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File metadata and controls

42 lines (38 loc) · 1.21 KB

+++ title = "配置" date = 2021-11-27T19:53:24+08:00 featured = false comment = true toc = true reward = true pinned = false categories = [ "配置" ] tags = [ ] series = [ "文檔" ] images = [] navWeight = 990 authors = ["RazonYang"] +++

站點配置文件默認為 config/_default/config.toml

名稱 類型 默認值 說明
title String - 站點標題
baseURL String - 站點 URL
copyright String - 站點版權。{year} 占位符會被替換為當前年份。
defaultContentLanguage String en
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir Boolean false
paginate Integer 10
paginatePath String page
enableRobotsTXT Boolean true
disqusShortname String - [Disqus]({{< ref "/docs/widgets/comments#disqus" >}}) shortname。
services Object -
services.googleAnalytics Object - Google Analytics, supports GA4 only.
services.googleAnalytics.ID String - Measurement ID.
author Object - [作者小部件]({{< ref "/docs/widgets/author" >}})。

請參閱 All Configuration Settings