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Get Started with DeepSpeed

The ~ray.train.torch.TorchTrainer can help you easily launch your DeepSpeed training across a distributed Ray cluster.

Code example

You only need to run your existing training code with a TorchTrainer. You can expect the final code to look like this:

import deepspeed
from deepspeed.accelerator import get_accelerator

def train_func(config):
    # Instantiate your model and dataset
    model = ...
    train_dataset = ...
    eval_dataset = ...
    deepspeed_config = {...} # Your Deepspeed config

    # Prepare everything for distributed training
    model, optimizer, train_dataloader, lr_scheduler = deepspeed.initialize(

    # Define the GPU device for the current worker
    device = get_accelerator().device_name(model.local_rank)

    # Start training

from ray.train.torch import TorchTrainer
from ray.train import ScalingConfig

trainer = TorchTrainer(

Below is a simple example of ZeRO-3 training with DeepSpeed only.

Example with Ray Data

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Example with PyTorch DataLoader

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To run DeepSpeed with pure PyTorch, you don't need to provide any additional Ray Train utilities like ~ray.train.torch.prepare_model or ~ray.train.torch.prepare_data_loader in your training funciton. Instead, keep using deepspeed.initialize() as usual to prepare everything for distributed training.

Run DeepSpeed with other frameworks

Many deep learning frameworks have integrated with DeepSpeed, including Lightning, Transformers, Accelerate, and more. You can run all these combinations in Ray Train.

Check the below examples for more details:

Framework Example
Accelelate (User Guide <train-hf-accelerate>) Fine-tune Llama-2 series models with Deepspeed, Accelerate, and Ray Train.
Transformers (User Guide <train-pytorch-transformers>) Fine-tune GPT-J-6b with DeepSpeed and Hugging Face Transformers <gptj_deepspeed_finetune>
Lightning (User Guide <train-pytorch-lightning>) Fine-tune vicuna-13b with DeepSpeed and PyTorch Lightning <vicuna_lightning_deepspeed_finetuning>