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#100Devs Asset Manager

A collection of various scripts and data structures that I use to manage #100Devs content.

Why aren't the assets here?

The actual assets aren't mine to distribute, therefore I'm not distributing them, but instead the scripts to manage them.

Asset Structure

Assets are grouped into directories above the one the script is located in, named the date of the stream, including both Office Hours & normal Classes.

    • chat.json
    • *.mp4
    • links
    • markers
    • captions
      • *.vtt
      • *.txt
  • 100devs-asset-manager
    • You are here

Asset Types

Not all of these files exist for each stream, and the streams are differentiated by the day of the week they're listed as - Office Hours are only on Sunday, all other days are Classes.

For Office Hours not on Sundays, they can be marked by creating a is-office-hours file to the directory

Office Hours

Office Hours do not contain a captions directory,


Classes do not contain a *.mp4 video.


chat.json is a concatenated JSON containing all of the Twitch chat messages, straight from the Twitch API itself.

You can obtain this JSON however you wish, but Twitch VOD Chat Downloader is the only one guaranteed to work.

Requires two environment variables to be set:


This is the downloaded Office Hours video, downloaded as the Office Hours are not being archived on YouTube, therefore are no longer available 60 days after their broadcast date.

The command

yt-dlp -f 1080p60

is used to download the video.


links is a simple :-delimited mapping of Names to URLs.

At minimum every stream contains a Twitch and Discord URL.

Classes can additionally have Tweet, Slides, YouTube, and YouTube Comment.

In the rare occasion that a link would usually be expected for the stream yet is not available, leaving it blank is an option.

YouTube links support the &t= parameter to include the offset between the start of the Twitch VOD and the start of the YouTube video.


markers is a two-column tab-delimited document containing the D:H:M:S of a marker, and the name of a marker.

These can be created manually, though Twitch User Markers is what's used to generated these, as it has an export in this exact format.

There are some marker keywords that hold significance:

  • #00
    • The Slide of that number appearing on screen.
  • Question of the Day
    • Question of the Day was asked
  • ... X Started / ... X Ended
    • Mark the beginnings & endings of events, can be suffixed after contextual information
  • Raiding X
    • The name of the Twitch streamer that was raided


This contains the captions from YouTube, first as generated by the

yt-dlp --write-auto-sub --sub-lang en --skip-download YOUTUBE_LINK

command, and then as generated by this vtt-to-txt Python script.

Requires the path of the script to be provided to the VTT_TO_TXT_ABSOLUTE_PATH environment variable.


There are various scripts, some for querying, others for transforming existing content, and a few for validating existing data.

As this project is written in TypeScript, you'll need to first execute npm run build to generate the JS these scripts execute.


Performs searching of almost all assets:

  • markers
  • links
  • captions
  • chat.json
  • Slides Text

for keywords, showing the highlighted content along with a link to the video when the content appeared.


Automates the creation of a new asset, asking for the date, Twitch link, and lastly the Discord link.


Automates the updating of assets, from simply opening up the text files for manual updating, to automatically download additional assets.


Validates the assets for each stream, performing a number of checks on each stream:

  • Expected assets exist
  • markers contains no blank lines
  • All events are in pairs and ordered correctly
  • Slide marker text is actually on the Slide
  • Chat is for this stream
  • Chat is complete


Converts an absolutely-written markers file to a relative one.

An absolutely-written markers is one that has a first line of the literal time the content started, and the conversion removes that much time from all of the following D:H:M:S timestamps.


Generates the text of a YouTube comment from a chosen class markers, primarily by only a subset of all markers:

  • Slide Markers
  • Event Markers
  • Question of the Day

Writes it to youtube-comment for easy copying.


Generates Discord messages of the chosen class markers, specifically surrounds the text in a XYZ, and ensures each message does not go over the message character limit.

Writes the comments to discord-message.00 files.


Generates and updates a Google Sheet with the linked timestamps, slide markers, and raiding channels.

Requires a credentials.json desktop credentials, and the GOOGLE_SPREADSHEET_ID set to the ID of the Google Spreadsheet.

In addition, expects the template worksheet to be named Template, and will populate a 3xN area of cells ranging from A3:CN


Updates manually-generated YouTube comments with the current text they should contain.

Requires a credentials.json desktop credentials, along with YOUTUBE_EMAIL and YOUTUBE_PASSWORD of the account that created the comments.


View all markers of the same type across classes


Generate textual differences between the slide markers and the slide text the marker is marking


No description, website, or topics provided.






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