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File metadata and controls

135 lines (109 loc) · 4.75 KB

Scafolding with RawPHP console

This is a way to create model, controller and view files with a single command from your console


To use the RawPHP console, make sure you have the latest version of RawPHP with console features. To confirm, check if your root folder has a sub folder named /bin . /bin should be on the same folder level with /app , /config etc. If /bin exits, you can then proceed.

If /bin folder doesn't exist in your root folder, you can clone this repository to your computer. Then copy the /bin folder from the cloned repository into your current project. Then update the composer.json file in your root folder with the settings below. Inside the composer.json, find and change:

    	"psr-4": {
    		"App\\": "app"

to look like this :

    	"psr-4": {
    		"App\\": "app",
    		"Make\\": "bin/src/"

Secondly, add "symfony/console": "^3.3" to the bottom of the require: list in the same composer.json file. Your require: list now looks like this:

 "require": {
      "php": ">=5.5.0",
      "pimple/pimple": "^3.0",
      "psr/http-message": "^1.0",
      "nikic/fast-route": "^1.0",
      "container-interop/container-interop": "^1.2",
      "psr/container": "^1.0",
      "slim/slim": "^3.8",
      "slim/twig-view": "^2.2",
      "illuminate/database": "^5.4",
      "respect/validation": "^1.1",
      "slim/csrf": "^0.8.1",
      "slim/flash": "^0.2.0",
      "cakephp/orm": "^3.4",
      "symfony/console": "^3.3"

Finally, run these two commands in your command prompt:

  • composer install
  • composer dump-autoload

That's it, the below should then work for you.

Using the console

To use the console, you have to open a command prompt from inside the /bin folder. The first command you should run is: php raw . If it throws errors, then your RawPHP is not setup correctly. If your RawPHP console was setup correctly, it will display something like the below:


RawPHP console commands create sample models, views and controller files that you can then modify to suit your purpose, hence saving you lots of time

Naming conventions

RawPHP follows standard naming conventions, that is, there are certain names you must name your files in order to leverage RawPHP's power:

Database naming convention

Your database tables must all be in smallcaps andin plural, multiple words should be joined with an underscore. The below are valid names:

  • customer_accounts
  • posts
  • books

Model naming convention

Your models must be singular and Capitalized, multiple words are camel cased. Below are examples of corresponding models for the above tables:

  • CustomerAccount
  • Post
  • Book

Controller naming convention

Your controller names must be capitalized, plural and must end with the Controller suffix. Multiple words are camel cased. Below are examples of corresponding controllers for the above models

  • CustomerAccountsController
  • PostsController
  • BooksController

Views naming convention

Your view folder should bear the same name as your database table and must be named in the same way - small caps and plural. The view files should bear the same name as their corresponding controller methods. Below are examples

  • /customer_accounts folder may contain the following files
  • add.twig
  • create.twig
  • checkIfCustomerAccountIsActive.twig

Creating Models

The code to create a model looks like the below:

php raw make:model <name of model>

Here is an example of a command to create a model for a table named posts table.

php raw make:model Post

A model file will be created in app/Models/Post.php . You then have to open the file in your editor and adjust it to suit your need.

Creating Controllers

The code to create a model looks like the below:

php raw make:model <name of controller>

Here is an example of a command to create a model for a table named posts table.

php raw make:model PostsController

A model file will be created in app/Controllers/PostsController.php . You then have to open the file in your editor and adjust it to suit your need.

Creating Views

The code to create a model looks like the below:

php raw make:model <name of view folder>

Here is an example of a command to create a model for a table named posts table.

php raw make:model posts

A model file will be created in resources/views/posts/ . Four view files will be created in there add.twig, edit.twig, view.twig and index.twig You then have to open the files in your editor and adjust it to suit your need.