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MVP List

rayoowoo edited this page Jul 29, 2019 · 7 revisions

AssembledFaces, a Facebook clone, is a social media platform that allows users to connect with friends, post statuses, share photos and videos, join social groups with other users, and chat with other users. Posted statuses, shared photos and videos, group memberships can be commented on, liked, or shared by other users. In addition, users can tag their friends in the photos that they or their friends upload.

Hosting on Heroku

(July 30, 1 day)

New account creation, login, and guest/demo login

(July 31, 1 day)

  • Users can sign up with an email and a password, sign in with a valid email and password, as well as sign out when already logged in.
  • Users can use a demo login and password to explore the website using a demo account.
  • Users should not be able to view any pages or perform any actions without being logged.

**** AWS


(August 1, 2 days)

  • Profiles have a profile picture and a cover picture at the top, along with the user's name.
  • Users have the ability to edit the content on their profile page, by updating their information in the database.
  • Users are able to post text, photos/videos, or tag friends from the top of the profile page, that posts onto their profile directly (known as the timeline).
  • Profiles have a bio aside listing some important details, such as current city and workplace.
  • Profiles display some photos that the user has uploaded, and a link for all their photos. There should also be a way to upload photo albums here (users-added photos and videos may not be implemented).
  • Profiles display a list of recently added friends, and have a link for all their friends.


(August 3, 2 day)

  • Users can establish a friendship with another user via a friend request, which the requested user must accept.
  • Friended users can view one another's timelines, and also can tag one another in timeline posts.
  • Users have the option of unfriending another user without the other user's permission.
  • Posts made by the friends appear on the user's new feed.
  • A whole page is dedicated to friend requests, both sent and received.

Comments/posting on each others' timelines

(August 5, 2 days)

  • Users can post on a friend's timeline, but not a user who is not a friend. Users can post text or photos/videos.
  • Users can comment on posts on their own timelines, or on a friend's timelines.
  • Users will be notified when a friend has commented on a post they made.

News Feed

(August 7, 2 day)

  • The news feed is the landing page upon logging in or signing up for the first time.
  • The news feed contain posts of text or photos/videos made by the user or the user's friends.
  • Users can post additional text or photos/videos directly at the top of the news feed.
  • Users can comment on any post on the news feed.

Production README

(August 9, 0.5 days)

BONUS: Notifications

  • Notifications should be a dropdown on the navbar.
  • All notifications are collected into one dropdown; these include friend requests, friend acceptances, friends posting on the user's timeline, friends commenting on the user's posts, and any likes.
  • Notifications are considered "read" when the dropdown is opened.

BONUS: Likes, Comments on a comment

  • Users can like any post made by the user or the user's friends.
  • Users can comment on any comment made by the user or the user's friends.


  • Groups
  • Instant Messaging
  • A user can have only one profile picture and one cover picture for now. If there's time, a user can have multiple, and photos can have albums.
  • Users will have albums, and albums will have pictures.