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Commands & Permissions

Peter Blood edited this page Sep 27, 2020 · 9 revisions

In order to set up permissions on a Bukkit/Spigot server, you will need a permissions plugin. I STRONGLY recommend LuckPerms (see the LuckPerms wiki for instructions on how to use it).



All user commands require the decoheads.use permission.


Aliased to /dh. The user command for DecoHeads. Opens the category selector if no arguments are supplied.

/decoheads <page #>

Opens the heads menu to a specific page. (deprecated)

/decoheads search|find <query>

Searches for a specific head based on name.

/decoheads get <username>

Permission: decoheads.use.custom

Gets the head of the player with the given username.


All admin commands require the decoheads.admin permission.


Permission: decoheads.admin

Aliased to /dha. The admin command for DecoHeads.

/decoheadsadmin reload

Permission: decoheads.admin.reload

Reloads the DecoHeads config files.

/decoheadsadmin settings

Permission: decoheads.admin.settings

Opens the settings editor GUI.

/decoheadsadmin editor

Permission: decoheads.admin.editor

Opens the head editor GUI.

/decoheadsadmin add <name> <category> [cost]

Permission: decoheads.admin.add

Adds the head you're currently holding in your hand as a custom head in the given category, with the optional given cost.

Warning: if this command fails, it may be because the server has yet to cache the skin of the skull. An easy way to fix this is to place the head on the ground, toss out the item in your hand, and then pick it up again.

/decoheadsadmin remove <name>

Permission: decoheads.admin.remove

Removes the head with the given name from DecoHeads.

/decoheadsadmin disable <name>

Permission: decoheads.admin.disable

Disables the head with the given name from being purchased or obtained.

/decoheadsadmin enable <name>

Permission: decoheads.admin.enable

Allows the head with the given name to be purchased or obtained again.



Gives you access to a certain category. Category names are: food, tech, letters, mini-blocks, household-items, colors, mobs, characters, pokemon, flags, emoji, misc.

Use decoheads.category.* to give access to all categories.


Gives you access to a certain head. The permission is the name of the head in all lower case, with all spaces and special characters replaced with -.

Use decoheads.head.* to give access to all heads.<name>

Allows you to get the head with the given name for free. The permission is the name of the head in all lower case, with all spaces and special characters replaced with -. (Same as above)

Use* to make all heads free. (not necessary if economy mode is disabled or default price is free)