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Simulation is a platform that enables robotics solution development by providing the necessary software infrastructure and facilitating the interaction between multiple stakeholders who contribute to the solution development.
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A robotics simulator is a simulator used to create an application for a physical robot without depending on the actual machine, thus saving cost and time. In some cases, these applications can be transferred onto the physical robot (or rebuilt) without modifications. — Wikipedia

During application development, a robotics simulator can greatly help by cutting down the cost and time associated with managing real robots. This effect is more pronounced during the initial phases of development where more code and configuration iterations happen with a higher rate of trial-and-error phases.

Gazebo is a popular open-source 3D robotics simulator that has been around for more than a decade and is used by robotics developers around the world. It has an active community and plethora of documentation that helps new users get on-board easily. Gazebo team maintains quite a few 3D models that are readily available for use in projects. The team also maintains ROS packages for applications that want to interact with Gazebo through ROS interfaces (topics, services, and actions). lets users run their simulation application with Gazebo simulator on the cloud. It provides a web interface to watch and interact with Gazebo GUI client running on the cloud. ROS interfaces provided by its ROS packages complement’s ROS communication support and enhances the ways users architect their simulation and robotics applications. For instance, robotics application running on a device can interact with Gazebo running on cloud through ROS interfaces (e.g. to get model state, set physics properties). This requires, however, that launch files for simulation are not tightly coupled with the rest of the application so they can be run independently.

{{% notice info %}} The following sample-walkthrough demonstrates how to create such a setup keeping in mind that it should still run on a local machine besides Separating Simulation and Application. {{% /notice %}}

{{% notice note %}} supports Gazebo version 9 for both kinetic and melodic ROS distros. Users are expected to use gazebo9 ROS packages for these distros. For instance, ros-melodic-gazebo-ros-pkgs on ROS melodic, and ros-kinetic-gazebo9-ros-pkgs on ROS kinetic. {{% /notice %}}

Supported Gazebo versions for Catkin Builds

These are the supported Gazebo versions for Catkin Builds:

Build ROS version Gazebo version
kinetic gazebo9
melodic gazebo9
noetic gazebo11

gazebo9 ROS kinetic packages on Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial)

For ROS kinetic builds, supports Gazebo version 9. When using Gazebo ROS packages, it assumes those to be gazebo9. When working on Ubuntu xenial, specifying Gazebo ROS dependencies in package.xml will fetch gazebo7 ROS packages. For instance, <depend>gazebo_ros</depend> in package.xml will fetch ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros, which is a package for gazebo7. To install gazebo9 packages, the user will need to add the rosdep source-list from On the local machine execute in terminal:

wget -qP /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d/
rosdep update

After this, installing <depend>gazebo_ros</depend> should fetch you ros-kinetic-gazebo9-ros. While building your simulation application, this is what does too.

Using robot_description and other parameters for both Simulation and Application

One limitation while running the above setup is that the ROS parameter server is not shared. This means, for instance, robot_description loaded by robotics application on a device (for use by robot_state_publisher) will not be available to Gazebo simulation running on the cloud (to spawn URDF model). Since such parameters that need to be shared are not modified after being set, both simulation launch files and application launch files can set them for their respective ROS masters. Controller parameters are another example besides robot_description.

Accounting for network delays while communicating over the internet

When communicating over the public internet through ROS interfaces, communication can incur significant delays. The delays may or may not affect simulation and robotics applications, depending on how tolerant application is towards these delays. The following ways can be used to account for such delays:

  • Have low QoS for high-frequency topics like /clock. It is the default value when enabling simulation for an executable.

  • Run Gazebo at a slower speed by reducing real-time factors (which in turn reduces /clock frequency). This can be done by modifying max_step_size and real_time_update_rate to decrease the real-time factor. In gzclient, these are updated by selecting Physics in the World tab. Or, in SDF world file, they can be updated in <physics> tag. The following changes in SDF world file will reduce the real-time factor from 1 (the default) to 0.5, thus running Gazebo simulation at half the normal speed:

<physics type='ode'>
  <real_time_update_rate>100</real_time_update_rate>  <!-- default: 1000   -->
  <max_step_size>0.005</max_step_size>                <!-- default: 0.001  -->
  <real_time_factor>0.5</real_time_factor>            <!-- default: 1      -->
  • Use /gazebo/pub_clock_frequency parameter to manually set Gazebo's /clock publish frequency. Keep in mind this does not slow down the simulation and only lowers /clock’s frequency, which might not be ideal for time-sensitive applications. By default, it’s 1000Hz. It can be set to a lower value in a simulation launch file, like so:
<param name="/gazebo/pub_clock_frequency" value="500" />
  • If a ROS package provides parameters to modify tolerance for message delays, then they might help too. For instance, costmap_2d has a parameter transform_tolerance for message delays.

If none of this helps and sharing ROS master is the only way, then simulation and the application must be run in the same Package Component.

{{% notice info %}} Follow the sample walkthrough: Basic Simulation {{% /notice %}}