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Create a new conda environment with UCX-Py:

conda create -n ucx -c conda-forge -c rapidsai \
  cudatoolkit=<CUDA version> ucx-py

For a more detailed guide on installation options please refer to the install page.

Send/Recv NumPy Arrays

Process 1 - Server

import asyncio
import time
import ucp
import numpy as np

n_bytes = 2**30
host = ucp.get_address(ifname='eth0')  # ethernet device name
port = 13337

async def send(ep):
    # recv buffer
    arr = np.empty(n_bytes, dtype='u1')
    await ep.recv(arr)
    assert np.count_nonzero(arr) == np.array(0, dtype=np.int64)
    print("Received NumPy array")

    # increment array and send back
    arr += 1
    print("Sending incremented NumPy array")
    await ep.send(arr)

    await ep.close()

async def main():
    global lf
    lf = ucp.create_listener(send, port)

    while not lf.closed():
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Process 2 - Client

import asyncio
import ucp
import numpy as np

port = 13337
n_bytes = 2**30

async def main():
    host = ucp.get_address(ifname='eth0')  # ethernet device name
    ep = await ucp.create_endpoint(host, port)
    msg = np.zeros(n_bytes, dtype='u1') # create some data to send

    # send message
    print("Send Original NumPy array")
    await ep.send(msg)  # send the real message

    # recv response
    print("Receive Incremented NumPy arrays")
    resp = np.empty_like(msg)
    await ep.recv(resp)  # receive the echo
    await ep.close()
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(msg + 1, resp)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Send/Recv CuPy Arrays


If you are passing CuPy arrays between GPUs and want to use NVLINK ensure you have correctly set UCX_TLS with cuda_ipc. See the configuration for more details

Process 1 - Server

import asyncio
import time
import ucp
import cupy as cp

n_bytes = 2**30
host = ucp.get_address(ifname='eth0')  # ethernet device name
port = 13337

async def send(ep):
    # recv buffer
    arr = cp.empty(n_bytes, dtype='u1')
    await ep.recv(arr)
    assert cp.count_nonzero(arr) == cp.array(0, dtype=cp.int64)
    print("Received CuPy array")

    # increment array and send back
    arr += 1
    print("Sending incremented CuPy array")
    await ep.send(arr)

    await ep.close()

async def main():
    global lf
    lf = ucp.create_listener(send, port)

    while not lf.closed():
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Process 2 - Client

import asyncio
import ucp
import cupy as cp
import numpy as np

port = 13337
n_bytes = 2**30

async def main():
    host = ucp.get_address(ifname='eth0')  # ethernet device name
    ep = await ucp.create_endpoint(host, port)
    msg = cp.zeros(n_bytes, dtype='u1') # create some data to send

    # send message
    print("Send Original CuPy array")
    await ep.send(msg)  # send the real message

    # recv response
    print("Receive Incremented CuPy arrays")
    resp = cp.empty_like(msg)
    await ep.recv(resp)  # receive the echo
    await ep.close()
    cp.testing.assert_array_equal(msg + 1, resp)

if __name__ == '__main__':