefined_callbacks>` (or m.cb.pick.attach.mark())

.. autosummary::


.. grid:: 1 1 1 2

    .. grid-item::

         .. code-block:: python
            :name: test_add_markers

            from eomaps import Maps
            m = Maps(crs=4326)

            # ----- SINGLE MARKERS
            # by default, MARKER DIMENSIONS are defined in units of the plot-crs!
            m.add_marker(xy=(0, 0), radius=20, shape="rectangles",
                         fc="y", ec="r", ls=":", lw=2)
            m.add_marker(xy=(0, 0), radius=10, shape="ellipses",
                         fc="darkorange", ec="r", ls=":", lw=2)

            # MARKER DIMENSIONS can be specified in any CRS!
            m.add_marker(xy=(12000000, 0), xy_crs=3857,
                         radius=5000000, radius_crs=3857,
                         fc=(.5, .5, 0, .4), ec="r", lw=3, n=100)

            # GEODETIC CIRCLES with radius defined in meters
            m.add_marker(xy=(-135, 35), radius=3000000, shape="geod_circles",
                         fc="none", ec="r", hatch="///", lw=2, n=100)

            # ----- MULTIPLE MARKERS
            x = [-80, -40, 40, 80]    # x-coordinates of the markers
            fc = ["r", "g", "b", "c"] # the colors of the markers

            # N markers with the same radius
            m.add_marker(xy=(x, [-60]*4), radius=10, fc=fc)

            # N markers with different radius and properties
            m.add_marker(xy=(x, [0]*4),  radius=[15, 10, 5, 2],
                         fc=fc, ec=["none", "r", "g", "b"], alpha=[1, .5, 1, .5])

            # N markers with different widths and heights
            radius = ([15, 10, 5, 15], [5, 15, 15, 2])
            m.add_marker(xy=(x, [60]*4), radius=radius, fc=fc)

    .. grid-item::

        .. image:: _static/minigifs/markers.png

.. currentmodule:: eomaps.eomaps

Lines can be added to a map with :py:meth:`Maps.add_line`.

  • A line is defined by a list of anchor-points and a connection-method

  • The coordinates of the anchor-points can be provided in any crs

  • Possible connection-methods are:

    • connect="geod": connect points via geodesic lines (the default)

      • use n=10 to calculate 10 intermediate points between each anchor-point
      • or use del_s=1000 to calculate intermediate points (approximately) every 1000 meters
    • connect="straight": connect points via straight lines

    • connect="straight_crs": connect points with reprojected lines that are straight in a given projection

      • use n=10 to calculate 10 (equally-spaced) intermediate points between each anchor-point
  • Additional keyword-arguments are passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot

    • This gives a lot of flexibility to style the lines!
.. autosummary::


.. grid:: 1 1 1 2

    .. grid-item::

         .. code-block:: python
            :name: test_add_lines

            from eomaps import Maps
            import matplotlib.patheffects as path_effects

            m = Maps(Maps.CRS.Sinusoidal(), figsize=(8, 4))

            p0 = [(-100,10), (34, -56), (125, 57)]
            p1 = [(-120,50), (-42, 63), (45, 57)]
            p2 = [(-20,-45), (-20, 45), (45, 45), (45, -20), (-20,-45)]

            m.add_line(p0, connect="geod", del_s=100000,
                       lw=0.5, c="k", mark_points="rs",
                       marker=".", markevery=10)

            m.add_line(p1, connect="straight", c="b", ls="--",
                       mark_points=dict(fc="y", ec="k", lw=.5))

            m.add_line(p2, connect="straight_crs", c="r",
                       n=5, lw=0.25, ms=5,

    .. grid-item::

        .. image:: _static/minigifs/lines.png

.. currentmodule:: eomaps.eomaps

To indicate rectangular areas in any given crs, simply use :py:meth:`Maps.indicate_extent`:

.. autosummary::


.. grid:: 1 1 1 2

    .. grid-item::

         .. code-block:: python
            :name: test_indicate_extent

            from eomaps import Maps
            m = Maps(crs=3035)

            # indicate a lon/lat rectangle
            m.indicate_extent(-20, 35, 40, 50, hatch="//", fc="none", ec="r")

            # indicate some rectangles in epsg:3035
            hatches = ["*", "xxxx", "...."]
            colors = ["yellow", "r", "darkblue"]
            for i, h, c in zip(range(3), hatches, colors):
                pos0 = (2e6 + i*2e6, 7e6, 3.5e6 + i*2e6, 9e6)
                pos1 = (2e6 + i*2e6, 7e6 + 3e6, 3.5e6 + i*2e6, 9e6 + 3e6)

                m.indicate_extent(*pos0, crs=3857, hatch=h, lw=0.25, ec=c)
                m.indicate_extent(*pos1, crs=3857, hatch=h, lw=0.25, ec=c)

            # indicate a rectangle in European Equi7Grid  projection
            m.indicate_extent(1000000, 1000000, 4800000, 4800000,
                              fc="g", alpha=0.5, ec="k")

    .. grid-item::

        .. image:: _static/minigifs/indicate_extent.png

.. currentmodule:: eomaps.eomaps

To add a logo (or basically any image file .png, .jpeg etc.) to the map, you can use :py:meth:`Maps.add_logo`.

Logos can be re-positioned and re-sized with the :ref:`layout_editor`!

  • To fix the relative position of the logo with respect to the map-axis, use fix_position=True
.. grid:: 1 1 1 2

    .. grid-item::

         .. code-block:: python
            :name: test_add_logo

            from eomaps import Maps
            m = Maps()
            m.add_logo(position="ul", size=.15)
            m.add_logo(position="ur", size=.15)
            # notice that the bottom logos maintain their relative position on resize/zoom events!
            # (and also that they can NOT be moved with the layout-editor)
            m.add_logo(position="lr", size=.3, pad=(0.1,0.05), fix_position=True)
            m.add_logo(position="ll", size=.4, fix_position=True)

    .. grid-item::

        .. image:: _static/minigifs/logos.png

.. autosummary::
