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File metadata and controls

363 lines (325 loc) · 10.8 KB

Up and Running With Collagen


Collagen is a program that takes as input a folder containing zero or more image files (.jpeg, .png, etc.) and a JSON manifest file describing the layout of these images along with SVG components such as shapes and text, and produces as output a single SVG file with all assets embedded.

This allows a user to combine several graphics into a single file that can be displayed as an image without compromising on visual quality or file size.[1]

Using Collagen

The input to Collagen is a folder containing at the very least a collagen.json manifest file describing the layout of the resulting SVG. If the manifest specifies any image files (by their path relative to the folder), then those image files must also be present at the expected path in the folder. An input folder satisfying these criteria will be referred to as a skeleton.

A Basic Example

An example of a simple input-output pair is below. Suppose you have the following simple skeleton at directory example-01:

├── collagen.json
└── images
    └── smiley.jpg

Where images/smiley.jpg is the following image (whose native size is 380×380 pixels):


And where collagen.json contains the following:

  "vars": { (1)
    "bubble_text": "Collagen!!",
    "nose_color": "#f00",
    "text_color": "#000"
  "attrs": { "viewBox": "0 0 500 400" },
  "children": [
      "image_path": "images/smiley.jpg", (2)
      "attrs": { "transform": "translate(0 100) scale(1.3)" }
      "tag": "circle", (3)
      "attrs": {
        "cx": 123,
        "cy": 240,
        "r": 15,
        "fill": "{nose_color}",
        "stroke": "#000",
        "stroke-width": 3
      "tag": "path",
      "attrs": {
        "d": "M 230 140 L 265 120 A 100 40 0 1 0 235 110 Z",
        "stroke": "#000",
        "stroke-width": 3,
        "fill": "#fff"
      "tag": "text",
      "text": "{bubble_text}", (4)
      "attrs": {
        "x": 250,
        "y": 97,
        "text-anchor": "start",
        "dominant-baseline": "top",
        "font-family": "Impact",
        "font-size": 30,
        "fill": "{text_color}"
  1. A dictionary of variables. In text and attrs values, variables enclosed in curly brackets will have their value substituted. For example, if vars contains values for dx and dy, then a translation could be applied with "transform": "translate({dx} {dy})". If a child’s vars doesn’t contain a variable that the child needs the value of, the variable’s value will be looked up by walking up the list of ancestors until the root is reached (i.e., variable scopes are nested).

  2. To include an image, just give its relative path.

  3. Most other tags are specified with the tag field, which contains the name of the SVG tag to use.

  4. If a tag has a text field, the given text will be the content of the tag, as in <text>your text here</text>.

Then, running the following command:[2]

cargo run -- -i example-01 -o example-01.svg

Will produce the following file, examples-01.svg:


If you zoom in, you’ll see the smiley face’s pixels. But because the nose and speech bubble are SVG elements (i.e., vector graphics, not raster) they look nice and smooth and crisp even when zoomed in. That’s the whole point! Perfectly precise vector graphics can coexist alongside raster graphics. (This simple example shows just one image, but of course we could include arbitrarily many by simply adding more children of the form {"image_path": <path>}.)

A More Complicated Example

As we’ve seen, we can include raster images in skeletons; it would be silly if we couldn’t also include other skeletons! Nested skeletons can be included by adding a child of the form {"clgn_path": <path>}. (Whereas a standalone skeleton gets turned into a <svg> tag, a nested skeleton will reside in a <g> tag.) Let’s include the above skeleton in another (and just for fun, let’s add a photo of a kitten (source) too, because why not):

├── collagen.json
├── example-01
│   ├── collagen.json
│   └── images
│       └── smiley.jpg
└── kitty.jpg

Where example-02/collagen.json is below:

  "attrs": { "viewBox": "0 0 300 250" },
  "children": [
      "tag": "rect",
      "attrs": {
        "x": "10",
        "y": "10",
        "width": "275",
        "height": "225",
        "fill": "#ddd",
        "stroke": "#00f",
        "stroke-width": "10",
        "stroke-dasharray": "10 10"
      "tag": "g",
      "attrs": { "transform": "translate(50 25) scale(.5)" },
      "children": [
          "clgn_path": "./example-01"
      "image_path": "./kitty.jpg",
      "attrs": { "transform": "translate(180 150) scale(.15)" }

Here’s the result when you run cargo run -- -i example-02 -o example-02.svg:


So, as far as Collagen is concerned, skeletons act more or less the same as raster images, in the sense that the path is sufficient to include them. The only difference is that the path to a skeleton child is given by the key clgn_path instead of image_path.


