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File metadata and controls

84 lines (50 loc) · 2.68 KB

💠 Vector Data

.. currentmodule:: eomaps.eomaps

For vector data visualization, EOmaps utilizes the plotting capabilities of geopandas .

A geopandas.GeoDataFrame can be added to the map via :py:meth:`Maps.add_gdf`. This is basically just a wrapper for the plotting capabilities of geopandas (e.g. GeoDataFrame.plot(...) ) supercharged with EOmaps features.

  • If you provide a string or pathlib.Path object to :py:meth:`Maps.add_gdf`, the contents of the file will be read into a GeoDataFrame via geopandas.read_file().
    • Many file-types such as shapefile, GeoPackage, geojson ... are supported!
.. autosummary::


from eomaps import Maps
# import geopandas as gpd
# gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometries=[...], crs=...)<>

m = Maps()
# load the "ocean" data from NaturalEarth as a GeoDataFrame
gdf = m.add_feature.physical.ocean.get_gdf(scale=50)
# add the GeoDataFrame to the map
m.add_gdf(gdf, fc="r", ec="g", lw=2)

It is possible to make the shapes of a GeoDataFrame pickable (e.g. usable with m.cb.pick callbacks) by providing a picker_name (and specifying a pick_method).

  • use pick_method="contains" if your GeoDataFrame consists of polygon-geometries (the default)
    • pick a geometry if geometry.contains(mouse-click-position) == True
  • use pick_method="centroids" if your GeoDataFrame consists of point-geometries
    • pick the geometry with the closest centroid

Once the picker_name is specified, pick-callbacks can be attached via:

  • m.cb.pick[<PICKER NAME>].attach.< CALLBACK >()

For example, to highlight the clicked country, you could use:

.. grid:: 1 1 1 2

    .. grid-item::

         .. code-block:: python
            :name: test_pick_gdf

            from eomaps import Maps
            m = Maps()
            # get the GeoDataFrame for a given NaturalEarth feature
            gdf = m.add_feature.cultural.admin_0_countries.get_gdf(scale=110)

            # pick the shapes of the GeoDataFrame based on a "contains" query
            m.add_gdf(gdf, picker_name="countries", pick_method="contains")

            # temporarily highlight the picked geometry
            m.cb.pick["countries"].attach.highlight_geometry(fc="r", ec="g", lw=2)

    .. grid-item::

        .. image:: _static/minigifs/add_gdf_pick.gif
            :width: 75%