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My assistant, a nodejs API powered by chatGPT, nodejs and mongoDB

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This is a simple API powered by chat-gpt that allows you to ask GPT-5 questions and get a response locally in your dev-environment. It use custom functions that define routes for an Express.js server. The Authenticate function is defining a route for a POST request to the /api/auth endpoint, which is used to generate a JSON web token (JWT) using the generateJWTToken function and the authorization header of the request. The AskGPT function is defining a route for a POST request to the /raybags/ask-me endpoint, which is used to validate a JWT using the validateJWTToken function, then call the GPT_5 function with the question from the request body, and finally save the result to the GPT_RESPONSE model and return the response. The GetPaginatedResults function is defining a route for a GET request to the /historical-data endpoint, which is used to retrieve paginated results from the GPT_RESPONSE model. The GetAll function is defining a route for a GET request to the /historical-data-all endpoint, which is used to retrieve all the results from the GPT_RESPONSE model. The other functions are providing similar functionality for other endpoints




Generates a JSON web token (JWT) using the authorization header of the request.



Validates a JWT using the authorization header, then calls the GPT_5 function with the question from the request body, and finally save the result to the GPT_RESPONSE model in mongodb and return the response.



Get paginated results:

?page=page-number ie. ?page=1

For all results.


Get one item based on its id





Handles unsupported routes.


Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Install the dependencies:
npm install
  1. Start the server:
npm start
  1. Test the endpoints using a tool like Postman or curl.

Built With

  • Express.js - The web framework used
  • Node.js - The JavaScript runtime
  • Jest - The testing framework
  • Mongoose - The MongoDB object modeling tool and Database


  1. Build docker image
docker build -t my-wizard-chat-gpt .
  1. Run Docker container
docker run -p 8080:4200 my-wizard-chat-gpt
  1. You can pull the image from docker hub with
docker pull revraymondbaguma/wizard-chat:1.0.0

This will start the server inside the Docker container and map it to port 8080 on your local machine


This project is powered by chatGPT


My assistant, a nodejs API powered by chatGPT, nodejs and mongoDB






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