A format that makes it easy to place text on images? Sounds like it would be perfect for memes.

  "attrs": { "viewBox": "0 0 800 650" },
  "children": [
      "fonts": [
          "name": "Impact",
          "path": "./impact.woff2" (1)
      "image_path": "./drake-small.jpg",
      "attrs": {
        "width": 800
      "vars": {
        "x": 550,
        "dy": 50
      "tag": "text",
      "attrs": {
        "font-family": "Impact", (2)
        "font-size": 50,
        "color": "black",
        "text-anchor": "middle",
        "vertical-align": "top",
        "x": "{x}",
        "y": 420
      "children": [
          "tag": "tspan",
          "text": "Using SVG-based text,",
          "attrs": {
            "x": "{x}",
            "dy": 0

          "tag": "tspan",
          "text": "which is infinitely",
          "attrs": {
            "x": "{x}",
            "dy": "{dy}"
          "tag": "tspan",
          "text": "zoomable and has",
          "attrs": {
            "x": "{x}",
            "dy": "{dy}"
          "tag": "tspan",
          "text": "no artifacts",
          "attrs": {
            "x": "{x}",
            "dy": "{dy}"
  1. Hmm, why might we need the path to a woff2 file?

  2. It’s not a meme unless it uses the Impact font. But what if our device doesn’t have Impact on it? (iPhones don’t, for instance.)

example-03/collagen.json produces the following meme:


If you’re on a device that doesn’t include the Impact font (which includes iPhones, for one), you might wonder what magic occurred that made the bottom pane’s font show up correctly — as Impact and not, say, Times New Roman. After all, if the specified font-face is not available — and Impact is not available on iPhones — the browser will fall back to another font. So, for maximum portability, Collagen allows embedding fonts in SVGs — that’s how we got Impact to show up on devices that don’t have the font natively. Of course, if you stick to web-safe fonts or you know that the recipient has all the fonts you want to use, then you can just refer to the fonts by name and they’ll show up correctly. But if you want to use fonts that aren’t on the receiving device, then you can still get a portable file by embedding the font in the SVG.

For reference, here’s the file above but without the font embedded.

  "attrs": { "viewBox": "0 0 800 650" },
  "children": [ (1)
      "image_path": "./drake-small.jpg",
      "attrs": {
        "width": 800
      "vars": {
        "x": 550,
        "dy": 50
      "tag": "text",
      "attrs": {
        "font-family": "Impact",
        "font-size": 50,
        "color": "black",
        "text-anchor": "middle",
        "vertical-align": "top",
        "x": "{x}",
        "y": 420
      "children": [
          "tag": "tspan",
          "text": "Using SVG-based text,",
          "attrs": {
            "x": "{x}",
            "dy": 0

          "tag": "tspan",
          "text": "which is infinitely",
          "attrs": {
            "x": "{x}",
            "dy": "{dy}"
          "tag": "tspan",
          "text": "zoomable and has",
          "attrs": {
            "x": "{x}",
            "dy": "{dy}"
          "tag": "tspan",
          "text": "no artifacts",
          "attrs": {
            "x": "{x}",
            "dy": "{dy}"
  1. This time, we didn’t embed Impact.

Now, if you view the result in a desktop browser, it should look the same as above, but on a mobile device the font in the bottom pane might be Times New Roman (or some other fallback font) instead of Impact.


So it’s nice to be able to embed fonts (although it’s not great for the resulting file size…).

1. Technically base64 encoding data does increase its size by about a third. However, you don’t need to pay this cost when transmitting the file; you can transmit the raw components and then use Collagen to encode them into an SVG on the receiving end. In other words, Collagen is akin to compression such as gunzip: it allows a smaller payload to be transmitted as long as the receiving end can turn it back into something useful.
2. At some point cargo run -- will be replaced with an actual standalone executable clgn.