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File metadata and controls

72 lines (63 loc) · 2.77 KB

+++ title = "Hooks" date = 2021-11-27T19:54:29+08:00 featured = false comment = true toc = true reward = true categories = [ "Hook" ] tags = [ ] series = [ "Docs" ] images = [] aliases = [ "/en/posts/hooks", "/en/docs/hooks" ] authors = ["RazonYang"] [menu.footer] parent = "docs" weight = 6 +++

As a flexible theme, it should have the ability to customize code and integrate third-party services. Therefore, we brought a feature called hook.

In this article, we will introduce all hooks and provide some use cases.


Hook Description
head-end Before the <head> end
body-begin Follow the <body>
body-end Before the <body> end
main-begin Above of the <main>
main-end Follow the <main>
list-begin Above of the posts list
list-end Follow the posts list
sidebar-begin At very top of the sidebar
sidebar-end Before the sidebar end
content-begin Above of the post content
content-end Follow the post content
comments-begin Above of the comments
comments-end Follow the comments
footer-begin At very top of the footer
footer-end Before the footer end
post-panel-begin At very top of the post panel
post-panel-end Before the post panel end
docs/sidebar-begin At very top of the docs sidebar
docs/sidebar-end Before the docs sidebar end
docs/nav-begin At very top of the navigation
docs/nav-end Before the navigation end
contact/form-field-begin At very top of the contact form field
contact/form-field-end Before the contact form field end
search/sidebar-begin At very top of the search sidebar
search/sidebar-end Before the search sidebar end


It's easy to use a hook, what you need to do is that create an HTML file with the same name as hook in the layouts/partials/hooks directory.

Let's take sidebar-begin as an example:

echo '<section class="row card component text-center"><div class="card-body">SIDEBAR BEGIN</div></section>' \
  > layouts/partials/hooks/sidebar-begin.html