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Frontend Routes and Components

rayoowoo edited this page Jul 28, 2019 · 31 revisions

Component Hierachy

  • Root
    • App
      • NavBar
        • NavSearch
      • main components

Routes for Main Components


  • SessionForm if not logged in
  • NewsFeed if logged in
    • NewsFeedSideNav
    • NewsFeedMain
      • PostForm
      • PostIndex
        • PostItem
          • PostContent
          • PostMenu
          • CommentsIndex
            • CommentItem
            • CommentMenu
          • CommentForm


  • Profile
    • ProfilePictureArea
      • CoverPicture
        • CoverPictureForm
      • ProfilePicture
        • ProfilePictureForm
    • ProfileNav
      • ProfileNavItem
    • ProfileSideBar
      • ProfileIntro
        • ProfileIntroBio
          • ProfileIntroInformation
        • ProfileFriends
          • ProfileFriendIndex
            • ProfileFriendItem
    • ProfileTimeline
      • ProfilePostForm
      • ProfilePostIndex
        • ProfilePostItem



  • Profile
    • ProfileSideBar
      • ProfilePhotos
        • ProfilePhotoIndex
          • ProfilePhotoIndexItem


  • About
    • UserInformation
      • UserInformationSideNav
      • UserInformationMain
    • AboutFriendIndex
    • AboutPhotoIndex


  • FriendSearch
  • FriendIndex
    • FriendItem


  • PhotoIndex
    • PhotoItem
  • PhotosForm


  • PostItem
    • PostContent
    • PostMenu
    • CommentsIndex
      • CommentItem
        • CommentMenu
    • CommentForm


  • FriendRequestsIndex
    • FriendRequestsIndexItem


  • NotificationIndex
    • NotificationItem


  • Settings
    • SettingsSideNav
    • SettingsMain
      • SettingsMainItem
      • SettingsForm