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Training in Tune (tune.Trainable,

Training can be done with either a Function API (:func:` <>`) or Class API (:ref:`tune.Trainable <tune-trainable-docstring>`).

For the sake of example, let's maximize this objective function:

.. literalinclude:: /tune/doc_code/
    :language: python
    :start-after: __example_objective_start__
    :end-before: __example_objective_end__

Function Trainable API

Use the Function API to define a custom training function that Tune runs in Ray actor processes. Each trial is placed into a Ray actor process and runs in parallel.

The config argument in the function is a dictionary populated automatically by Ray Tune and corresponding to the hyperparameters selected for the trial from the :ref:`search space <tune-key-concepts-search-spaces>`.

With the Function API, you can report intermediate metrics by simply calling :func:` <>` within the function.

.. literalinclude:: /tune/doc_code/
    :language: python
    :start-after: __function_api_report_intermediate_metrics_start__
    :end-before: __function_api_report_intermediate_metrics_end__


Do not use :func:` <>` within a Trainable class.

In the previous example, we reported on every step, but this metric reporting frequency is configurable. For example, we could also report only a single time at the end with the final score:

.. literalinclude:: /tune/doc_code/
    :language: python
    :start-after: __function_api_report_final_metrics_start__
    :end-before: __function_api_report_final_metrics_end__

It's also possible to return a final set of metrics to Tune by returning them from your function:

.. literalinclude:: /tune/doc_code/
    :language: python
    :start-after: __function_api_return_final_metrics_start__
    :end-before: __function_api_return_final_metrics_end__

Note that Ray Tune outputs extra values in addition to the user reported metrics, such as iterations_since_restore. See :ref:`tune-autofilled-metrics` for an explanation of these values.

See how to configure checkpointing for a function trainable :ref:`here <tune-function-trainable-checkpointing>`.

Class Trainable API


Do not use :func:` <>` within a Trainable class.

The Trainable class API will require users to subclass ray.tune.Trainable. Here's a naive example of this API:

.. literalinclude:: /tune/doc_code/
    :language: python
    :start-after: __class_api_example_start__
    :end-before: __class_api_example_end__

As a subclass of tune.Trainable, Tune will create a Trainable object on a separate process (using the :ref:`Ray Actor API <actor-guide>`).

  1. setup function is invoked once training starts.
  2. step is invoked multiple times. Each time, the Trainable object executes one logical iteration of training in the tuning process, which may include one or more iterations of actual training.
  3. cleanup is invoked when training is finished.

The config argument in the setup method is a dictionary populated automatically by Tune and corresponding to the hyperparameters selected for the trial from the :ref:`search space <tune-key-concepts-search-spaces>`.


As a rule of thumb, the execution time of step should be large enough to avoid overheads (i.e. more than a few seconds), but short enough to report progress periodically (i.e. at most a few minutes).

You'll notice that Ray Tune will output extra values in addition to the user reported metrics, such as iterations_since_restore. See :ref:`tune-autofilled-metrics` for an explanation/glossary of these values.

See how to configure checkpoint for class trainable :ref:`here <tune-class-trainable-checkpointing>`.

Advanced: Reusing Actors in Tune


This feature is only for the Trainable Class API.

Your Trainable can often take a long time to start. To avoid this, you can do tune.TuneConfig(reuse_actors=True) (which is taken in by Tuner) to reuse the same Trainable Python process and object for multiple hyperparameters.

This requires you to implement Trainable.reset_config, which provides a new set of hyperparameters. It is up to the user to correctly update the hyperparameters of your trainable.

class PytorchTrainable(tune.Trainable):
    """Train a Pytorch ConvNet."""

    def setup(self, config):
        self.train_loader, self.test_loader = get_data_loaders()
        self.model = ConvNet()
        self.optimizer = optim.SGD(
            lr=config.get("lr", 0.01),
            momentum=config.get("momentum", 0.9))

    def reset_config(self, new_config):
        for param_group in self.optimizer.param_groups:
            if "lr" in new_config:
                param_group["lr"] = new_config["lr"]
            if "momentum" in new_config:
                param_group["momentum"] = new_config["momentum"]

        self.model = ConvNet()
        self.config = new_config
        return True

Comparing Tune's Function API and Class API

Here are a few key concepts and what they look like for the Function and Class API's.

Concept Function API Class API
Training Iteration Increments on each call Increments on each Trainable.step call
Report metrics Return metrics from Trainable.step
Saving a checkpoint, checkpoint=checkpoint) Trainable.save_checkpoint
Loading a checkpoint train.get_checkpoint() Trainable.load_checkpoint
Accessing config Passed as an argument def train_func(config): Passed through Trainable.setup

Advanced Resource Allocation

Trainables can themselves be distributed. If your trainable function / class creates further Ray actors or tasks that also consume CPU / GPU resources, you will want to add more bundles to the :class:`PlacementGroupFactory` to reserve extra resource slots. For example, if a trainable class requires 1 GPU itself, but also launches 4 actors, each using another GPU, then you should use :func:`tune.with_resources <ray.tune.with_resources>` like this:

 tuner = tune.Tuner(
     tune.with_resources(my_trainable, tune.PlacementGroupFactory([
         {"CPU": 1, "GPU": 1},
         {"GPU": 1},
         {"GPU": 1},
         {"GPU": 1},
         {"GPU": 1}

The Trainable also provides the default_resource_requests interface to automatically declare the resources per trial based on the given configuration.

It is also possible to specify memory ("memory", in bytes) and custom resource requirements.

.. currentmodule:: ray

Function API

For reporting results and checkpoints with the function API, see the :ref:`Ray Train utilities <train-loop-api>` documentation.

Trainable (Class API)


.. autosummary::
    :toctree: doc/


Trainable Methods to Implement

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: doc/


Tune Trainable Utilities

Tune Data Ingestion Utilities

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: doc/


Tune Resource Assignment Utilities

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: doc/


Tune Trainable Debugging Utilities

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: doc/
