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Commands: Patches: How to use JavaScript to patch your documents?

Patch command is used to perform partial document updates without having to load, modify, and save a full document. This is usually useful for updating denormalized data in entities.


{CODE:java patch_1@ClientApi\Commands\Patches\ /}


{CODE:java /}

Methods, objects and variables

Before we will move to the examples, let's look at the methods, objects, and variables available:

| ------ |:------:| ------ | | __document_id | variable | Id for current document | | this | object | Current document (with metadata) | | LoadDocument(key) | method | Allows document loading, increases maximum number of allowed steps in script. See Raven/AdditionalStepsForScriptBasedOnDocumentSize here. | | PutDocument(key, data, metadata) | method | Allows document putting, returns generated key | | IncreaseNumberOfAllowedStepsBy(number) | method | Will increase the maximum allowed number of steps in script by given value. Only available if Raven/AllowScriptsToAdjustNumberOfSteps is set to true. | | _ | object | Lo-Dash 4.13.1 | | trim() | string.prototype | trims the string e.g. this.FirstName.trim() | | output(...) | method | Allows debug your patch, prints passed messages in output tab | | indexOf(...) | Array.prototype | wrapper for _.indexOf | | filter(...) | Array.prototype | wrapper for _.filter | | Map(...) | Array.prototype | wrapper for | | Where(...) | Array.prototype | wrapper for _.filter | | RemoveWhere(...) | Array.prototype | wrapper for _.remove returning Array for easier chaining | | Remove(...) | Array.prototype | wrapper for _.pull returning Array for easier chaining |

Custom functions

Beside built-in functions, custom ones can be introduced. Please visit this page if you want to know how to add custom functions.

Example I

{CODE:java patch_2@ClientApi\Commands\Patches\ /}

Example II

{CODE:java patch_3@ClientApi\Commands\Patches\ /}

Example III

{CODE:java patch_4@ClientApi\Commands\Patches\ /}

Example IV

{CODE:java patch_5@ClientApi\Commands\Patches\ /}

Example V

{CODE:java patch_6@ClientApi\Commands\Patches\ /}

Example VI

{CODE:java patch_7@ClientApi\Commands\Patches\ /}

Example VII

{CODE:java patch_8@ClientApi\Commands\Patches\ /}

Example VIII

{CODE:java patch_9@ClientApi\Commands\Patches\ /}

Example IX

{CODE:java patch_1_0@ClientApi\Commands\Patches\ /}

Example X

{CODE:java patch_1_1@ClientApi\Commands\Patches\ /}

Example XI

{CODE:java patch_1_2@ClientApi\Commands\Patches\ /}

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